Surviving the Game as a Barbarian

Chapter 147 A Great Legacy (4)

Chapter 147 A Great Legacy (4)

A Great Legacy (4)

A Great Legacy (4)

70 million stones.

It was a huge sum, enough to make my heart pound just from hearing it.

But I tried to calm myself and continue the conversation.

It wouldn't be too late to celebrate after the money was in my hands.

"Will this letter be enough evidence?"

Krovitz received the letter and read it slowly from top to bottom, then his expression changed completely.

And he remained silent for a long time.

"...Is there something wrong?"

"Ah, I apologize. If the contents of this letter are true... it's a very serious matter for our church. I don't mean to doubt you, Mr. Yandel, but could you wait inside for a while?"


Pal Krovitz guided us to a reception room inside the temple and then hurriedly left. He said he needed to check the handwriting first before reporting it to his superiors.

"Don't tell me... something's going wrong?"

"Haha, there's no way. They just want to verify everything before talking to us."

"Murad is right. As you've read, the contents of the letter are quite serious."

The wait was longer than expected.

And as different speculations started to arise among us...

"I apologize. We've made you wait for a long time."

Pal Krovitz returned.

"Come this way. Everyone is waiting."

The place he led us to was a chapel on the 2nd floor.

It was a space that only those who became priests could use, not ordinary believers.

"I heard that non-church members are not allowed to enter here..."

"How could we consider you as outsiders when the Goddess has brought us together?"

I dismissed my anxiety as I saw Krovitz answering Rotmiller's question. If they had judged the letter to be fake, they wouldn't be acting like this.


Krovitz opened the door, revealing the interior of the chapel. It was a fairly large space, but there were only seven people inside.

I froze as I confirmed their identities.


I had read several books about church positions after visiting the Count's estate, so I could tell as soon as I saw them.

The two men and women who were the only ones wearing armor. The patterns on their armor were different, but the silver thread decorating the edges signified that they were captains of the paladin orders.

Including Pal Krovitz, all three captains of the church were gathered in one place.

But that wasn't all.

Two high priests and one cardinal.

And an elderly man standing in the center, as if being supported by them.

"...Followers of the stars, we greet the Grand Archbishop."

Rotmiller knelt and made the sign of the cross as soon as he saw him.

It was understandable.

To put it in Catholic terms, we were currently facing the Pope.

'But who's that kid?'

I felt a strange sense of pressure from the impressive lineup, but I looked at the child standing in front of the Pope.

A small boy, about ten years old.

Now that I see it, it seemed like everyone was positioned as if protecting the child. Even the Pope, who was standing right behind him.

What kind of child is he?

That's when...

"May the star that rises at twilight guide us."

The Pope made the sign of the cross first, and then all the members bowed to us.

It was a very unusual occurrence.

It was enough to make even Rotmiller, who was also a believer, freeze like a statue.


Is it because the place we're currently in is a chapel?

A strangely sacred and solemn atmosphere filled the air.

After a moment of silence, the Pope spoke.

"High Priest Ludwig was a very precious person to us. Thank you for delivering the letter. May I ask how you obtained this letter?"

Honestly, it was a bit unexpected.

His words were too polite and cautious for someone who was the highest authority of one of the three major religions, especially towards a 4th-floor explorer.

'He must not always be like this. He must have been that important.'

I slowly began to speak.

And I briefly explained what happened in Larkaze's Labyrinth.

But is this what they call a clerical mindset?

"The twilight star sent you to him, who was lost and wandering. Thank you for saving his soul. Although he was captured by the evil god, his spirit will forever shine in the darkness."

It was a bit unpleasant to hear.

It wasn't a matter of right or wrong, but rather the feeling that they were fundamentally different from me.

I've never gotten along with religious people.

"...This is his belonging."

I took out the necklace that the High Priest was wearing and handed it to them.

If it were a sacred relic, it would be worth much more than the reward, but...

I didn't feel any regret, as it was the right thing to do.

I owed that High Priest a debt.

"Thank you. Although it's not what we were looking for, this will at least comfort his soul."

So it wasn't a sacred relic.

Well, if it were, that bastard would have taken it.

"Cardinal Grayond, how much is the reward for these people?"

"Although they didn't recover the sacred relic, considering the importance of the contents of the handwritten letter, his belongings, and the fact that they conveyed his last moments, it wouldn't be enough to give them the full 70 million stones designated by the Ministry of Finance."

"Then, let's do that."

I gulped involuntarily.

I thought it would be halved since there was no sacred relic, but they're giving us the full amount. I reflect on myself for finding their words unpleasant.

These people are truly devout.

But that's not what's important right now.

"I have a question."

"Go ahead."

Since the first part of the conversation is over, I immediately get to the point.

This might be more important than the reward.

"So what are you going to do now?"

"May I ask what you mean?"

"You found the culprit who kidnapped High Priest Ludwig, didn't you? I was curious if you're planning to take revenge. I'm involved in this too, after all."

I subtly hint that they're also responsible while asking the question.

But the answer I get is ambiguous.

"That's not something we can answer right now."

"I see."

Tsk, I thought they wouldn't have time to bother me if they were busy seeking revenge.

Do I really have to handle it myself?

I nod, clicking my tongue.

That's when...

"Don't worry too much, great warrior."

The little boy, whom I've been observing, suddenly speaks.

And at the same time...


...a brilliant silver light erupts.

And when I come to my senses...

