Surviving the Game as a Barbarian

Chapter 176 Doppelganger (1)

Chapter 176 Doppelganger (1)

Doppelganger (1)

Doppelganger (1)

Red bobbed hair that reaches her shoulders.

A tattoo under her eye.

A lean, muscular physique, a little over 170 centimeters tall.


Amelia, standing in front of the mirror, tucks her hair behind her ear, revealing a scar on her half-severed ear.

It’s a scar that would be considered a flaw if she wanted to live as a woman.

Back then, she didn’t have the money to buy a potion, so she had no choice but to leave it.

Of course, healing it completely wouldn’t be impossible for her now…

…but she doesn’t bother.

“We’re almost there.”

This scar always reminds her.

Who her enemies are.

“Amelia Rainwales, the Lord summons you.”

She slings the bag she prepared beforehand over her shoulder and heads outside.

An unexpected person is waiting for her.

“I didn’t expect you to come.”

A member of Orculus.

A notorious criminal known throughout both the surface and the underground as the ‘Corpse Collector’.

“The situation is urgent.”

“How bad is it?”

“The royal family made a drastic move. I never imagined they would release that madman from prison.”

“…So he’s out?”

Even Amelia, who usually has an expressionless face, can’t hide her surprise this time.

If the ‘Corpse Collector’ is an evil spirit known to the public…

…that man is the opposite.

Very few people know his name…

…but to those who know even a little about his identity…

…he’s a being that’s more terrifying than anyone else.

“Yeah, that bastard is here. Thanks to him, things have gotten a bit complicated. A lot of our people are dying.”

The man wearing glasses smiles and pats Amelia on the back.

“So let’s go. Everyone’s already gathered, and we’re just waiting for you.”

“…Alright. Let’s go.”

Amelia then follows the man.

Only the sound of their quick footsteps echoes through the silent hallway.

“Did the Dragonslayer also participate in the battle?”

“Huh? Ah, that guy… his arm is crippled, what can he do? He’s probably still resting in his room.”

“…I see.”

Amelia cautiously asks another question.

“Any leads?”

“What do you mean?”

The man turns around, stopping in his tracks.

He’s known for being intelligent, so he might be connecting the incident where the Dragonslayer’s equipment was found on the black market with her.

‘I made a mistake.’

Although she belatedly realizes that she was being careless, Amelia answers calmly,

“I was going to kill him once he became useless.”

“…Huh? Do you have a grudge against him?”

“I don’t like his eyes.”

A brief silence follows Amelia’s answer.

It doesn’t last long.

The man bursts into laughter as if he’s heard something amusing.

“Ahahaha! Well, those snake eyes are a bit annoying. Especially since he doesn’t even know his place.”

The man starts walking again.

“But bear with it. It seems like his body will heal in six months to a year.”

“What about Dragonslayer? He’s useless without it, isn’t he?”

“Ah, that. We’ll find it. That alchemist geezer said there’s a way to restore memories.”

“…I see.”

A way to restore memories…

She wants to ask what it is, but she holds back.

She’s not usually interested in other people’s affairs.

This perceptive guy would definitely notice something was off.

‘I’ll have to look into it later.’

After walking down the hallway for about 3 minutes, they reach a giant door.

A white door that leads to the Lord’s audience chamber.

They enter, and the Lord is sitting on his throne.

“It’s been a while.”

“You’ve come. Amelia Rainwales.”

Amelia gives a brief salute and then looks at the other four people in the chamber. She knows three of them, and one is a stranger.

“He’s an explorer from Orculus. But we don’t have time, so let’s save the introductions for later and get to the point.”

She also dismisses her curiosity and listens to the Lord’s words.

“As you can see from the fact that I called you here, the situation isn’t good.”

“Hehe, I heard! That crazy mister came down here?”

“That’s right, Miss Carmilla. The Captain is currently facing him, but he says it’s difficult to hold out for long.”

The Lord smiles bitterly and continues.

That they’ve decided to close off the city.

And that no one will be able to enter or leave for the next two years.

“We’ll activate the sealing magic circle as soon as you leave through the secret passage. Any questions?”


“See you in two years! Handsome Lord!”

“Carmilla, what kind of way is that to talk to the Lord?”

“Whatever, smelly old man.”

After a brief conversation, Amelia and her four companions head towards a secret passage on the floor.

They soon reach a spot with a red flag planted.

[You’ve arrived.]

[Good luck.]

A powerful magical energy erupts from the direction of the city as soon as she contacts them through a message stone.

“Wow, that’s amazing. We really can’t cross it?”

A giant barrier made of blue mana.

‘I never thought I would leave this city like this.’

