Sweet Rustic Love: Four Brothers' Wife

Chapter 840 - Because Liu Duo Did Not Mention That

Chapter 840: Because Liu Duo Did Not Mention That

He was the only doctor with remarkable skills in the village.

Being dragged along by an impatient Ye Mo on a slippery road on a rainy day...if anything happened to be the old man, the whole village would have his head!

As his brother by blood, Ye Mo naturally understood the message conveyed by Ye Yang’s eyes. He slowed down instantly. “Doctor Li, let me give you a hand. We don’t want you to fall.”

“Ye Mo, you have to slow down,” Doctor Li cried after taking several steps.

He might as well walk on his own, which would be a lot safer, instead of being dragged along like this!

Ye Yang tapped Ye Mo on the shoulder, telling him to let go of Doctor Li.

And then he squatted down before the doctor, throwing him a glance. “I’ll carry you.”

It would be better for him to carry Doctor Li back to the house. It would be a lot faster and safer than being assisted by his fretful brother.

Ye Mo saw that and went along with it. He took over the doctor’s medical kit. “Doctor Li, I’ll hold this for you. Ease your burden a bit.”

At the same time, he kicked himself mentally in the head. Why didn’t I think of carrying the doctor on my back? This is what happens when you’re too restless to think!

Doctor Li looked from one brother to the other and said nothing. Since they insisted, he climbed onto Ye Yang’s broad back.

Very steadily, Ye Yang stood up and marched quickly towards home. Ye Mo trailed behind at about the same speed.

“So, how goes your wife? Where is she unwell? Do tell, I’d like to have an estimation first,” Doctor Li asked.


For a moment, Ye Mo did not know what to say.

Liu Duo did not mention she was unwell. She was just unsure whether she was pregnant or not.

This time, Ye Yang replied calmly, “Little Duo might be pregnant.”

He used the word ‘might’ and not ‘is.’ Doctor Li could tell what that meant.

He said kindly, “Then make haste, Ye Yang. I shall have to check on your wife’s pulse. Then, you’ll get a definite answer.”

Now he understood why Ye Mo was in such a rush to get him there. He could empathize with the young man.

He had heard some rumors about the Ye family’s shared wife after all, about how she could not seem to conceive after so long.

Having this piece of information was considered good news, regardless of how it would turn out. At least she was not infertile like what the gossip mongers say!

Ye Yang did not say anything in response, but his footsteps quickened.

When they got home, the trio in the house were happily chatting away, and the drizzle outside had become more concentrated.

“Darling, we’ve brought Doctor Li here.” Ye Mo shouted for his wife once he stepped into their yard.

His voice was so loud that even Aunt Li, who was busy in the kitchen, heard it.

“Mo, why have you brought Doctor Li here? Who’s sick?” Aunt Li asked as she stood by the kitchen door, her eyebrows furrowed.

She shot a glance at the two brothers who just came back, and then at the trio in the house.

After all, they would not get a doctor to come for no apparent reason. That would be so unnecessary!

“Aunt Li, don’t worry, we’re all perfectly fine.” Ye Liu smirked at her. “We brought Doctor Li here mainly to check on Little Duo.”

Aunt Li got even more worried when she heard that.

In a mere moment, so many thoughts popped into her mind. She felt as though something major was about to happen.

Still frowning, she walked towards Liu Duo and the two men in the house.

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