Suzuki is Cute Even In A Savage World

Vol. 2 - Chapter 1.8 - The Advent Of The Immortal Fleet (8)

"W-Warmmmmm! G-G-Guzzle him up! I-I want to, want to, want to!"

"H-Hey! Duma!"

Nephira made a panicked noise, seeing her reaction.

"La-Lady Duma, calm yourself!!"

The skeleton soldiers shouted, and suddenly, there was a commotion around them. Soon, Duma noticed the commotion in the throne room and stutteringly spoke.

"I-I apologize. Lo-Losing my composure… Kiki ke ke…"

She fixed her disheveled dress and smiled in order to keep up appearances.


Beads of sweat flowed down Takashi's forehead as he watched Duma laugh out loud dryly. He had wanted to get a small advantage, wanting to be the one holding the initiative against Duma. And yet…

(Right now, it seemed like Pritis had the opposite effect…?)

Duma then turned back to Takashi.

"Well, then, Suzuki… L-Let's go?"

Nephira raised one hand to stop Duma from leaving for the imperial capital right away.

"Don't be in such a hurry, Duma. Unlike you who don't even eat, we need time to prepare. That's why we set sail tomorrow."

However, the bird-headed demon Pholus reverently stepped in between Nephira and Duma.

"Lady Nephira! No need to worry! We already made the preparations!"


"Eh—? Nice job! Pholus!"

Pholus rubbed his large beak proudly with his hand when Kiru complimented him.

"We've been overdue on the castle repairs! This was a great way to REDEEM ourselves! Preparations are complete! Ready! Perfectly! Done! Wha–hahahaha!"

Nephira glared at Pholus.

"Pholus…! You... are demoted…!"

"Gigeee–!? Why–!?"

"Kiki ke ke ke. T-Then at once, Suzuki, l-let me take you to my ship."

When Duma saw Takashi, she opened her doll's mouth with a "kapa," and burst out laughing.

"I-I'll show you, m-my onboard collection!"

"O-Onboard collection…?"

Nephira pulled her black hair in vexation, then rose from the throne.

"Then, I'm also going."

"Ah, huh? I thought... I-I was told... only Suzuki?"

"Suzuki is my adjutant. I'm Suzuki's guardian as well."

After clearly informing her intentions, Nephira walked gallantly toward the door.

Following Nephira and Duma, Takashi exited the throne room, feeling somewhat uneasy. And soon, after a while...


Takashi noticed that the hem of his clothes was being pulled from behind him. He turned around and saw Excella gripping the hem of his clothes with a desperate look on her face.


Then, Excella stared at Nephira and Duma, who were walking in front of Takashi, as if glaring at them.

"Please allow me to accompany you! Because... Because I am Lord Hero's slave!"


Nephira wrinkled her brow in obvious displeasure.

"You never said anything about going before!"

"O-Orneo passed away recently, and I had been feeling weak in mind and body! However! I'm now in good physical condition! Above all, the honorable Commander's Adjutant of the Thunder-Lance Charge should never travel without a single slave!"

Meru and Kiru, who were listening nearby, looked at each other and nodded.

"Yeah, the top-brass class demons need slaves to carry their bags."

"I agree—"


Nephira gnashed her teeth. Meanwhile, Takashi approached Excella and whispered in her ear.

"B-But Excella. Are you really okay?"

"I am fine now. Besides… I have a bad feeling about this…"

Excella also whispered in Takashi's ear with a somber look on her face. Her gaze was on Duma, who, a little further away, moved her mouth with a "kapakapa" clap sound.

(C-Certainly, it would be reassuring to have Excella with me.)

Takashi glanced at Duma and tried to ask her.

"Uhm… My slave, can I bring her along?"

Unexpectedly, Duma smiled in a good mood.

"Kike ke ke. I-It's fine. T-The more ingredients, the better, you know…"


"N-Never mind. Ki ki ke ke ke."

Although he was concerned about what Duma had said, Takashi decided to check with Nephira for the time being. As expected, Nephira looked like she was chewing on a bitter bug.

"I'm against it! I'll be the one to take care of Suzuki!"

Excella stood in front of Nephira and looked at her with her emerald eyes, full of willpower.

"The commander is going to take care of the commander's adjutant? It seems to me that the priorities are backward?"

"What...! Excella!! You, despite your slave standing, dare to question my decision!?"

Nephira exuded a strong sense of intimidation. Takashi's pounded rapidly as a lightning aura came bursting from her.

(Excella!? You shouldn't talk to Nephira like that!!)

However, Excella was not to be outdone. She stared back at Nephira with a relaxed expression.

"Uhm, perhaps… Lady Nephira likes Lord Suzuki? That's why she wants to be alone with him…?"

At that moment, Nephira's aura and dignity vanished instantly. Nephira's face turned bright red.

"Hu-HUUUUUUUUUUUUHHH–!? T-There is no way such a thing, right—!! What are you saying!? Hey, this child, what are you talking about!?"

"So it's okay if I accompany you, RIGHT?"

"D-D-D-Do as you please!!"

Nephira turned her head the other way. Excella looked at Takashi, then smiled while winking at him.

(Eh! Nice job, Excella!)

Takashi also looked at her and secretly laughed.

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