Surviving the Game as a Barbarian

Chapter 151 Barbarian Lord (3)

Chapter 151 Barbarian Lord (3)

Barbarian Lord (3)

Barbarian Lord (3)

Me, the tank, and Misha, the ice-attribute melee damage dealer.

We need to recruit three more teammates to complete the composition.

'One priest, one mage, and one archer/scout.'

This was the first configuration that came to mind.

Should I call it the fundamental composition of [Dungeon and Stone]?

Since the Vampire essence is gone, the presence of a priest would be a great help to the team.


'Priest is out.'

Actually, it's a bit of a stretch to say 'out'.

I asked Krovitz if he could introduce me to a priest, but he flatly refused.

He said that the team needs at least three members who are 5th-grade or higher, and that we need a certain level of achievement points with the temple...

'The basic recruitment conditions have become stricter than in the game.'

It's a shame, but it's not a critical issue.

Although having a priest greatly increases the team's stability, I also intentionally excluded them because of the drawback of reduced damage.

'I'm starting to get a sense of how to build the team.'

That evening, after learning the shocking truth that Misha was a racist...

I finished organizing my thoughts, got dressed, and went out.

And I went to a bar I remembered.


As soon as I opened the door, I saw the Black Bear lady with her impressive physique. When she asked if I was alone, I gave her the bear-like man's name, and she clicked her tongue and pointed to one side.

The 5th-grade explorer, the bear-like man, was wearing an apron and serving drinks and food to the customers.

"Geez, there are no customers, and he keeps calling only his friends."

I ignored the words coming from behind and sat down at an empty table. And when the bear-like man finished serving, I quietly raised my hand to call him.

"Ah, just a moment. I'll be right the… Bjorn Yandel?"

"Let's talk."

The bear-like man looked around cautiously at my words, checking the counter. Wow, I didn't know he was whipped.

Although I was only planning to talk briefly, I ordered two snacks and two drinks. I judged that this would make both of us feel less awkward.


The bear-like man brought the drinks and snacks and sat across from me with an awkward expression.

And he said defensively,

"It, it's not always like this. You know? It's just that the shop has been busy lately..."

Although it seemed quite empty for a busy shop, I didn't say anything.

What's so embarrassing about living a domestic life?

The bear-like man then opened his mouth as if to change the subject.

"So you coming here means you left your original team, right?"

"...The team disbanded."

"Judging by your expression, you lost someone."

I didn't confirm or deny.

However, was my silence enough to answer his question?

The bear-like man smiled bitterly and took a gulp of his drink.

"It's a shitty thing."

"Yeah, it was."

I also took a gulp of my drink and then ordered two more. And we started talking in earnest.

"How many members do you have?"

"Just two so far."

"You and that Red Cat woman."

"Yeah. So what's your answer?"

"Alright, I'll join you."

The bear-like man asked several questions after readily agreeing.

What floor we were aiming for, how the loot would be distributed...

And how we would fill the remaining two spots.

I briefly explained the composition I had in mind.

"First, we'll definitely add a mage. And the remaining spot... we'll have to fill it with a scout."

Actually, there was also the option of putting Erwen in the archer position instead of the bear-like man. However, it's uncertain how well she would do since she's only been taking scout lessons for a few months.

And besides, since the bear-like man has a tank summon, he can somewhat compensate for the absence of a priest, which led to my decision.

"We'll hire a scout until we find a Guide. And for the rest, excluding the scout, we'll split the loot equally."

The bear-like man nodded.

And then he asked bluntly,

"If I'm a Guide, can you increase my share?"


"I mean it literally."

What the hell is this man talking about?

Is he saying he's a Guide?

If so, I don't understand at all.

"Didn't you say you wandered around the 1st floor for 19 hours?"

"...Did I tell you the time too?"

"The rift opened around 7:00 PM on Day 1."

The bear-like man was wandering around the Crystal Cave at that time.

Because he couldn't find the portal to the 2nd floor.

