Sword, Magic and Academic Society

Vol. 1 - Ch. 91 - Mimosa (1)

Chapter 91 - Mimosa (1)

With a bang sound, the entrance door was violently flung open. The girl at the lead looked all cool, but the man behind her harbored a rugged expression. There were two of them who entered the shop while the bodyguard-ish person was, surprisingly, made to stay outside.

“What are you here for, Mimosa? I’m sure I heard someone saying ‘This is the final warning’ the other day, now what?”

The girl— or more like, the woman seemed to be in her mid to late 20s. But the manner with which she carried herself suggested that she could be in her 30s as well which was well hidden by her wheat-toned skin and short chestnut hair that gave her a youthful vibe. Her face was a bit small, but she was quite a looker.

The woman glanced at the boss and replied.

“…You stubborn fool will never understand, huh? You know, too much obstinacy isn’t good for one's health, right? But don’t be too antsy, I’m not here to greet you today. I happened to receive a tip from the association that a menace — ‘Mad Hound Ren’, a B-rank explorer — has stepped into the city.

I’m this town’s boss after all, so I thought I should do my due greetings and handle the situation in case he decides to have a fit. So I was waiting outside all this time but then I saw no one coming out. I almost wondered if he was even here and came to check it out.”

Mimosa explained and then glanced at me. Her gaze was serious as if she was looking at someone of equal caliber and not a 12-year-old brat.

…Hmm, was that how it was? She even had the association in her pocket. At the very least, not just any riff-raff or puny villain could employ these methods.

Either way, irrespective of what sort of tricks she used, she had effectively become the kingpin of a town of considerable size. Hmm, I guess she wasn’t actually doing it for simple clout or due to rebellious behavior.

But that aside, how did that rude nickname ‘Mad Hound’ even make it to this distant town’s branch?… I truly underestimated the information network of the Explorer Association.

“Y-You’re really a B-rank?!”

The boss asked in a flustered tone. Ah, right. He never believed my words after all.

“She’s right. I’m Ren, but I’m more of a gentleman than the rumors say. It’s just some wannabe who gave me the notorious title of ‘Mad Hound’ for no reason. How did you know I was here?”

Mimosa shrugged her shoulders.

“It wasn’t hard to find you to begin with. Aren’t you lodging in an inn that the association recommended? I visited the inn after getting to know where you were staying, but I heard there that ‘someone who matches your description had gone out in the east direction while also saying that he wouldn’t be needing dinner’.

I assumed that your goal must be this harbor and witnesses reported the same, but I really didn’t expect you would choose this store, of all places. The situation would have turned into a mess if we entered recklessly so we were waiting outside.”

Huh, wow, even the inn was at her beck and call… And no shit given about privacy, eh? Well, even in Japan, the strictness about personal information was a recent year thing that was introduced with the advancement of information technology.

I guess even if I complained, nothing would come out of it. I would just have to move in more secrecy next time.

“Alright, I understand the gist of it. By the way, did thoughts like ‘Wow, is he really that person?’ or ‘What a pig in wolf’s skin!’ not cross your mind on seeing my actual appearance? I mean, that’s usually how some single brain cell idiots end up picking a fight with me and when I beat them up like how they wanted to beat me up, they sully my reputation by giving me meaningless titles like ‘Mad Hound’.”

I said with evident disgust toward the nickname, but Mimosa simply burst out in laughter.

“Ahahaha! A fake wouldn’t be talking with that attitude after all. At the end of the day, all I care about is the peace of this town. Who you are is hardly important.

In fact, I would have been thanking the heavens if you were really an imposter. It would be easier to straighten out a pig with force rather than a wolf, right? Anyway, as for your question, you looked like the real deal and not someone average Joe as well. It’s a pity that my appraisal often turns out to be true.“

Mimosa raised her hands in surrender as if to say ‘beats me.’

Oh hoh, she didn’t seem half-baked as a boss. How rare was it to see your local overlord actually working for the betterment of their town?

“Now that you get why I’m here, I would like to take some of your time but…are you currently having dinner? Then we’ll wait outside until then.”

Huh, a man— I mean, a woman of principle too?

“I just finished it, in fact. What do you want to talk about anyway?”

