Sword, Magic and Academic Society

Vol. 1 - Ch. 129 - Grayfia Indiana (2)

"............He was a jerk."

Grayfia once again shifted her gaze and started recounting her side of the story.

"......You mean Allen Rovenne?"

She stayed quiet for a moment but eventually nodded her head.

"I didn't put him in my eyes at first. My eyes were on that famous Leo Zatsinger at that time. Sure enough, it became apparent why he was called a child prodigy, not to mention his prominent background, the famed Zatsinger family. He was as handsome as they could get, and had that peculiar aura you would see from prominent figures. There’s no doubt that he’s destined to make big waves in the future.

......But, compared to that illustrious star, that guy...... His face was mediocre to the core, and he appeared no different from a run-of-the-mill commoner."

Grayfia recounted as she bit her lips, tears brimming in her eyes.

"So what you're saying is that there’s more than meets the eye about him? Hmm, but the reports read that he is a coward, morally bankrupt, and a hopeless pervert who resorted to dirty tricks when he realized he had no way to win with his weapon. Was he not?"

Ariichi's intuition was telling her there was more about that boy than the report made him out to be. However, she was curious, so she decided to underplay him for now.

On the other hand, Grayfia nodded.

"I was angry after reaching that conclusion at the end of the match as well. I was clearly superior and even by pure strength comparison, he was nowhere near me… and yet… It vexed me to the core.

I couldn't let the matter end like that, and it would also give others the chance to look down on us. So I waited for a chance to strike him down."

Ariichi felt an uncomfortable sensation washing over her when she heard the last sentence coming out from Grayfia.

"I did wonder if I should stop back then since that 'Indomitable' was there, but..."

Grayfia paused in her words recalling the situation and shook her head.

"That geezer was no average person with his aura, but he didn't show any sign of intervening at all. He was so quiet that it instead felt uncanny.

............I waited for that guy to walk down from the stage. It would take a moment and the audience would soon know who was the real weakling once I struck that guy down, after he had shown himself as Yuglia's Impeccable Knight using a borrowed weapon from Olivia or whatever, the woman from the Rudeon family. That was my plan, but..."

As Grayfia explained so far, her tears started to spill out.

"I— I couldn't take any action...! He didn't even care and just showed me his back, as if to say— Just try it if you have the guts! But once you start, it would no longer be a mere competition. I’d put you in your place if you have the intent to cause any more ruckus!

He was implying this by showing his back while releasing an awfully intimidating aura. It can only be possible if one has gone through numerous bloody scenes, and he… he was giving that vibe.

I felt like no matter what I did, he would be able to see through it. T-There's nothing I could do! He didn't even consider me his opponent at all!

The distance I thought was an advantage for me was moot. And....... there was also that wind, which kept blowing around me as if teasing me, putting a leash on my legs.

......Unforgivable. I couldn't accept myself for that! I should have taken that step, even if it meant I might lose everything! It should have been alright even if he turned out to be my match at worst, but… but I lost not due to the difference in our ability, but due to my cowardice to not take that step!"

Grayfia finally spoke her heart out that she had been holding back. Ariichi took her crying childhood friend in her embrace.

"It must have been tough on you, Phi. You’ve been holding on to this all this time. So my hero faced defeat for the first time......"

Grayfia shook her head amidst her sobbing.

"I’m not a hero! No, I didn’t fight for the country either! I was lying to myself and I just didn't want to lose, that was why I resorted to that cowardly move. But what good was it when I couldn't even face him head on! Just like Gramps, I’m nothing more than a loser!"

"......So you see him in your classmates when challenging them, huh? A little fledgling who can corner you so badly...... It's important information.

But for now, let's go over what happened again, so that you don't lose next time. Neither to him nor to yourself. I’m sure you can do it and become the hero in the truest sense, not a background villain."

Ariichi followed up and tightened her embrace as Grayfia tried to squirm her way out.


"So… why are we disguised and in an underwear shop......?"

Grayfia asked, her shoulders drooped despondently. Her eyes were still red, but she looked much calmer after confiding her feelings.

Ariichi replied with a serious expression.

"I said it earlier, didn't I? We're going to re-do everything again one by one. I still feel pain to part ways with our memorable 'lil' bunny,' but there's just so much we can modify before they become unwearable. This is a good chance.

Let's look for more mature underwear, then no one will be able to make fun of you for them. Hmm, but we're too old to wear matching designs anymore, so let's do this. I’ll choose a design for you, and you select for me, what do you think?"

The store they went to was the <Lavish Style>, a specialized shop that only had underwear, famous among the ladies of the capital. Grayfia looked around, her eyes scanning the products on display— ranging from childish designs to raunchy ones.

As both of them were people of status, they hardly went shopping on their own and so, while Grayfia was outwardly hesitant, she was pretty excited in her mind.

"Hmph. Just so you know, I typically wear lingerie with more mature designs and racy looks. So don't you dare pick some childish ones!"

"Fufu. Of course, would I still be your friend if I didn't know that much? Relax, I know you pay attention to your style typically… and like more light-toned ones with cute designs at important occasions too. It's alright, I’ve noted down everything precisely."

