Surviving the Game as a Barbarian

Chapter 156 Lion (2)

Chapter 156 Lion (2)

Lion (2)

Lion (2)

Ghostbusters, the community of evil spirits.

My secret source of information that Misha and Ainar don’t know about.

‘Alright, let’s do this.’

I turn on the computer first, deliberately ignoring Lee Hansu’s comfortable-looking bed.

The 12 hours that this community exists.

There’s information I need to find out within that time.

‘Orculus, Noark, Dragonslayer.’

Things that used to be stories from a faraway land…

…but are now closely related to my survival.

The books in the library have their limits.

After all, books as a medium can’t help but be slow in terms of the latest information.

[1~140,000 GP] All information related to Orculus.

I post a request to buy information on the exchange and then open the chat room list. I judged that this might be more helpful than the exchange.

[Long Live Korean Independence] – 1 member online.

It seems like Lee Baekho entered the chat room as soon as the community opened. Well, he was very disappointed when he logged out last time. He was even anxious that I might not come back next time.

Like a child who doesn’t want to be separated from their parents.

‘Phew, he’s a rare one.’

I feel a bitter taste in my mouth.

The icon of misfortune who was dragged here on the day he was discharged from the military, and a veteran player who has survived in this world for almost 10 years.

Although Lee Baekho is very friendly towards me…

…I can’t completely trust him.

[Ah… well… I’m actually in seclusion, so I’m not that up-to-date on recent information.]

He said he was in seclusion back then. That’s why he introduced me to ‘Watchers of the Round Table’, saying that he wasn’t up-to-date on the latest information.

I glossed over it last time…

…but I can’t rule out the possibility that he might be a member of Orculus or the underground city of Noark.

‘Even if he’s Korean, he’s just a stranger in this world.’

I organize my thoughts.

Maintaining a relationship with Lee Baekho has more advantages than disadvantages.

So let’s subtly investigate his identity, but don’t push it, and try to discreetly gather information about Orculus.

The moment I double-click…


A large room reminiscent of a noble’s mansion.

Before I can even look around properly, Lee Baekho runs towards me.

“Ah, Hansu hyung! Why are you so late?!”

“No, I came right away…”

“I was so worried that you might have died!”

His eyes are fierce, and his hair is messy as if he's been pulling it out.

It hasn't even been 5 minutes since the community opened, and this is his reaction?

Just how starved for human connection was this guy—

“Hyung, you can’t die yet! We haven’t talked about idols, or badmouthed politicians or the military. You’re the only one I can do that with…! And we have to talk about Dungeon Fighter Online!”

Ah, uh… so that was the problem.

Well, it’s ridiculous to expect normal human emotions from a guy who has survived here for 10 years.

I chuckle and sit down on the chair.

“Stop it. I’m not dying.”

“Yes, sir. Then what should we talk about first? Ah, Lovely Lovely’s 3rd full album? That would be the best, right?”

No, who’s Lovely Lovely…?

I naturally change the subject since I’m not interested in the entertainment industry. I have a feeling he’ll get upset if I honestly say I don’t know.

“…Let’s talk about the military.”

“Ye, yes, sir! Oh, but come to think of it, weren’t you a public service worker, hyung?”

“I still went to boot camp, you know.”


Is he not interested in boot camp stories? Lee Baekho makes a strange expression and then speaks cautiously,

“Hyung, how about we just talk about Dungeon Fighter Online…”

“I haven’t played that.”

“Whaaaaaat?!! Didn’t you say you were a public service worker?!”

Lee Baekho is shocked as if he heard something unbelievable.

But did he come to his senses belatedly?

“Ah! Sorry, hyung. I didn’t mean it like that. You know?”

“…Yeah, let’s just do that.”

“Yes, sir…”

The atmosphere becomes awkward in an instant.

Lee Baekho scratches his cheek, looking dejected.

I can understand his feelings.

He was so happy to meet a fellow Korean, but he realized that we don’t actually have much in common—

“Pfft! Puhahaha…”

“Why are you laughing?”

“No, hyung. Don’t you think it’s funny? The conversation we just had.”

Is it? I don’t know.

What’s so funny about it?

“I can’t really explain it, but it felt like I was back in Korea just now.”

Ah, that.

“…I think I understand. What kind of feeling it is.”


Lee Baekho chuckles and then leans back in his chair. And we chat naturally instead of forcing a topic.

We talk about what we used to do for a living, and then the conversation naturally flows to the military.

