Surviving the Game as a Barbarian

Chapter 154 Barbarian Lord (6)

Chapter 154 Barbarian Lord (6)

Barbarian Lord (6)

Barbarian Lord (6)

The chieftain was holding an axe in his hand.

The very same axe that beheaded the man next to me during the coming-of-age ceremony.

"Earning money by killing people instead of monsters, do you think that's the right thing to do as a warrior?"

My heated head cools down rapidly.

An unexpected situation.

No, I knew I would have to face it someday, but I didn't expect it to be today.

I calmly take a deep breath and make a quick judgment.


1. Apologize and admit I was wrong.

2. Make excuses and try to smooth things over.

I immediately erase those two options from my mind.

Because I know what kind of tribe barbarians are.

Even though it might seem easier and more reasonable to ordinary people, you should never be mistaken.

There's only one way out.

"Chieftain, that's something you should have done."

To just confront him like a barbarian.


The corner of the chieftain's mouth twists.

"Tell me, what do you mean?"

It feels like he'll swing his axe as soon as I open my mouth.

But I straighten my shoulders confidently.

A mistake only becomes a mistake when you admit it.

But what if you don't?

It becomes a conviction. No matter the essence, there's at least a chance for it to be perceived that way.

And that's what I need to do right now.

"I mean it literally. What I did today is something you should have done a long time ago!"

Not for personal gain, but for the greater good.

I raise my voice, not backing down in front of the chieftain.

"Chieftain! Do you even know how many people are dying in the labyrinth every month?"

"A warrior can't become strong if they're afraid of death."

A clash of convictions.

To express my anger and plead for the tribe's future as a young warrior who cares for his people.

I judged that this was a safer path.

Because the chieftain cares for his warriors.

"Bjorn, son of Yandel, you know, don't you? Only the warriors who survive become strong warriors."

The chieftain's voice softens a bit, as if he believes that I'm genuinely concerned about the tribe.

But if I end it here, it will all be for nothing.

I ask back,

"Only the warriors who survive become strong?"

"You're proof of that!"

He's not wrong.

Half of them die on their first entry.

And then another half die on the next one.

By the time six months have passed after the coming-of-age ceremony, a total of 90% of them are dead.

It's a distorted structure that can't even be called survival of the fittest.

If you want to survive in that environment, you have no choice but to become stronger, even if you don't want to.


"Chieftain, did this many people die when you first became a warrior?"


It's the answer I expected.

I haven't studied the historical records or anything, but if this structure continued for even another ten years, barbarians wouldn't even be able to hold weapons during their coming-of-age ceremony.

"Then are so many of us dying because we're weaker than they were? Chieftain, do you really think so?"

"That too... is not the case."

Although he could have avoided making a disadvantageous statement, the chieftain answers my question honestly.

He knows it too, right?

The decisive reason why the situation has become this bad.

"There are monsters in human form in the labyrinth. They treat us like goblins. Why do you think that is?"

"Because mages use our hearts—"

The chieftain speaks, and I firmly cut him off and shout,

"No! It's because you didn't do anything!"

If it were another race, they would have requested the royal family to create laws prohibiting the trade of hearts.

But our chieftain didn't even make the minimum effort.

He used the tradition of survival of the fittest as a shield.

He just watched as the tribe declined.

"You should have at least warned them! You should have told them what kind of monsters lurk in the labyrinth, how to deal with them, and prepared them!"

"It's a tradition that has been passed down from our ancestors. I can't change that—"

"Our ancestors wanted us to become stronger!!"

The chieftain's decision can't even be seen as following fate. There are no animals in the vast wilderness that choose to die.

They all choose to evolve to adapt to their new environment.

But the chieftain didn't do that, so...

"Chieftain! Look at us now! We've become prey as easy as goblins in the labyrinth. Because we were only taught that monsters are our enemies! But do you think our ancestors wanted this?"

"...Calm down."

"If I were you, I would have at least given them leather boots. I would have given them pouches to carry magic stones. I would have taught them how to use a compass—"

"Didn't I tell you to calm down!!!"

Ah, did I cross the line?

The chieftain's shout, after being hit with truth bombs by a warrior who hasn't even been an explorer for a year, shakes the forest.

"Speak your mind! What are you trying to say?!"

Although he can't logically refute me, it seems like he's getting frustrated just listening.

"If you don't do it right..."

I gulp and continue my last line.

"I will, chieftain."

For myself.

And for our barbarian tribe.


After I confidently declared my ambition...

...the chieftain remained silent for a while.

He just stared at me as if organizing his thoughts.


'...He suddenly swung his axe.'

I dodge the axe by stepping back.