Amelia suppresses her strange feelings and recalls her mission.

“Sister, you said that guy is the commander, right? What should we do now?”

The mission is simple.

To gather information in Lafdonia.

That’s the main mission, and if possible…

‘I’ve finally made it here.’

…to kill one explorer.

A smile spreads across her lips as she recalls the second mission the Lord gave her.


There were all sorts of rumors circulating in the city.

From conspiracy theories claiming that the subjugation’s failure was intentional on the part of the royal family…

…to doomsday prophecies that the city would be destroyed by the war with Noark.

‘This world is no different in this aspect.’

I’ve been visiting bars for the past few days, listening to those absurd rumors.

It’s a boring and stressful task.

But it’s an unavoidable choice.

I’m just a ground-dwelling barbarian.

What else can I do?

I have to do it myself.

“Bjorn, are you going out to drink again today?”

“Yeah, I’ll be late, so go to sleep first.”

Less than a week left until we enter the labyrinth.

As soon as the sun sets, I head out to the streets and drink alone.

Even if I just sit here, information comes to me.

“I heard the death compensation payments will be postponed until next month.”

“Well, the royal family wouldn’t be able to handle it if that many people died.”

“Haha, it’s the opposite. They have enough money, but it’s taking time to calculate because there are too many casualties.”

It’s similar to when I first came here.

Well, back then, I couldn’t afford to go to bars because I didn’t have money, so I just listened while eating.

‘Nothing special today either.’

The royal family hasn’t made any official statements since the subjugation failed, so the rumors are spreading like wildfire.

But to summarize the things that are closest to the truth…

1. Noark also suffered significant damage and barely survived by closing its doors as a last resort.

This is certain since there are many witnesses.

No matter how much they try to keep it quiet, how can it be hidden when so many people participated?

2. There’s an incredibly strong explorer unknown to the royal family.

I heard this directly from a drunk survivor.

Derbes, the guy I met at the gathering, somehow managed to return alive.

He said that explorer fought on par with the captain of Orculus?

Well, it wouldn’t be strange for someone like that to exist, considering they’re the royal family.

Anyway, next…

3. Three of the Top Ten Clans disbanded because of this subjugation.

Actually, it’s not disbandment, but annihilation.

Less than 10% of them survived, making it impossible to recover.

And not just the Top Ten Clans, but more than half of the small and medium-sized clans that operate on the 5th and 6th floors have also disbanded.

‘Well, thanks to that, there will be less control over hunting grounds.’

It’s the only positive factor in the current situation.

But the negative consequences are too severe to be happy about.

‘If this becomes a long-term war, the final battle will inevitably take place in the labyrinth.’

It’s something I’ve been worried about since I saw the signs of war.

Honestly, I can’t help but laugh when I think about it.

‘Unlimited PK content…’

It’s content that didn’t even exist in the original game.

If the labyrinth becomes a battlefield, I, who has to earn money and grow there, will inevitably be caught up in it.

‘And if the magic stone supply decreases, inflation will definitely start.’

Unfortunately, it’s hard to even hear about these concerns in a cheap bar.

Well, if there were any explorer who was already worried about inflation, I would suspect them of being an evil spirit.

‘I need to make a decision now.’

It’s time for me to decide.

Whether to stop exploring until things calm down, or to just enter the labyrinth as usual.

Actually, the answer is already decided.

‘…It’s better to enter the labyrinth.’

There’s no telling when this chaos will end.

Just resting is a bad move.

The karmic connection with that Dragonslayer bastard isn’t over.

I need to become stronger as soon as possible before the vine ring breaks.

That’s the only way to survive.

‘And if we’re forcibly conscripted later, we’ll have to participate in the war anyway.’

And most importantly, Noark suffered significant damage in this battle.

In other words, they’ll also need time to recover.

And even if they don’t, we’re in a better situation than other explorers.

After all, we can use a bug to skip the 1st floor.

The 4th floor is an independent dimension, so it’s irrelevant, and even on the 5th floor, we’re free from PK once we enter the mirror.

‘The problem is how to persuade those two…’

Raven, the mage, and the bear-like man with 10 years of experience.

I’m not sure if they’ll agree to enter the labyrinth.

‘I have no choice but to confront them directly.’

I empty my glass and leave the bar as soon as I make my decision.

Barbarians have their own way of doing things.

“Sorry, we’re closed… Oh, Mr. Yandel. What brings you here at this hour? Because of my husband?”

“Is Avman here?”

“He’s probably passed out drunk. Wait a moment, I’ll wake him up and bring him to you.”

Is it because he received a proper financial incentive this time?