“Boot camp was funny too. I didn’t know there were so many crazy people in our country.”

“Well, the environment is what it is. Everyone becomes normal when they’re outside.”

“Right… that’s true. We didn’t expect to become like this either, did we? We’ll probably have to go to a mental hospital when we get back.”

“I don’t think we should talk about this.”

“No, but haven’t you thought about it, hyung? Killing if they’re in the way, killing if they’re suspicious, worrying about whether someone will hurt me when I meet them… human life… it feels like just a game character. We’re completely insane.”

The atmosphere becomes heavy, as if the lightheartedness from a moment ago was a lie.

“You’ll get used to it soon. Just like when you came here.”



A brief silence follows.

Lee Baekho is the first to speak.

“Anyway, thank you, hyung. Honestly, I’ve been thinking lately if there’s even a point in going back. It’s not that I like it here… you know what I mean, right?”


“You might think it’s nothing, but at least it motivates me. It gives me hope that if I can laugh and joke around here, I’ll be able to do the same when I get back.”


I feel an inexplicable sense of dissonance from that word.

But I don’t pry further.

It’s not at a stage where I can be certain, and there’s nothing to gain by stirring things up.

“Ah, by the way, do you know anything about a group called Orculus?”

I subtly bring up the main topic.

As if it’s just to change the heavy atmosphere.

I throw it out casually and focus on Lee Baekho’s reaction.

There’s no noticeable change.


“Orculus? Why are you curious about them?”

He asks for the reason first.

He used to just answer any question I asked.

My doubts grow.

Who the hell is this guy?


“You need a Genesis Artifact to reach the last floor, right? I was wondering if they stole it. Ah, you know that someone stole it, right?”

I throw out the line I prepared without a moment’s pause, and Lee Baekho nods.

“Yes, I know. So that’s why you asked… I’m relieved.”


“Ah, it’s nothing.”

Lee Baekho brushes it off and continues.

“Anyway, you even thought of that, hyung. Actually, I thought the same thing before.”

“So you don’t think so now?”

“No. I checked using various methods, and it doesn’t seem like it. After all, it’s been about half a year since all the Genesis Artifacts were stolen.”

“All of them were stolen?”

“Ah, you didn’t know that? They were all stolen, from all six races. And on the same day.”

Phew, the elder said that other races might be in a similar situation…

So it was true.

“It doesn’t make sense realistically. Even if they could steal from other races, to steal from the Dragonkin and humans too? No matter how strong they are, they can’t do that. Well, I investigated just in case, but I couldn’t find any leads.”

“So you don’t know who stole them either?”

“No. If you happen to find any clues, please let me know. As you know, if there’s a way to return home, it’s the only way, right?”

I learned something unexpected while asking about Orculus out of curiosity.

He doesn’t know anything about the Genesis Artifacts either.

I briefly entertained the delusion that he might be the final mastermind…

“Hyung, you’re not thinking about something else, right? Like competition or something. We can open the door together with up to five people. I’ll be helpful.”

“No, it’s not that…”

I can’t just tell him what I was thinking, so I make an excuse.

“It’s just… it’s strange that you’re saying that to me. How would I find a clue that even you couldn’t find?”

“Uh, well, you have a point… But I feel like you’re a bit special, hyung. Actually, I felt that way from the moment I first saw you.”

“…I’m the one who’s speechless when you say that.”

“Hey, but you cleared the 10x version too, didn’t you? Don’t you think you’ll be similar to me in about 10 years? Honestly, I’m almost at the point where I can’t get any stronger…”

Leaving aside the part about not being able to get any stronger…

…I can feel Lee Baekho’s mental strength in his casual tone. He’s already assuming that it will take at least another 10 years to find the Genesis Artifacts.

But he’s not even thinking of giving up.

What kind of tenacity is that?

“Right. Should I tell you something interesting? You probably don’t know about it. It’s a setting that wasn’t in the game.”

“What is it?”

“There’s a huge underground city beneath the sewers. It’s called Noark.”


I try to maintain my composure.

It’s like my wish has been granted.

I can’t believe he brought this up first.

“Yes. I thought of it because of Orculus. Actually, it’s their headquarters. You know about the Ormy Revolutionary Army, right?”

I chuckle at the somewhat random name.

Ormy Revolutionary Army?

“They’re those guys who occasionally appeared in events. They would come and ask you to join them in overthrowing the world if you gained a bit of fame.”