For a Guide, who can accurately sense the direction of the portal regardless of their location in the labyrinth, to be on the 1st floor until that time?

Considering that Rotmiller's fastest record is 6 hours, it doesn't make sense.


"Ah, that's... the Crystal Cave is a bit complicated, isn't it?"


"I know where the portals are, but it's always difficult to find my way there."

The bear-like man continued, saying that he only told them the direction, and his other companions were the ones who actually found the way.

I couldn't help but ask,

"...So you're saying you're a Guide, but you have a terrible sense of direction?"

"Ahem! My former companions used to say that. Honestly, it's hard to accept, but..."

What's there to accept?

The portal to the 2nd floor is something that even an ordinary person can find in a day just by following the compass.

'A Guide with a terrible sense of direction...'

Although I wonder if such a thing is even possible, I try not to show it and wrap up the conversation.

"I'll think about the distribution. I need to hear the opinions of the others who will join us."

"That's enough."

"Then the conversation is over."

I have my first companion.

Avman Urikfrit.

A 5th-grade archer with a tank summon, and a Guide with practically zero navigation skills.

"I look forward to working with you, Bjorn, son of Yandel."

Is it just my imagination that I'm already seeing a reincarnation of Team Misfits, just with higher specs?


We clink glasses to celebrate becoming companions, but...

The lady glares at us.

"Honey, how long are you going to play around?"

"Ho, honey? No, this isn't playing around."

The bear-like man hurriedly gets up and approaches his wife, and they have a conversation I can't hear.

At first, it seems like he's getting scolded...

"Oh my, why didn't you tell me sooner? That he's going to be your companion."

But it seems like they talked things out, as the lady approaches us with a friendly smile.

"Nice to meet you. You have the title of Little Balkan, right? I'm relieved now, seeing how tall and strong you are."

"Th, that's good to hear."

"Yes. Honestly, I didn't like his previous companions. How could they not show their faces even once after being on the same team for over half a year?"


"...Previous companions?"

I thought he was soloing?

I subtly look at the bear-like man. He's shaking his head violently, his face pale.

I remember our conversation from the other day.

[You were entering the labyrinth alone even though you have a wife?]

[The shop hasn't been doing well lately. I have to work hard and earn money, don't I?]

Working hard is good, but I can't believe he was lying to his wife and soloing.

It feels like my illusions are shattering, one after another.

I thought he would be a reliable and wise companion, strong as a bear.

But now that I see it, he's just a guy who lives for today.

"Anyway, consider today's drinks on me. And although he's lacking, please take care of my husband."

I leave the bar as if running away, not wanting to get caught in the middle of their family matters. And as soon as I arrive at the inn...

"Oh, mister. Have you been drinking?"

Erwen is sitting in the lobby on the 1st floor, waiting for me with a drink. I thought she might have come to finish our conversation from the other day, but...

"I'm sorry!"

Erwen apologizes before I can even say anything.

"Sorry? What do you mean?"

"I didn't know that something like that happened to your companion..."

"How did you know?"

"Mister's expression looked so bad that I asked your other companion."

When I ask who she's talking about, she answers that it was the dwarf. It seems like he told her everything without suspicion after I said he was my former companion...

But fortunately, he didn't mention anything about the oracle or the Dragonslayer.

"You must have been in pain, right? I know how it feels to lose something."

Erwen sniffles and touches my hand.

I feel incredibly embarrassed. It's like being comforted by a three-year-old.

And it's also belated.

I've already come to terms with it.

"...Let's not talk about that. Anyway, it's good that you came. I had something to tell you."

"Something to tell me? Uh, but we still have things to talk about..."

"Things to talk about?"

"...Never mind. So what did you want to say?"

I sit down across from Erwen.

And I ask directly,

"I'm forming a new team, are you interested in joining?"

I wasn't originally planning to include Erwen.

Of course, it's not because of Misha's request.

It's just that after much deliberation, I decided on the bear-like man for the archer position, and there were no spots left.