“Relax, I am not one for annoying talks. I meant what I said earlier, peace in my town is all that matters to me. I brought a capable explorer along with me, standing outside right now but I don’t think he can win against you at all.

Honestly, I don’t have any plans in my hand to stop you in case you go berserk in this town, so I would like to make a deal with you before that happens. If I am not overstepping my boundaries, I would like to know your — the star rookie of the kingdom — reason to visit this town. ”

Eh, she’s quite an amusing person. So she took the first step and showed their weakness? Even if that was to show her sincerity, I was amazed by her boldness that she even left behind her bodyguard outside.

Not that I had any other intention, and so I immediately replied,

“I had been craving for some good serving of fish. You know right, the Royal Capital is so far away from here that the state of the seafood there’s too bland. Aside from that, I wanted to see if I could purchase a ‘katana’ for cheap, but that’s just a side objective since I’m already here.”

“Huh, for someone of your caliber, it’s more about fish than a katana? It almost sounds like you’re here for sightseeing…”

Mimosa squinted her eyes as she tried to gauge my intention, except that there was no hidden meaning behind my words.

“Well, to be blunt, yes. Sightseeing, vacation, or however you want to say it. It seems like you and the boss here have some history but don’t mind me, I’m not here to stick my nose into your affairs if you’re worried about that. I’m no white knight, and neither would I be staying here for more than a few days, so anything I do would be futile work either way. That said—“

I took a good look at both Mimosa and Gatx and stated.

“I have taken a fancy to this old man’s cooking skill— or if that matters, I hold him in high regard for it. I’ll be eating here tomorrow as well, whatever the situation may be. I would sincerely suggest turning a blind eye if ‘there’s no proof’ and don’t try to be an annoying fly. I’m not short-tempered but I don’t take kindly to annoying pests.”

I replied in a plain tone.

It was usually the weak who got devoured in a merger. I don’t care since that’s how the world works, but it would be tragic for me if I could no longer eat the seafood served by this old man.

She looks like someone who had a good head on her shoulders so I think the typical ‘An unknown assailant raided the shop so it’ll be closed tomorrow’ shouldn’t happen after this with the warning I gave them.

Gatx apparently wanted to say something but Mimosa stopped and signaled him to refrain from saying anything as her lips curled up and asked.

“Sooo, am I right in understanding that you wouldn’t care about the merger of this shop with our Serene Wind Co. as long as you can have your dinner here?” (T/N - It was Serene Sea in the previous chapter but that was a typo.)

The old man gave me a piercing glare. I nodded in an ‘understanding’ manner.

“If anything, that would be great. There wouldn’t be a shortage of ingredients anymore. Actually, I would be happy to see the boss’s culinary skill in its full glory.”

“You bastard~! What are you nodding your head for like you understand and then suddenly backstabbing me so casually!? Shouldn’t this be where you shout ‘Not on my watch’ or something and beat them down after being impressed by my undaunting stance!?”

“Huh? Well, honestly boss, I don’t see you as someone adept at management— or politics by extension — and a little bit of conversation is enough to rile you up. It’s clear that it’s just a matter of time before you lose, so might as well throw the hatchet and quietly follow the situation while the game is still on. Win-win for all, no?

I can see you also want to work in your best state and I bet your reason for refusal should be something like ‘B-But, it’s a shop that’s been passed down for generations’ or something. Or maybe you’re worried about something else. Let’s see… Maybe you’re afraid that they’ll take a huge cut from the revenue?”

I looked at the boss and Mimosa while asking so.

“Pfft, ahahaha! What the heck, I thought we would be facing something like a berserk monster when the branch head said not even a speck of grass is left behind in the area you pass through. But you are smarter than the rumors portray, aren’t you?

…You know what, I just wanted a good chance so this is just right. Let me bring everything to the table. Gatx, go back to the pavilion and bring the fish and the other stuff. I’m going to get drunk after a long while with liquor and the old man’s cooking!“

...…Not even a speck of grass is left behind?! I swear, once again, that I’m going to beat the hell out of that shiny head one day!!!


Mimosa was apparently a loose talker once drunk.