For reference, accepting that event always led to a bad ending. I tried countless times, thinking there might be a hidden condition, but I couldn’t change it, as if it were a problem with the game’s structure itself.

“Those bastards also created Noark. They all fled underground after their rebellion failed.”

“Interesting. Anyway, so?”

“That’s all. Their goals are similar, right? So I heard they’re cooperating with each other down there.”

The cooperative relationship between Noark and Orculus.

I also learned about this from the letter left by High Priest Ludwig.

In other words, what comes next is important.

How can I ask about the Dragonslayer without being suspected?

That’s when…

“Hyung, just in case, even if the royal family or the guild offers you a request, don’t go anywhere near anything related to them.”

“I need to hear the reason first.”

“Ah, this will make the story long…”

Lee Baekho sighs and then quickly continues,

“There’s this guy called Dragonslayer, and he really screwed up this time. It seems like he kidnapped a high priest and then lost him. Someone found a letter by chance and took it to the temple or something.”

I gulp and ask,

“…How did that happen?”

“I don’t know the details either. They say he lost his memory and doesn’t even know what happened to him.”

He lost his memory?

Could it be related to the vine breaking?

I want to ask more, but Lee Baekho finishes his sentence quickly, not giving me a chance.

“Anyway, what I’m trying to say is, they broke the agreement first, so a subjugation force might be formed, so don’t participate.”


“They’re still alive down there. You’ll just get hurt if you get involved. Okay? Damn it, we’re already out of time. Hyung! See you next ti—”

Lee Baekho’s voice is cut off, and his figure disappears.

“Damn it.”

He logged out.

In other words, he was kicked out because time ran out.


After Lee Baekho disappears…

…I return to my room and organize my thoughts.

No, to be precise, I keep replaying one sentence he said.

[I don’t know the details either. They say he lost his memory and doesn’t even know what happened to him.]

Considering the pill that the psychopath bitch fed me, it’s a plausible story.

But the problem is that I don’t know if it’s true.

It’s possible that Lee Baekho heard a rumor fabricated by Orculus and then relayed it to me.

But if it’s true…

‘It would explain the vine breaking.’

It makes sense to some extent.

This ring doesn’t sever the karmic connection with him.

It just delays it.

‘So it’s just a matter of time before I’m found out.’

If they trace back to who delivered the letter, they’ll eventually find out about me.

There’s also the issue of disposing of Dragonslayer.

And besides, there’s a chance that Noark has a way to restore memories.


‘What I have to do doesn’t change.’

I sit back down at the computer and do what needs to be done.

I check if there are any information sales posts, and if there are, I meet with the sellers and buy the information at a reasonable price.

I don’t limit myself to information about the Dragonslayer. Assuming that they could all become enemies, I gather information and more information.

How much time has passed?


It’s time for Watchers of the Round Table to open.

I intentionally wait until there’s only 1 minute left before the entry time and then join the secret chat room.

After all, the charm of acting lies in the details.


The closed door opens as I put on the Lion mask on the table.

A red carpet stretches towards the room with the round table.

I hear a conversation in the distance as I slowly walk forward.

“Do you think that person won’t come this time?”

“It wouldn’t be strange. Someone like him wouldn’t need us.”

“No, but who the hell is he?”

There’s a voice I haven’t heard before.

It seems like a member who didn’t participate last time…

“It’s hard to explain.”

“He’s an eccentric. So if you happen to meet him, be careful what you say. Otherwise, you’ll have a very difficult time.”

The newbie says at the senior’s experienced advice,

“Ha, I really don’t understand. You’re all teasing me, right? Physical force doesn’t work, and he doesn’t even know my identity, so what’s so scary about him?”

“Pfft. There’s one thing, killing intent.”

“What…? Even if his killing intent is strong, someone at our level can easily defend against it, can’t we?”

The newbie mutters incredulously.

Therefore, I continue walking and make my presence known.


The members sitting at the round table all turn their heads at the loud footsteps, and I quietly walk past them and sit down at the same spot I sat in last time.

“It’s been a while, Mr. Lion.”

Everyone except for the Clown is silent, observing my reaction.

But did he dislike the atmosphere?

The newbie laughs awkwardly.

“Ah, uh… so, there really was a newbie? Haha.”

I silently stare at the newbie.

And I unleash the killing intent I’ve been practicing.


Right, if a newbie comes, you have to establish dominance.

That’s the tradition here, isn’t it?

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