However, the situation changed when I found out that the bear-like man is a Guide.

The scout position I was going to fill became vacant.

'Her combat power is lacking right now, but if I raise her well, she'll definitely be able to pull her weight.'

The fact that she's taking scout lessons from her sister is a huge plus.

It would be perfect if she could navigate with the bear-like man.


Erwen struggles to answer after a long silence.

"I'm really happy that you offered. So please don't misunderstand."

Hmm, so it's a refusal.

"Is it because of your sister?"

"No, it's because of me. I still have a lot to learn from my sister."

It's an unexpected answer.

Well, it's not that I don't understand.

Indeed, it's better for her growth to stick with her sister for now. She's only been taking scout lessons for a few months, and I can't teach her things like spirit magic.

"I see. Alright."

"I... you're not angry, right? Are you?"

"Of course not. It's a good decision. You've become a real explorer now."

"Ah, it's been a while since I received a compliment..."

Erwen, who was staring blankly into space for a moment, clears her throat and regains her composure.

And she speaks with a determined voice,

"Please wait six months. Just six months, and I'll have learned everything I can from my sister and join your team."

Uh, thanks for the thought, but...

This makes it seem like I sent her as an industrial spy.

I can almost hear her sister's heart breaking.


The next morning.

I head to the sanctuary as soon as I wake up, without even washing up.

It's a rational decision that there's no need to wash up when I'm going to a place swarming with barbarians.

'It feels like I'm back home.'

Although I'm not actually a barbarian, I feel a sense of comfort when I see the green forest of this place. There was a time when I was uncomfortable because I was afraid of the chieftain, but at least that's not the case now.

Is that why?

'Damn it.'

The oracle suddenly comes to mind, and my heart feels heavy.

My intuition, honed by misfortune, is telling me...

...that a secret known by over ten people won't be kept forever.

'Even if I finish the 6th stage today, it will take years to reach the 9th stage...'

Unlike the other races who abandoned outdated traditions, barbarians are ridiculously stubborn.

If it gets out that I received an oracle from the Goddess of Stars, not the ancestor god, the chieftain will try to ostracize me, even if I'm a super rookie.

'I'll think about that later...'

I walk through the forest and head towards the center of the sanctuary.

And I see young warriors gathered in an empty clearing. Small warriors who are honing their martial arts, waiting for the day of their coming-of-age ceremony.

It's a sight I always see when I come here, but...

'Is that, Karon...?'

I see a familiar barbarian face among the young warriors.

Karon, son of Tarson.

Once a naive baby barbarian, he has now embraced the darkness of the world and become a fine warrior.

He's standing in front of the young barbarians.

As if he's a training instructor.

"Everyone, repeat after me. Humans are?"


"Our hearts?"

"We must protect them!"

Although it's a forceful, indoctrination-style education, even this much will greatly increase their survival rate.

I watch them with a proud smile.

Until I realize one thing.

'But what's that?'

The appearance of Karon, son of Tarson, and a few senior barbarians who seem to be following him, is strange.

They're carrying three or four backpacks each.

I wonder if it's some kind of fashion trend among barbarians, but...

"Instructor! What are those bags?"

One of the young warriors raises his hand and asks, as if it looks strange to him too.

Karon answers with a smile, as if he's been waiting for this.

"Good question, young warrior! This is Robert, this is John, and this is Aiden..."

Karon points to the backpacks he's carrying on his left, right, front, and back, and calls out their names.

"Hahaha! They sound like people's names!"

A baby barbarian giggles.


"Because they are people's names."

Karon is no longer smiling.

"...Wh, what do you mean?"

Karon explains in great detail how he obtained those backpacks to the shocked baby barbarians.

And then he continues his mental education.

"Everyone, repeat after me. Humans are?"


"Our hearts?"

"We must protect them!!!!"

"Bjorn, son of Yandel, is?"

"A great warrior!!!!!"

I'm speechless as I watch them.


...What the hell have I done?

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