“You kn’w what, I never wanted to be an overlord or something… ugh… hic~cup. I just wanted to make our company a big one so that I could have a strong as-heck ship and venture into the sea… That’s why I left no stone unturned to push the value of the company and… and then they somehow pushed me to the top instead so I had to be careful to not create bad rumors.

Everyone looked at me with such scrutiny that I couldn’t even do one nasty thing! As if that wasn’t enough, I even get called when nerve-wracking individuals like you come to the town… no more. I can’t go on like this anymore!”

Err, I don’t think complaining here would do anything… No wait, forcing this shop to merge into their company doesn’t count as nasty? Huh, just what kind of wacky criteria did she have to define something evil…?

“Miss, I think that’s enough liquor…”

Gatx, who had been nearby, held out water to her.

“Shut up! Hic-cup. Look, Gatx doesn’t take me seriously as well. Ren~, come, let’s play <Drink or Die!>! You can do anything to me if I lose.”

Mimosa wrapped her arm around mine without hesitation and suggested a mysterious game.

A game huh?… But I’ve never heard of it. Haa, rumors are just piling up on their own thanks to that shiny bald man…

“Can you not latch on my right arm? It’s in the way! First of all, I’m drinking to raise the quality of the food, not to get drunk. Hm~! Woah, delicious! What the heck is with this refreshing flavor of prawn miso over the sashimi?!”

“To think there would come a day where Mimosa who’s usually indifferent to men would be so chummy with one… Uh-huh, is this the day when the alias ‘iron panties’ would finally bid a tearful farewell?… Ah, it’s the fruit juice of unripe jigo fruits that has been blended into miso.”

The combination of thick sashimi slices and rich miso along with the tangy taste that was akin to sudachi was creating an exquisite blast of flavor.

I knew it. This boss just lacked ingredients, otherwise, he was definitely a first-class chef when it came to seafood.

“By the way, why does the so-called iron panties want this stubborn old man under her wing?”

“Who are you calling iron panties!? Shut up!… It all happened because no boy could match my spirit. I have an older sister who is a single mother, but she likes to take care of my adorable nephew.

By the way, I’m going commando today. Lucky, aren’t you? It’s your chance to be hot with a lady. Still, you’re a strange fella. You said you fell in love with the old man’s cooking here in just one try so why do you think I wouldn’t want such a place under my command?“

“But you just wanted to stock up on money and build a tough ship, no? I thought you planned to just get the boss and then move him to another grandiose shop, but I guess I was wrong, huh? You just wanted Ginkgo to keep continuing like this… The price is a bit on the higher side here but revenue from this little shop would hardly be adding to your big dream, after all.”

She was blabbering under the effect of alcohol, but when she talked about ‘the thing she wanted to do’, I could tell from her tone it was coming from her heart.

On the other hand, the boss paused on whatever he was doing. Even the madam was now looking at Mimosa with a serious expression.

However, Mimosa, noticing her negligence, instantly curled her lips into a smile and steered the conversation to another topic.

“Who cares, but are you really going to ignore it when a lady is so assertively throwing herself at you? Haa, truly a boorish fella. Oh, maybe you’re a virgin?”

“W-W-W-What does this have anything to do with our discussion? And only an idiot would follow the lead of a girl who purposely got herself drunk when meeting a stranger. As if that’s possible with the mana!

Enough with the roundabout way of talking, just spit out why you want the boss. Or what, do you have some ideas about me as well? I don’t like wasting my breath over useless stuff! If it turns out to be a good idea, I wouldn’t mind helping you out though.“

On the side, Madam nodded to herself, seemingly convinced that I was a dead sure virgin.

Mimosa squinted her ash eyes and made a bold laugh.

“Fufufu, so you noticed, huh? I think it’s the first time that someone has seen through my plan. I’ll give you credit for it, but ever heard of tact? Girls do get drunk and like to fawn over guys and they also like to be teased. But they hate a virgin like you who jumps into the core of the matter directly. So, learn to play along with a woman's teasing, alright?

……A grandiose birthday party for Count Serdos’ son is going to be held at his estate. Marquis Grauksh is going to show up there as well. Given the hierarchy, it typically doesn’t happen… I want to slip into that convoy. ”

“And the reason?”

“…I want to directly congratulate my adorable nephew on his birthday.”

T/N - I guess she wasn’t actually a crazy one then, eh.

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