Super Card System

Chapter 249: Dead or Alive

Chapter 249: Dead or Alive

When the Whitebeard attacked angrily, not only Ace, even Marco was scared.

Ace rushed towards Ian who was flying out, trying to save him, but Ian who was knocked into the air didnt fly out of the ships side again and fell into the sea, because Fujitora interfered this time.

Ians body became light, hovering in the air, and when the shock power disappeared, Fujitora used his power and pulled Ian down.

Issho, are you going to stand in my way!? the Whitebeard looked down at Fujitora angrily after seeing this scene.

I dont want to fight the strongest man in the world! Fujitora shook his head and said, But you attacked our captain. and defending your own captain is the pirates obligation!

The members of the Dragon Hunter Pirate Group nodded together, so they stood behind Fujitora and were ready to fight the Whitebeard Pirates. Even baby-5, though she was scared, she turned her two arms into huge rocket-launchers.

However, the Whitebeard doesnt have many friends, but he always cherishes the closest ones. Fujitora had a great time with him during this period, and he has a very interesting personality, so he had already regarded Fujitora as a friend

Huh, and now, even my friend is standing on the opposite side!?

The Whitebeard felt unpleasant, but the commanders didnt care much, they stared at the Dragon Hunters with hostility.

However, at this moment, Ians voice came from behind, saying: UncUncle Issho, dontdont interfere!

Everyone turned their heads and saw that Ace was supporting Ian to stand on the deck. Ians mouth was bleeding, but he still insisted and said to Fujitora, Drop it let me deal with this matter

Fujitora didnt know what Ian was thinking about at the moment, but he sighed and stepped back!

Ian said to Whitebeard: Oyaji, have you vented your anger!? If not, then How about another punch?

As soon as Ace heard this, he immediately got very anxious. He just wanted to say something, but he was stopped by Ians stare

He can only stop him with my eyes. Ian now feels that all the bones in his body are broken. He has been hit by the Whitebeard, and its good that hes still alive.

After stopping Ace, Ian turned his eyes and looked at the Whitebeard, then he smiled and said, Do you want to come again?

At this time, Ian knew clearly that he shouldnt involve the members of his crew in this. Thats why he told Fujitora to back off. There is no benefit in fighting the whitebeard pirates, and he certainly cant do $HlT now. So he simply let the whitebeard vent his anger on him. If the whitebeard still cares about Ace, then he wont kill Ian.

And if he really wanted to kill him because of Teach, then, so be it From then on, the Whitebeard Pirates will mean nothing to him.

If this is the arrogance and pride hidden deep in Ians heart, then what about the whitebeard, what about the strongest person in the world?

You! Seeing Ians expression, the whitebeard couldnt help but get angrier: Do you really think that I wont dare to kill you? On my boat, you tried to kill my son You!!!

You didnt even give me an explanation! Speaking in a deep angry voice, the Whitebeard again punched towards Ian.

The vibrations forces appeared around his fist again, but this time, Ian couldnt move, so Ace stood in front of him and took the blow.

At this moment, Aces action was unexpected. Watching Ace vomiting blood and getting launched away, but he was stopped from flying away by Ians body, and then both of them fell to the ground. The Whitebeard said anxiously: Ace!! What are you doing!!

Oyaji! Ace was also seriously hurt by Whitebeards punch, but he still gritted his teeth and said: Teach is my family, but Ian is also my brother. I know that his deeds made you very mad, so its okay to vent your anger on me too Ive known Ian for a long time. He always does things for a purpose. Although I dont know why Ian would try to do such a thing, he warned me before and told me to be careful of Teach!

Hearing Aces answer, the whitebeard was stunned and looked at Ian suspiciously.

Ian knows that the Whitebeard wants to get an explanation from him, but the problem was that there is no evidence to confirm this matter about Teach. Then how can he explain?

So Ian patted Ace on the shoulder. He knew that Ace was having the hardest time ever, so he didnt want to cause him any more trouble.

The more fraternal Ace was, the more Ian felt that he had done the right thing this time.

He raised his head and said to whitebeard, Father, I cant explain much to you right now. But if you want to kill me for the sake of Teach, then I have nothing to say.

Kill Ian? How can this be? If he really wants to kill Ian, the whitebeard will not be so perplexed!

