Super Dimensional Wizard

Chapter 272 Teacup Band

Looking back from one corner of the castle hall, the young man who built the fantasy world was still braving the white fog outside. The white fog rolled over and shrouded him completely, only vaguely showing his bloodied feet. As the white fog continued to spread, in a short time, even his feet were completely shrouded.

“This fantasy world is quite good. For this little brother’s age, this hall looks very close to reality.” At this time, Lydia’s voice came from the rear.

Everyone turned and saw that Lydia unexpectedly appeared directly in front of a gorgeous round table. She was sitting gracefully in a chair in her beautiful wizard robe.

Lydia is an extremely gorgeous woman with a full red robe on fire and a pink head of hair coiled up. Sitting in front of the gorgeous round table, she almost blended in with the luxurious extravagance expressed by this fantasy world.

When others looked at Lydia, Lydia also looked back at them.

Lydia frowned and said: “Hey, even if this is a fantasy world. I’m supposed to be in a private room. Why can everyone see me?”

At this time, Lydia turned to look at the other side. Now, an old white wizard was standing under a mural, looking at the figures in the mural.

This old white wizard, Lydia knows this is the old wizard in the private room next to her. The other party also seems to have seen Lydia and turned to her with a kind smile, which can now be regarded as a face-to-face encounter.

According to the Gold Card VIP’s private room design, she shouldn’t be able to see the other Gold Card private room holders. But in this fantasy world, the “wall” between the private rooms seems to have become transparent?

“Interesting.” The corners of Lydia’s mouth had a mysterious smile.

Lydia is looking at the round table and then at the chair under her. She noticed none of these things was originally from her private room. She had previously sat on a lounge sofa. Now although she was still sitting, the lounge sofa was gone.

She also noticed some of the wizard apprentices in the In-House area were turned upside down and the stools under their butts… Inexplicably disappeared when the fantasy world was created.

“Is this a special fantasy world?” Lydia once fought with a fantasy system true wizard. The other party was a master who used illusion spells to build fantasy worlds. Even if she had a magic wand in her hand, he could turn it into a poisonous snake. Even if she knew it was a fantasy world, the poisonous snake could really hurt her or even poison her. This is the magic of a wizard class fantasy world.

Can a mere apprentice build such fantasy world?

Lydia stood up and walked slowly to an apprentice who had been in the In-House area with a touch of confusion on her face.

She is supposed to be on the third floor of the Gold Card private room, and the other party should be sitting on the first floor. If she wants to have interaction, she will go around the wall of the private room, and then wall down the three-story height before she can get in touch with the other person. However, Lydia took a few steps and now comes in front of this apprentice.

“Is this really a fantasy world?” Doubts arose in Lydia’s heart.

This question was asked by almost everyone in this place: Is this really a fantasy world and not a separate space?


At this time, David and Promi also landed in the magnificent hall. David didn’t understand why the staircase disappeared, or why the height difference disappeared. But he hurriedly ran in the direction of Angel.

“Angel!” David is also aware of Angel’s situation. So instead of being reckless, he quietly approached Angel while everyone was attracted by this strange fantasy world.

The range of the white fog around Angel is constantly expanding. So when David crept into the white fog from one side, others ignored him while their line of sight was blocked.

David leaned over to Angel and tried to touch him, only to hear Angel gasping in horror: “David! Don’t touch me…”

“Angel, are you all right now?” David felt a little disconcerted as he said: “What should we do now? Can you get out of here with this fantasy world?”

Angel was acting strangely at this moment. He saw this place and remembered the creatures which once brought him a sense of terror. He had a premonition that he must not disturb them, or the consequences would be unpredictable.

So when David approached, he stopped him with a low voice.

“Don’t worry about me, take Toby with you now and let Master Promi save him.” Angel gasped heavily as he said: “You have to tell him that if I survive this time, I will help him make an undead restraint weapon. I can draw the Overture of Death magic array… But please ask him to save Toby first, and certainly, don’t let anything happen to Toby.”

David looked pale, but he still listened to Angel as held Toby carefully in the palm of his hand. Then he turned back and asked in a trembling voice: “What about you?”

“Don’t worry about me. I have a plan.” Angel said.

David finally left Angel with a quiet angry glare.

It was only after David left that Angel smiled bitterly and thought: What plan? What can I do? I can’t even take care of myself right now.

David puts Toby in his bag as he carefully walks out of the white fog and then stealthily sneaks towards Promi.

Others may not have noticed him because of the problems with the fantasy world. But Twilight noticed, though she didn’t go after him right now. She took a faint glance at David and then turned her eyes back to the white fog.

The fantasy world constructed by this teenager makes her a little confused. Is this really a fantasy world?

Twilight was a little regretful when she watched the other party build the fantasy world and didn’t stop him. It was just because she wanted to see how ridiculous a struggle a first level apprentice can put up. However, although this card hasn’t yet revealed itself, her heart has already begun feeling a little uneasy.

At this moment, Twilight heard a noise coming from not far away. She turned her head and looked.

Only to see a barefoot girl floating in mid-air, drifting in her direction with a lazy face.

Of course, Twilight is no stranger to this person. She has the title of Bloody Witch Flora and is also the auction’s Gold Card VIP listed for private room No. 35.

