Succubus' Life in Another World

Chapter 17: Letters I can read, but the names are a bit…

Chapter 17: Letters I can read, but the names are a bit…


Basking in the sunlight pouring from the window, I wake up naturally. When was the last time I had such a pleasant morning? In the first place, in my past life, its either I sleep in the afternoon or I dont get a wink of sleep, so sleeping in the evening and then waking in the morning is really something I havent done in a while.

After escaping from the bandits hideout, I did all I could just to endure my hunger. And even when I was traveling with Grim March, I got too excited about camping in another world and ended up being watched over with gentle smiles, displaying an embarrassing childish behavior.

In the first place, it seems that a Nightmare like the Succubi doesnt truly need any sleep. Since my existence itself is half-dream, its the same for me whether Im awake or asleep. Naturally, if my body receives a certain amount of damage, Ill still need to rest to recover, so there will be times that I enter a dormant state. Still, if its just healing fatigue then I can recover overwhelmingly greater by eating someones Life Essence rather than sleeping,

Since the need to eat, sleep, and even sexual desires are all satisfied when eating Life Essence, Nightmares are really amazing creatures. Its not the three greatest desires, its the only greatest desire. Eros Only. Oops, I also have intellectual curiosity. Its not just eros. Rather, Im actually a Succubus now, but I still havent done anything erotic at all

The truth is, I still dont understand the feeling of wanting to eat Life Essence. If you ask me how, somehow I know. I get my partner aroused, and just suck it out. The problem is, I dont have that partner. Since I was a man before, I really dont feel like doing something like that with a guy. But on the other hand, forcing a girl into doing that is, umm, how do I say this, something that I dont really want to do.

In the first place, the girls Im acquainted with are just Lysha, who already has a lover, and the guild receptionist Petra, who I really dont really know much about. The disappointing Arisa? Feels like Im the one thats going to be eaten up, so no way.

Well, for now, I can substitute Life Essence with just eating and sleeping normally. I dont need to force myself to find someone. I may sound like a romanticist, but thats something I want to do with someone Im mutually in love with.

By the way, this inns called the Grey Cat Inn and as its name suggests, the owner of this inn is an old lady of the Grey Cat Ear-kin. The price is awfully reasonable being at six silver coins per night, the rooms clean and the food costs extra but is super delicious. The pot-au-feu like soup was so tasty that I ended up eating two servings of it last night. Though it was quite expensive at two silver coins per serving. Seems like theyre mainly profiting not from the inn itself, but from their delicious food.

Still, its impossible to stay here without buying their food. Why? Its because even now that delicious smell is still drifting from the first floors kitchen, stimulating my empty stomach. Dammit Youre too good at this, Owner.

I casually turned my clothes back to Magic Power, stripped naked, and used Wash Magic. As you may expect, its a magic used for washing but if you concentrate, you can use it even on your body, clothes, and basically everything. Maybe it can be even used on electrical appliances too, but since they dont exist here, theres no chance to try it out.

Owner, Morning! Breakfast please! Aye, Morning! Youre pretty lively today, Lily!

Equally lively, the owner replied to me with a loud energetic voice. I asked for her name yesterday but she just said Im just the inns owner so just call me that, okay! and didnt tell me. By the way, she has cat ears on the top of her head, but other than that her face looks human. Even her bodys mostly human too, the difference is probably just her having a tail. Seems like Cat Ear-kins are mostly no different from humans.

Mm~, smells good. Thanks for the meal!

The menu today is grilled fish, yesterdays pot-au-feu, and also some freshly baked bread. Its a usual trope in stories that the food in Another World is bad and stuff, but Im really thankful that its not the case in this world. Especially this pot-au-feu, the ingredients are just recycled leftovers from yesterday, but the changes in seasoning doesnt make it feel like leftovers at all. This sort of attention makes me feel extremely happy.

Lily, whatll you be doing today? Hmm~ I think Ill go to the guild and try taking some requests. I dont know a lot, so for now I feel like doing something. Ha ha ha! Thats good. People grow by going through things, after all! Still, youre a girl so dont go taking a lot of requests pointing to dangerous places, okay!

In the end, after having a second serving of soup and drinking an after-meal tea, I said so to the owner. It seems like the owner, whos encouraging and warning me at the same time, was actually a former adventurer and was a skilled B Ranker before she retired. Still, my bodys supposed to have a small eating capacity, but it seems like the food here really makes me overeat.

And so, I finally made it to the guild. Since Im at D Rank, I was looking at the D Rank Request Board but.

I cant understand a thing.

Its not that I cant understand the requests contents itself. Monster Subjugation, Herb Collection, and so on has the places, monsters, and such written at full detail. But the problem is, I dont know where any of those places are and just looking at the monsters names doesnt really give me any idea of what they look like or what to expect.

Hmmm~ Whats a Growleu? Is Ranpol a name of some kind of plant? A Growleu is a large wolf living in the Abyssal Forest, a Ranpol is a tree berry you can harvest in the same location. Hm? Whos that?

While I was groaning in front of the Request Board, someone spoke to me. Who could it be? I turned to look towards the voice and standing there was a dog-eared girl.

Im, Urania. Same as you, D Rank Mm? You know about me? Everyones talking about you. A Mage who made Magecraft Adviser Philip faint, they say.

I certainly did end up knocking him out, so I cant really deny that. I cant deny it, but it feels like somethings a bit different about that?

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