I grab the axe handle with my hand in [Gigantification] state, and a strength contest begins.

The chieftain wins overwhelmingly.

A giant over 3 meters tall is lifted into the air, hanging onto the axe.

Therefore, I let go of the axe and charge towards the chieftain.

Hmm, and then...


Right, I punch him in the face.

However, I don't feel the usual solid impact, and when I come to my senses, the chieftain's giant fist is right in front of my eyes.

That's the last thing I remember.

'...Then this must be the chieftain's tent.'

I calmly finish organizing the situation and slowly open my eyes.

As expected, it's a tent, and I see the chieftain.

"You woke up early."

"...Chieftain, your nose is caved in."

"Yours too."

Really? No wonder I couldn't breathe properly.

I also taste blood when I swallow.

I open my backpack next to the bed, take out a potion, and take a few sips. And then I hand the rest to the chieftain.

"Drink this too."

"...No thanks. Why waste a potion? It'll heal by tomorrow if I leave it alone."

Well, if that's what he wants.

I roughly reset his nose bone with my hand and wipe the blood that had pooled up, smearing it on the bed.

And I get to the point.

The first thing I need to confirm.

"Are you done being angry?"

"...I wasn't angry from the beginning."

"Then why?"

"I just felt like punching you because you were being arrogant."

Anyway, it seems like he's no longer angry, so I don't say anything.

The important thing is something else.

'Fortunately, it worked out well.'

I declared that I would become the chieftain in front of the chieftain.

I didn't just blurt it out in a fit of excitement.

I just predicted that he wouldn't kill me because of it.

"Are you that greedy for my position?"


Ambition and aspiration aren't shameful for barbarians.

Especially if it's for a conviction and a cause.

"You're different from other warriors."

"What do you mean?"

"Other warriors wanted the position of chieftain for honor. But you're only concerned about our tribe."

Fortunately, it doesn't seem like he suspects me of being an evil spirit.

And he doesn't seem to dislike my attitude. If I had toned down the truth bombs a bit, I probably wouldn't have been beaten up.

Anyway, the chieftain also has an excuse, right?

He suddenly brings up an unexpected topic.

"Actually, the previous chieftain was similar to you. He was always at the forefront of anything related to our tribe. Do you know what happened to him?"

"Are you talking about the Sacred Relic War?"


The Sacred Relic War.

It's the name given to the war with the fairies 10 years ago.

A tragedy that began when a barbarian accidentally picked up a fairy sacred relic in the labyrinth.

The fairies captured and interrogated the barbarian who had the sacred relic, and the barbarian resisted fiercely.

And died.

"We fought the fairies for over a year until the royal family intervened. The previous chieftain also died in that battle."

The Sacred Relic War was the biggest reason why the barbarian tribe has become so weak.

Countless warriors who were supposed to lead the next generation died.

And in the meantime, the Magic Tower announced that barbarian hearts were valuable as magic materials.

"I also met with the Tower Master, but they said, 'Why should we give up magic materials for you?'"

Hmm, so he didn't just sit back and do nothing.

"But we couldn't go to war with the Magic Tower."

"So, like I said—"

"Yes, you're right. If I had warned and taught the young warriors about the dangers like you said, things would have been better than they are now."


The chieftain chuckles as I flinch as if I heard something I shouldn't have.

"You're still young, warrior. What you did was instill hatred towards humans in the hearts of the warriors."

"Not humans, marauders."

"If you truly believe that they can be distinguished, I misjudged you."

"...But why can't we hate humans?"

I ask out of pure curiosity, and the chieftain answers after a brief pause.

"Because if we hate them, we won't have a place to live."

"So you're afraid of the Lafdonia royal family."

It's understandable.

Even I know how powerful the royal family is.

But the chieftain mutters bitterly,

"Who in this world wouldn't be afraid of him? You'll understand when the day comes for you to meet him."

As if he's afraid of the King himself, not just the army under his command.


The conversation ends shortly after.

[I'll turn a blind eye to you teaching the warriors about marauders. But if you go any further, I won't stand for it. Don't let the warriors harbor deep hatred towards humans.]

Although I wasn't designated as his successor, he acknowledged my ambition and said he would allow me to build influence within the tribe.

Well, I did receive a warning to stay within the line...

...but it's a reward I wouldn't have gotten if I had just apologized or made excuses.

[If you're greedy for my position, become stronger, warrior. And prove that you're worthy. I'll be watching you.]

[Ah, and one more thing.]

[Your punches are quite strong.]

Geez, who's he to say that?

I leave the tent after the chieftain's backhanded compliment.

It's the time of day when the sun is setting beyond the walls of the sanctuary.

