Sundering Nature

Volume 7 Chapter 31

Original and most updated translations are from volare. Please don’t read elsewhere and stop supporting theft.

TL: Zhao

Editing: Krisaia

Shao Xian felt embarrassed and humiliated at having a room that seemed completely neglected. With a sunken countenance, Sai Gao turned around at looked at the other rooms, all of which had a nicely-decorated door.

Li Yiming lifted the tablecloth and glanced inside. The inside of the room resembled a storage room more than anything else, as there were all kinds of clutter left inside. Aside from a plastic bench and a frameless mirror with dirt stains on it, there was nothing else suggesting at the room’s being suitable for make-up and off-stage preparations.

Li Yiming had his fair share of experience working as a temporary actor for shows, and he was rather familiar with such conditions backstage. However, Shao Xian was an invited guest, and although her fame did not compare to the rest of the cast, showing her the bare minimum of respect was the least the organizers could have done.

"Well, I’ve never been backstage before. I guess that’s just how things are." Shao Xian squeezed out a smile and walked toward the room despite the pungent smell of the bathroom and of mold. She had no time to mind the state of the room when there was little time left before the rehearsal.

"Don’t forget, you’re not alone," Sai Gao reminded her.

"I’m sorry for this," Shao Xian said as she stood in place. She did not think she had the right to ask Sai Gao and Li Yiming to endure the humiliation along with her.

"That’s not what Sai Gao means. He’s your manager. It’s his responsibility to take care of you." Li Yiming tapped on Shao Xian’s shoulder. Sai Gao and Li Yiming were well aware that this was far from being an accident. Someone was deliberately trying to kick Shao Xian into the dirt, most likely due to jealousy of her overnight success. After all, the path to fame was much steeper for many of the other stars invited to the music festival, and most of them likely resented the way by which Shao Xian had attained her status.

"But..." Shao Xian bit her lip. She was aware of the situation, but she opted to endure the treatment she received and hope for a better tomorrow.

"Let’s go look for a room ourselves then." Sai Gao suddenly turned around and walked down the hallway from which they came.

Li Yiming shook his head and followed. He was usually not the type of person who would fight back against established rules, since it was his opinion that obeying them would bringer long term success. However, for this particular music festival, there was much more at stake: all three of their lives depended on the outcome of the event, and he would do anything to ensure that they could make though it unscathed, including having a comfortable private space to discuss their plans.

"Hey, you there." Sai Gao yelled to a staff member who happened to walk past.

"What is it?" The staff member answered while dodging Sai Gao’s pressing gaze.

"Could you explain the situation of our resting room?" Sai Gao said, using his muscular appearance to intimidate the staff member.

"What resting room...?" The staff member was visibly scared.

"The one facing the bathroom," Sai Gao said in a glacial tone.

"The vice-director made the arrangements for that one. We didn’t have enough rooms, and you were the last ones in, so..." The staff member did not understand how someone who looked as feminine as Sai Gao could seem so menacing.

"Not enough rooms? Fine, we’ll look for one by ourselves. This one seems adequate." Sai Gao smiled coldly while looking at the room behind the staff member. Through the slit beneath the door, one could see that even the floor was covered with a colorful carpet.

"That room? Well..." The staff member laughed in derision as he expected Sai Gao to swallow his pride back down after a brief outburst, like the many who came before him.


However, Sai Gao suddenly delivered an explosive kick to the door, sending it flying away along with the lock and chips of wood.

"Are you crazy?" The staff member did not expect such an outburst from Sai Gao. The fact that the room belonged to Fang Shui’er made the situation even more disastrous than it should have been.

"This one seems nice enough. We’ll take it." Sai Gao disregarded the staff member and walked into the room. Shao Xian showed signs of hesitation, but after noticing Li Yiming’s indifference, she followed.

The staff member was completely powerless, unable to take any action against the three. He glanced at his watch and quickly ran outside to make a call — Fang Shui’er was going to arrive soon, and this was not a situation he could handle on his own.

"Don’t worry. Just focus on the performance and I’ll do the make-up for you." Sai Gao walked to the closet and put the performance outfit on the hangar before collapsing on the sofa.

After giving Shao Xian an encouraging pat on the shoulder, Li Yiming turned around and looked at the room. ’Wow... a massage chair, a bed, make-up station, fridge and snacks, and even a bathroom?’

"Are you sure?" Although Shao Xian had always trusted Sai Gao, the circumstance they found themselves in this time was nothing like any before.

"Leave the rest to your manager and assistant. Focus on preparing for the stage." Li Yiming smiled as he picked up an apple and took a bite.

Shao Xian took a deep breath as she sat down and stared at her uniform, trying to remember the emotions she felt when she first wore it at Xie’s Clothing.

"What happened?" An angry shout came from the hallway along with footstep sounds.

"I tried stopping them, but..." The staff member stammered.

"You kicked the door?" A short man with a beer belly arrived and shouted at Li Yiming, since the latter’s physique made him the obvious person to blame.

"Nope." Li Yiming said with a lack of interest and walked toward the fridge.

"What?" The man was dumbfounded at receiving such a treatment.

"Who are you?" Sai Gao looked up lazily while massaging his own chest.

"He’s our vice-director," the staff member immediately said to delegate his own responsibilities.

"So, what do you want?" Sai Gao asked.

"Was it your idea?" The vice-director turned his attention toward Shao Xian, who seemed the most normal out of the trio.

"I..." Shao Xian said with a shaking voice, thinking about the consequences she would have to face from provoking the vice-director.

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