The bear-like man’s wife seems much friendlier than before.

I sit at a table that hasn’t been cleared yet and wait, and soon the bear-like man is dragged out, rubbing his eyes.

“Yandel, what’s going on in the middle of the night?”

“I have something important to talk about.”

“Hmm, really? Let me sober up first. Honey?”

The lady brings honey water as if she’s been waiting for his call.

“Drink this.”

Judging by her attentiveness, it seems like he’s regained his authority as the head of the household.

“Keuh, that’s the stuff. So what did you want to talk about?”

“I’ll ask directly. Are you participating in this expedition?”

“Hmm, judging by your tone, you’ve already made up your mind?”

“I’m going.”

The bear-like man chuckles as I nod without beating around the bush.

“Really? Then I’ll join you.”

“You made your decision quickly. Do you know something?”

“Not really, but we’re a team, aren’t we? I should trust and follow the leader’s decision.”

It’s a type of answer I didn’t expect at all.

I can’t believe he respects the leader’s authority!

This man, he’s actually conservative in this aspect.

“Then that’s settled.”

“How about a drink while you’re here?”

“No thanks. Your wife needs to rest too. You should help her clean up and then go to sleep.”

I leave the bar after quickly ending the conversation.

I must have earned some points with that last line, as the lady’s gaze has softened considerably.


It’s past 3:00 AM, but I head to the Magic Tower without hesitation.

It’s practically daytime for them right now.

And indeed, Raven is also in her lab, conducting experiments.

“Huh? Mr. Yandel? Why at this hour?”

“I came to ask you something.”

“Really? I’ll be done soon. Just sit anywhere and wait for a bit.”

I thought she might scold me for being rude, visiting at such a late hour, but she doesn’t say anything.

Is it because we’re companions now?

At least she’s not treating me like a stranger anymore.

“So? What did you want to ask?”

I wait for a while, and Raven organizes her things and sits in front of me. And I just say it bluntly,

“Are you entering the labyrinth?”

“Ah, that… well, I guess we should talk about that. What about the others?”

Her tone implies that I came to ask her last.

Although I feel a bit offended…

…I have nothing to say since it’s true.

“Everyone else agreed to enter.”

“Really? Then I’ll go too.”

“You made your decision quickly. Do you know something?”

I repeat the same question I asked the bear-like man, and I get a different answer.


“…What is it?”

“It’s nothing special, but the royal family didn’t send a notice to the Magic Tower this time.”


“They usually inform the Magic Tower first if there’s something dangerous. Like telling us not to enter or something.”

I’m momentarily stunned, but I understand.

It’s a kind of VIP treatment.

Since mages are considered high-level personnel, the royal family personally looks after their safety.

“So don’t worry too much. The royal family led the subjugation, and there’s still no notice? It practically means that they judged it to be safe.”

“…I see. Tell me beforehand if there’s something like that.”

“If that’s what the leader wants.”

I leave the Magic Tower after her teasing smile and return home.

And I wake up Misha and Ainar, who are sleeping.

“Ah, what? I was sleeping.”

“Ugh, the smell of alcohol!! Did you go drinking without me again?!”

“Enough, eat this.”

I give them each a chicken leg I bought and inform them of the result.

“We’re entering the labyrinth.”

Ainar reacts as if it’s obvious, and Misha sighs deeply.

“…Ugh, I knew it. You reckless barbarian.”

Phew, I wish all my teammates were like them.

“So that’s it?”

“Yeah, that’s it. Go back to sleep.”

“Ah, seriously, you could have just told us tomorrow…”

Misha grumbles and goes back to her room, and Ainar does the same.

“Sleep well, Bjorn!”

I also take out my key and insert it into the keyhole.

But just as I’m about to turn it and unlock the door…

Click, clack.

…I hear footsteps coming up the stairs.

It’s just ordinary white noise, considering it’s an inn.

But for some reason, the sound is particularly noticeable today.


I involuntarily turn around and check the stairs, and my eyes meet the person who’s coming up.

I thought I was mistaken because she’s wearing a skirt…

But there’s no way.

‘Why is she here?’

The 8th-floor explorer from the underground city who made me realize what a wall is, twice. Once in the Land of the Dead, and once in the sewers.

The so-called psychopath bitch.


I involuntarily gulp as soon as I see that face engraved in my mind.

But could it be that she’s also flustered?

“I never expected to meet someone who knows me here.”


“This is… a bit troublesome.”

The woman frowns as she looks at me and then takes a stance, pulling one foot back.

It seems like she’s already come up with a solution.

“Well, I can just beat you up and erase your memory like last time.”

Damn it.

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