The area around the tent is filled with barbarians.

They're all looking at me.

From the baby barbarians to the elders who must have been quite something in their younger days.

"He's fine."

"I heard the chieftain had a nosebleed..."

"If that's true, then he really is..."

They're emanating intense curiosity as they see me return from the chieftain's tent unharmed. I adjust my backpack and walk among them.

They just watch, not approaching.

It seems like they think I've offended the chieftain.

That's when, as I take a few more steps...


Ainar approaches me.

"Are you okay! I heard you fought the chieftain!"

"Ah, I'm fine."

"So what happened? They say you declared that you would become the chieftain?"

The moment Ainar asks directly...

...the ears of nearly a hundred barbarians perk up simultaneously.

It would be rude to just disappear now.

I chuckle and answer,

"He told me to become stronger and prove myself worthy."

I immediately sense murmurs around me.

Some are surprised, and some say it's impossible even for me. Unexpectedly, some even say it will take at least a few years, citing realistic reasons.

The chieftain probably thinks the same way.


"So? Bjorn, what did you say?"

That's when I answer,

"I said it won't take long."

Right, that's what I said.


On the way back to the city with Ainar, I met Karon.

And I made sure to emphasize one thing.

That he shouldn't teach the baby barbarians to hate humans too much.

"Bu, but! Didn't you say humans are enemies?"

"Not all of them are."

Although it's like I'm changing my words now, Karon also agrees after I tell him about Dwarkey.

"Right, there are such noble men among humans... Is it okay if I tell the other warriors about this?"

"About Dwarkey?"

"It will be a great example! We love warriors like that!"

"Didn't you hear me? He was a mage, not a warrior."

"Haha! That's ridiculous. How can he not be a warrior when he sacrificed his life to protect his companions?"

Uh, well, if you say that, there's nothing I can say...

I just end the argument there and finish the conversation.

"Then we'll be on our way."

"Alright! See you later, Bjorn, son of Yandel! The great warrior who will lead us in the future!"

It feels like the title has gotten longer, but...

'Well, I guess it worked out well.'

For reference, I left the money-making bug alone.

Even the chieftain said it was within the acceptable range, although he was worried that the hatred would intensify.

In the first place, the money-making bug will be patched in a few months.

The reason why marauders targeted barbarians so much was because it was low risk, high return.

'Once the rumor spreads that we've changed, there won't be any bastards who would risk their lives to attack us.'

But what about level 3 monsters?

If they're sane, they'll run away as soon as they see us.


I leave the sanctuary and take Ainar to my inn. And after a heartwarming meal on the 1st floor, I get her a room next door that just became vacant.

"I, is it really okay for me to sleep in a place like this...?"

"Of course. You don't have to pay me back later. This much is nothing—"

"Bjo—orrrrn! I'll follow you forever!!"

"...Be quiet. This isn't the sanctuary."

"Ah, right?!"

Just as I'm reminding Ainar...

...the door to my room, which should have been empty, opens from the inside.

"...Bjorn? Who's that woman next to you?"

"Ah, you were here?"

I briefly introduce them since they'll be teammates in the future. I don't need a long explanation since I've mentioned them to each other a few times before.

"Nice to meet you! Misha Kaltstein!! I've heard a lot about you! Bjorn's companion is my companion!! I look forward to working with you!"

Ainar, perhaps nervous about meeting a new companion, shouts almost hysterically and holds out her hand.

Misha is also flustered.

"Ah, uh... Nice to meet you..."

Misha, who was shaking Ainar's hand as if possessed, comes to her senses and approaches me.

And she whispers in my ear,

"Is, is she really the Ainar you were talking about? You said she was a barbarian, didn't you!!"


"How does she look like a barbarian!!"

Doesn't she clearly look like a barbarian?

At first, I don't understand, but then I realize why she's surprised. When people think of barbarians, they usually imagine someone at least 2 meters tall.

The problem is that Ainar heard it.

"Misha Kaltstein!! Are, are you insulting me because I'm sho, short!!! I sincerely thought of you as a precious companion..."

"Aak! No! You misheard!"

"I have good ears!!"

"So, sorry! Th, that wasn't what I meant. Okay? You're just so pretty... Yeah! That's why I—"

"Whaaat!! Misha Kaltstein, how much further are you going to insult me? Duel! I challenge you to a duel!!"

Ainar starts shouting as her trauma button is pressed, and Misha tries to calm her down.

I feel a headache coming on as I watch them.

"Ugh... my head..."

The head injury I received from the chieftain must not have healed yet.

Hmm, well, it makes sense.

Otherwise, I can't explain this.

There's no way I would be facing such a thorny path before the five team members have even assembled.

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