It stands to reason that Ian did not join the Whitebeard Pirates, and was regarded as an outsider. And if an outsider tries to kill a member of the Whitebeard Pirates, his other sons would rip him apart, without waiting for the old man to do it himself.

However, Ian was an exception. Everyone can see that the whitebeard admires him very much.

Thats right, Ian was just like Ace, he had been invited by the whitebeard himself and wanted to take him as a son. Although Ian refused the offer at the time, it doesnt mean that the Whitebeard has lost his admiration

If it were someone else, would he be able to spend a month on the ship of the whitebeard? Although Ian didnt accept to join them, the whitebeard regarded him as one of his sons!

So in this incident, although Whitebeard hated the mistake made by his child, it was normal to punish Ian, but it was very difficult to say that he wanted to kill Ian personally!

This is the reason why he asked Ian to give him a reason to forgive him

Get out! Get out of my boat! the Whitebeard finally shouted in anger: You and your people, get out of my ship! This old man doesnt have a son like you!

The last sentence that came out of whitebeards mouth, made Ian instantly understand whitebeards thoughts. He sighed silently, did not say a thing, and released Ace.

Then the Whitebeard crew quietly put away their weapons and opened a way to let Ian and the others disembark. Ace wanted to stop Ian, but he opened his mouth and couldnt say a word. He also knew that it was the best choice for Ian to leave now and let both sides calm down.

Before they got off the ship, Ian bowed to the whitebeard who watched them leave.

To be honest, although he did not recognize Whitebeard as a father, Ian felt the paternal love from the Whitebeard. The Whitebeard may be a ferocious monster for his enemies, but for these juniors, he is indeed a great father.

If it werent for this sudden incident, Ian didnt really want to end things like this with the Whitebeard but now, its too late!

After Ian and the others left, Marco came to Whitebeards side, watching him sit on his throne, he couldnt help but whispered: Oyaji, dont be too sad, Ian doesnt look like the kind of person who wants to kill his companion, Maybe he really has a good reason for doing such a thing, but he cant say it.

The Whitebeard didnt answer, he just asked, How is Teach?

Hes still being rescued But judging from the wound Marco couldnt continue.

Heed my command. If Teach dies, then the Whitebeard Pirates will go all out to destroy the Dragon Hunter Pirates! Whitebeard said.

Father!? Marco said: Do you really mean this?

It must be done! Whitebeard said: Its an unforgivable sin to kill your companion

Marco did not say a word. The implication was that Whitebeard still regarded Ian as a member of the Whitebeard Pirates, otherwise he wouldnt say killing his companion

However, at this time, the ship doctor came out of the cabin.

How is he? Whitebeard asked.

How can I say it!? The ship doctor said with a strange expression on his face, Naturally, Ian shouldve killed No, he did kill Teach ONCE!

Whatwhat do you mean? Marco was confused.

Its weird! The ship doctor said, This is the first time that I saw a body structure like that. He His body, the way hes built doesnt look like a human (Hes Built Different!) I have never seen such a thing in my life!

What the hell is going on? Flower Sword Vista and the others couldnt help but come forward and say, Is there something wrong with Teach?

No, hes okay! The ship doctor shook his head and said, Teach actually has three hearts! Although Ian pierced one of them, the other two hearts are fine. Teach is still alive, and he is just in a coma! (T/N: Your thoughts guys!)

Upon hearing this, the entire Whitebeard Pirates were all dumbfounded, how how can this be possible!? How can a person have three hearts!?

Everyone looked at each other in disbelief. No wonder why the ships doctor was so shocked and said that Teach isnt a human

Three Hearts? So, every day passes, Teach has triple times of our heartbeats? Rakuyo was shocked and said: So, this guy is older than the old man

The Whitebeard didnt think much about it. When he heard the news that Teach was okay, he said to everyone: Its great to hear that Teach is alive, but lets get the news out. The Dragon Hunters have parted ways with the whitebeard Pirate Group because they attacked a member of our family.

I understand! Marco nodded It seems that Oyajis anger has finally subsided, and now he is thinking about Ian again (Author Note: the fact that Teach doesnt have the body structure of a human has been confirmed in the original story. Im just making a guess, saying that he has more than one heart dont take it too seriously!)

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