Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 297: All the enemies, the glory will not fall

Chapter 297: All the enemies, the glory will not fall

Millions of ancient barbarians are not a million lambs, they are a million fierce and brutal executioners!

The ancient barbaric dynasty and the Buluo dynasty are blood feuds!

The evil name of the ancient barbaric dynasty had spread throughout the Buluo Dynasty countless years ago!

The humiliation of Tianxiong and the humiliation of Northwest County are all familiar to you!

Burning, killing, taking captive, doing no evil, these words can be applied to the people of the ancient barbarian dynasty!

The name of that ancient barbarian dynasty even has a notoriety that makes children stop crying!

If not, there are countless soldiers who will not fall, desperately guarding the three western counties, I am afraid that the dynasty of not falling has already been broken by the ancient barbaric dynasty!

As early as when Qin Yi killed the dog officials for them and ruled the county city, he was already regarded as a great benefactor by the people of Yuanjiang City!

Today, His Royal Highness King Qin will again lead his subordinates to fight an army of millions of ancient barbarians!

Fighting bloody, just to return them peace!

How can the people of Yuanjiang City not be moved by all this!

Be the benefactor, pray for peace!

Perhaps the people in Yuanjiang City have nothing to help Qin Yi.

However, this silver-white shirt is their most sincere heart!

"His Royal Highness, to protect my peace, personally go to the battlefield.

I can't wait for anything in return. I only have a shirt. With this as my heart, I pray for the peace of the lord! "

The old woman touched the ground with her forehead and raised her battle robe above her head.

"Here, the old man please hurry up, this jersey, this king accepts it!"

The old woman's movements immediately surprised Qin Yi, and quickly stepped forward to help him up.

"Thank you, His Royal Highness King Qin!"

Seeing Qin Yi's response, the old woman and the people of Yuanjiang City showed a simple smile.


Qin Yi unfolded his shirt and draped it behind him.

The silver-white shirt, hunting and hunting in the cold wind, and the white armor complement each other.

The battle robe is very simple, without any luxurious decorations, only a big Qin character!

Qin, Qin for Qin Yi!

Qin, also Qin of King Qin!

This silver-white shirt contains the people's recognition of Qin Yi!

One stitch and one thread, for the people of Yuanjiang City, sew by hand, full of people's kindness!

"The one who is above, protect the peace of the people under his command!

This king, here is my promise to you that this kings generals will kill millions of ancient barbarians!

Give everyone a peace! "

Qin Yi rubbed his shirt behind him and said in a deep voice.

This jersey is a heavy responsibility!

This is the people's respect and heart for Qin Yi!

The grace of the people should be retaliated by killing the enemy!

If you can't kill millions of ancient barbarians, you will never return to Mihe!

After that, Qin Yi turned his head and stepped onto the carriage, blazing the whip, and riding his horse!

"Master, I am waiting in Yuanjiang City, waiting for the prince to return in triumph!"

The carriage moved slowly, and the shouts of the people floated far away.

"Yes, I will definitely, this king will bring a big victory and step back to Yuanjiang!"

Inside the carriage, Qin Yi's eyes were faint, and he muttered silently in his heart.

Even if blood is stained with banners, these millions of ancient barbarians will be strangled in the dynasty that does not fall!


With a soft drink, Tianma stepped into the air and hurried to the south.


Thousand horses galloping, the black armor will follow!


The flying bear shouts loudly, rushing with one hundred thousand!

The army is rolling straight to the three southern counties and rushing away!

Just to set foot on the battlefield as soon as possible and save the people from the fire and water!

It is also to kill the millions of enemies as soon as possible, so that the glory will not fall!

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