Needless to say, as Ariichi teasingly dug up her still fresh wound, and brought up her topmost black history she couldn't wait to erase for eternity if presented the chance, Grayfia turned beet red up to the roots of her ears as she hollered.

"W-W-W-Which bastard revealed all of this!? It's only in the past, but now I don't like them anymore! It's called maturing with age, alright!"

Grayfia's flustered denial was met with a doubtful glance from Ariichi.

".....Hehe~. I missed my mark then, huh? In that case, I’m sure… this must be to your liking then, eh?"

Ariichi picked up an embroidered, black underwear while saying.

It had a rose-like design embroidered on the rear side, though the center of the back side was split open vertically for inexplicable reasons. The front design was rather simple, tied with strings, except the fabric size was questionably small. The three finger-wide fabric seemed to be only there to hide what would be the bare minimum part.

The bra that came with it as a set, too, was fashioned with a similar embroidered design. However, unlike normal bras, the upper portion of the cup was cut out. The set of underwear was undoubtedly one of the raunchiest designs that the shop had to offer.

"H-H-H-How is this even underwear?! If that's the only option, you might as well go commando for all that it matters!"

'Sure enough,' Arrichi snickered to herself as she looked at the flustered mess that was her childhood friend. Though from Grayfia’s perspective, it seemed like a provocation.

"I guessed it. Phi, It seems like you really can't part with these ribbon-laced, light pink or yellow colored—"

"I-I'm saying you have it all wrong! I just think its design is more on the plainer side!"

"Oh myyy! This is plain for you?! Then, yes, I’m sure this would be to your liking, don't you think so?"

Following the squabble, Ariichi next picked the so-called see-through type underwear.

Featuring a white tone, the underwear wasn't at a mere translucent level like foggy glasses; it put everything into display except the bare minimum.

"W-White?! I can't believe you chose this out of all of them! Do you think white would suit a prickly woman like me?! You know what, I’ll choose it for you, Ari. Bring me something with a darker or gloomier tone!"

"?! H-How can I...... ahem, t-then I’m sure that would match your taste."

Ariichi pointed at one of the mannequins. The mannequin was adorned with a lustrous blue underwear, sporting a tiny butterfly-like design at the nether region. Everything except the butterfly was merely connected with strings, the typical G-string pattern. And the bra… barely had anything in the name of fabric except a broad strip. It was as if someone had put a large headband over the mannequin's chest.

"......This is for you as well."

Grayfia decided immediately.

"Hey, now that's unfair, Phi!!!— Hold on! Look, this flashy purplish design isn't about butterflies, but poisonous moths! It's definitely in line with a gloomy woman like you!"

"Y-You know your stuff, huh! Woah, would you look at this, I am sure this convenient design would suit you, Ari!"

Grayfia picked what was a crotchless panty, placed at the topmost section of the shop. The bra that came in pairs with it was no different, featuring two hula-hoop like rings, with the vital position being hollow. The design, though, seemed like a waste of cloth for the two as they couldn’t wrap their head around how such a thing was even needed.

"Kyaaa! T-T-This is so cowardly of you..."

Ariichi let out a squeal and headed for the inner section of the shop in search of raunchier and risqué design underwear.

The girls used the shopping as an excuse to blow off the stress they had accumulated due to their varying everyday situations.

Their mementos, the underwear they purchased that day, which piled up to be a small hill, were later strictly sealed deep into their personal closets as their cherished treasures.


Ariichi later reported everything that Grayfia recounted to her word-by-word, like the hidden confrontation between Allen and Grayfia, and Grayfia's own impression to the higher ups of the Empire.

The Emperor later revised his evaluation of Allen — mainly his individual strength and potential ceiling — and...... felt reassured.

He was sure that the wind spirit in reality was nothing more than manipulation of mana outside the body using the application of detection magic.

It wasn't that he was undermining him. He knew the talent required to reach such a level at the mere age of 12, one that would definitely be a threat to the Rosemieur Empire in the future. But, it was easier to counter an enemy at plain sight than one that is hidden.

"Phew, I’m glad that I finally saw through Allen Rovenne," was the expression of the Emperor. A visibly relieved sigh carved on his face.


It happened after I wrote this chapter, I accidentally tapped on the search history of goo*le in front of my friend and—

<Underwear Black Ero> <Panties Briefs Lingerie Difference> <What is Open Bra> <G-String O-String> <Panties invincible>


——popped up immediately. There was an incredibly painful silence after that.

T/N - It’s fine author, my history has been tainted today as well. I guess you sure do learn something unexpected each day. The last thing I expected was to look for…panties, if I was putting the description right. Especially the first one, I was wondering shouldn’t the hole be counted from front……Yeah, let’s leave at that.

Ahem, returning to the main topic, next would be a couple chapters about motorcycle clubs and after that starts the Mad Hound vs Rose part. A certain line actually clears out the mindset of Allen for readers.

E/N - Yikes, that would have been awkward. F for the author. Good thing I'm pretty careful with my search history. Incognito and delete search history for the win! ✌️

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