However, today’s Flora looks a little strange.

It’s not her expression. It’s not what she’s wearing, it’s that there seems to be something… Behind Flora. Clinging behind her is a skeleton?

Twilight focuses intently and saw the shadow of the skeleton. But the shadow appeared and disappeared from time to time, which made it difficult for her to confirm what she was seeing.

“Flora, since when do you have such a strange hobby?” Lydia suddenly stood in front of Flora, dressed in a fiery red full wizard robe which was in sharp contrast to Flora’s short dark purple skirt.

“A strange hobby? You mean, do I like drinking blood or cutting up the body after drinking the blood? By the way, who I like to kill most are women in red.” Flora smiled sarcastically.

Lydia raised up her lips and said, “I’m talking about this hobby. Since when do you like taking to the streets with a skeleton on your back?”

Skeleton? Flora’s eyes froze. “What did you say? Can you see Little Red?”

“Little Red? Do you mean this skeleton holding its head and whining? It’s a really crude and unintelligent name.” Lydia said.

Flora ignored the fact that Lydia insulted her, violently grabbed an apprentice and asked: “Can you see Little Red behind me?”

“What… Little Red? All I see is a looming shadow of a skeleton.” The apprentice replied.

When Flora got her answer, she mind her brows more tightly and threw the apprentice aside. Her mind secretly thought: What on earth is going on? What the hell has Angel done? Why can Little Red be seen by other people?

Flora gnashed her teeth then sighed: “What a troublesome fellow!”

Flora with her hateful temper ignored Lydia’s sarcasm and rushed toward Angel’s location.

When Twilight was still wondering what Flora’s intentions were by coming here, something strange had happened.

Flora immediately recognized it was Angel’s voice when she heard a miserable scream in the white fog.

With this miserable scream, the sound of gongs, drums and trumpets which was vaguely heard by others before had suddenly become clear.

All the people were attracted by this miserable scream and looked in the direction of white fog.

At this time, a strange fear was spreading. There seemed to be a profound terrifying breath slowly approaching them.

Twilight was also frowned by this terrifying breath. At this time, Twilight’s guards rushed over and stood next to Twilight. Twilight then whispered: “Can any of you get in contact with the backstage?”

The captain of the guard shook his head as he said: “Lord Twilight, we have completely lost contact with the outside world. This fantasy world seems to be a true separate space, and the four walls are like solid entities to us. At present, the only door is behind the white fog.”

Twilight’s heart trembled when she heard this. She looked at the white fog, and her five fingers showed bright lights on both hands. Under everyone’s gaze, ten bright lights stirred everything into white smoke.

Twilight aimed in the direction where Angel had laid down. But the feedback she received was the rebound of several metal clanks.

Under the astonished gaze of everyone present, all the rays of light were bounced back.

There were several empty passages and two unfortunate victims were hit. But the victims were two members of the Twilight Guard. One of them was shot in the head and died instantly, while the other was pierced in the chest and could no longer survive.

Seeing her cause the death of her own men, Twilight’s face turned dark. It was originally simple troublemakers. But the troublemakers were only one person and one beast at the level of an apprentice. In the end, the situation turned into this. Not only did the perpetrators not die, but her men had also died…

“This is my mistake. I will report my crime to the family.” Twilight looked at another dying guard and said with a hint of guilt.

As Twilight spoke, a strange group of teacups stepped out of the white fog.

The crowd frowned at the long string of strange sounds, like a band… They are all white porcelain teacups with heart markings, with thin arms and legs like matchsticks. Each is holding a variety of musical instruments, and some were floating in mid-air while playing the piano.

The most bizarre thing is that the notes they were playing also appeared to have substance. The notes wind out like smoke from kitchen chimneys while these notes were like tadpoles moving at a brisk rhythm on the staff lines.

It looks like a young girl’s dream band, but what they play is full of strange and eerie notes.

“What is this?” Twilight was surprised and sent a few rays of light to greet these rude newcomers.

As a result, as soon as rays of light touched the Band, it was bounced back by the musical instruments.

Twilight now understands what happened when she was rebounded just now. It turns out that this performers was behind it. But what exactly is the origin of these band performers?

Twilight attacked the Teacup Band several times, but she still failed. Other wizards and guards also moved their hands to attack. However, the performers haven’t been affected in any way.

Twilight hatefully said: “It’s all that kid’s fault. Kill him, and it’ll all be over.”

Speaking of this, Twilight took an arrogant step forward and rushed into the white fog. She saw Angel who laid on the ground and was seriously injured. With a sneer, she stretched out her hand, formed a claw with her fingernails and thrust them towards Angel’s chest.

At this moment, a burst of shrill and horrible laughter which sounded like a deep and remote night bell range from Angel’s body.

“Hee hee hee hee.—”

With this horrible laugh, the front of the Teacup Band suddenly stopped playing and shouted in a strange voice that seemed a bit childish: “The Queen’s Night Tour Accompaniment~.”

Before Twilight could react, the five fingers on Angel’s chest were caught by another hand.

Twilight looked back and saw a man dressed in black beside her.

“Lord Sanders?!” Twilight exclaimed.

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