...a vine ring, intertwined with three strands, is on my thick finger.

I wonder what the hell is going on, but...

...I realize it after hearing the cardinal's exclamation.

"An oracle...! An oracle has descended...!"

It's something I've only heard about in NPC conversations in the game, never experienced firsthand.

It's an oracle.

'Damn it.'

And from what I hear, it's been a long time since the last one.


The question is finally answered.

Why was the Pope treating that young child like a sacred object?

The answer is simple.

‘Don’t tell me, he’s a saint?’

No, since he’s a boy, should I say a holy man?

Anyway, the title isn’t important.

A vessel that can hear God’s voice and sometimes wield his power.

The child with the qualities of that vessel speaks.

“The Goddess just spoke to me. She said that ring will block a strong karmic connection three times.”

“By karmic connection, do you mean Dragonslayer Regal Vagos?”

An ordinary fortune teller would have given an ambiguous answer like ‘maybe yes, maybe no’ to that question.

But oracles are different.

“Yes. She said it can only block karmic connections with him. So you need to prepare to overcome fate in case all the strands of the ring are broken.”

I feel like I’ve become a hero destined to defeat the demon king.

Honestly, I’m dumbfounded.

Even though I defeated Elisa and was involved with the High Priest, why would the Goddess give me a gift like this?

And to someone who’s called an evil spirit, at that?

‘What is this? A hidden camera prank?’

I briefly suspect that they might be trying to scam me using this kid, but…

…the ring on my finger dispels that suspicion.

Their shocked expressions seem too sincere to be acting.

“May the star that rises at twilight guide us.”

“May things unfold according to fate.”

The highest-ranking religious figures in this world all make the sign of the cross while looking at me.

I check my companions’ expressions.

“Bjorn, what the hell are you?!”

“Were you… truly born with a destiny?!”

“No, that’s not the issue. How, how could a barbarian be chosen by the human god…”

No, even if you look at me like that, I don’t know either.

Only then do I realize that this isn’t something to simply be happy about and look at the child.

I have many questions.



…the child collapses as if from the aftereffects of receiving the oracle.

The Pope picks him up, and that’s the end of today’s meeting.

“Sir Krovitz, please escort them outside.”

“Wait, I still have questions…”

“Please understand. We’ll explain everything when we meet again. Until then, please keep today’s events a secret. A great disaster might befall you.”

“What, disaster?”

Although it sounds absurd, the conversation ends there.

“Sir Krovitz will explain the details.”

We’re helplessly kicked out due to the Pope’s firm attitude. And we head towards the reception room where we were waiting earlier, guided by Pal Krovitz.

“Krovitz, what the hell was that?”

“I… don’t know either. What the Goddess meant by giving an oracle to an other race.”

“…There’s no precedent for giving an oracle to an other race?”

“Yes, as far as I know, this is the third time.”

“So, what happened to them?”

“According to records, they were branded as heretics and ostracized from their tribes.”

Ha, this is troublesome.

It’s like I’ve been given another suicide button on top of being an evil spirit.

“Now I understand why they told us to keep it a secret.”

“Yes, after all, there would be more harm than good if it were to be known.”

The core of a barbarian’s growth is the Spirit Engraving.

But being ostracized from the tribe?

From that day onwards, I would become a useless character.

Barbarian shamans only exist in the sanctuary.

“But don’t worry about us. It won’t leak from our side.”

Krovitz says that and looks at my companions.

Although he doesn’t say it, his intentions are clear.

So I also look at my companions.

“Ah! I, I’ll keep my mouth shut! Really? You believe me, Bjorn?”

“Don’t worry. I didn’t hear anything today.”

Misha is needless to say, and I’m not too worried about Rotmiller either. It’s not just his personality, but he’s also a follower of Leathlas.

However, the problem is…

“He, hey! Why are you looking at me like that?”

“Do you really need to ask?”

“…I’ll quit drinking.”

I sigh as I see the dwarf hanging his head low, looking dejected.

Phew, we shouldn’t have come here together.

Are all the gods in this world like this?

It feels like they took away the biggest rock that was weighing down my heart…

…and then placed a smaller rock instead.

‘Still, he’s not that loose-lipped…’

I decide to focus on the positive aspects.

If this ring really prevents encounters with the Dragonslayer, this much risk isn’t even a risk.

It’s a definite gain if we talk about pros and cons.

We’ve bought the time we needed most.

‘It’s my first time getting a sacred relic through an oracle.’

Items bestowed by gods are called sacred relics.

Most of them have OP effects.

That’s why I don’t doubt the ring’s ability. I don’t know how long it will last, but I won’t encounter that bastard until all three strands are broken.


‘The problem is when the last strand will break.’

2 years? 3 years?

It’s a brand new sacred relic, so it might even last that long…

But it’s better to be prepared, assuming the shortest possible time.

I decide to prepare, assuming it will be between six months and a year, and finish organizing my thoughts.

And the moment I get up from the sofa…


…one of the intertwined vines breaks.

“Uh, Bjorn? I think one of them just broke.”

“…No, that’s impossible.”

I rub the broken vine with my saliva-coated finger as if twisting a string.

But as always, reality is harsh.

“Look, it’s clearly attached.”

The moment I confidently hold out my hand with the ring…


…the broken vine scatters, emitting a silver light.

I stare blankly at the sight.

「The activation condition for the Star’s Blessing has been met.」

I can’t even laugh.

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