Sword Spirit

Chapter 140: Favorable Impression

Chapter 140: Favorable Impression

Then what happens if you can’t point anything out?” Chen Xiao Han asked back.

“How could I possibly not be able to point it out. That’s impossible.” Lu Xuan said self-confidently.

“Hmph. I don’t care. If you can’t point it out, then you will bring tea, send water, and find materials. Also, you can’t tell my dad.” Chen Xiao Han glanced at Lu Xuan provokingly.

“Okay. It’s a deal. Try again.” Lu Xuan waved his hand, his face seeming uncaring.

Since he had bet, naturally he had some guarantee. Although he had only seen the astral rune’s rune yesterday, in the memories inside his head, there was already the astral rune from the ancient enchantment runes. Although he hadn’t practiced it yet and temporarily wouldn’t be able to draw it, just pointing out Chen Xiao Han’s flaws shouldn’t be a problem.

Although she didn’t know why Lu Xuan was so confident, Chen Xiao Han still didn’t believe that he could point out her problems. With a light snort, she once again took out a blank scroll.

She took up her enchantment brush, closed her eyes, and calmed her mind. After a while, she reopened her eyes. Dipping her brush in ink, her dextrous little hands quickly began to move. One rune after another began to appear on the blank scroll.

Lu Xuan also didn’t dare to be negligent. His eyes intensely stared at the scroll, watching each rune that Chen Xiao Han drew out, quickly comparing them to the ancient enchantment runes in his mind for accuracy.

Last night, as he studied the astral rune, he discovered, the astral rune that was circulating now was the same as the current Wild Explosion rune. Compared to the ancient enchantment runes, both were missing a part. After the exploration of later generations, it was reconstructed into a complete rune.

However, how could the later generations’ completion compare to the runes from the time of the ancients that had been polished and polished again. Thus, for Lu Xuan, as long as he told Chen Xiao Han where she needed to add some runes, he’d be able to help her complete this drawing. Although it wasn’t the currently circulating version, its formidability would undoubtedly be more powerful.

After Chen Xiao Han had drawn several more runes, Lu Xuan could see more and more leaks. One or two leaks would be fine, but the more leaks there were, the more it would affect the entire rune’s stability. And this problem didn’t have to do with Chen Xiao Han but was from the rune itself. In order to make up for these runes, one could only forcefully suppress it with an enchanter’s strong spirit force, which could be described as a temporary solution.

This was also why Elder Fan and the others discovered the rune that Lu Xuan had drawn was so beautiful, like a work of art. That was because ancient enchantment runes were totally pure and its portrayal was natural. There wasn’t any forcing.

Seeing that the rune was about 80% complete overall, Chen Xiao Han’s eyes subconsciously once again showed a frantic expression. That was because every time she reached this point she would be almost unable to hold on anymore. If there were any flaws, the entire rune would collapse.

Perhaps it was because Lu Xuan was watching on the side, this time Chen Xiao Han was doing better than normal. The last portion was drawn spectacularly. There weren’t any flaws. Just as she was assuming that she might be able to be successful this time, her mind slipped a bit. As she laid down the next rune, she used just a bit too much strength.

But because of this seemingly inconsequential mistake, it immediately caused a chain reaction. The leaks near the start all began to blow up. She immediately felt like she was once again losing control of the rune.

Watching the entire rune about to leave her control and failure was imminent, just at that moment, Chen Xiao Han suddenly saw some runes suddenly fly onto the scroll. The astral rune’s conflicts suddenly weakened. Although it wasn’t completely pacified, it was enough for her to control until she finished drawing.

Without enough time to study what those runes were, after they landed, the enchantment brush in Chen Xiao Han’s hand quickly began writing out the runes. In less than three rests, all of the runes had landed. After she had drawn out the last one, the entire astral rune flashed with light and instantly solidified.


Seeing the astral rune scroll in front of her that had already succeeded, Chen Xiao Han couldn’t help but be a bit dazed. She had succeeded so easily? Before this, she had already practiced this rune for a long time. Never before had she even succeeded once, but this time’s success had come so suddenly. She simply had no way of preparing for it.

Of course, deep down she knew that this success was not largely attributed to her but was from the man at her side who blatantly wanted to give her pointers, Lu Xuan. Although she hadn’t seen Lu Xuan do anything, but to be able to use Void Drawing Runes and immediately landing these runes to help her stabilize the astral rune, other than Lu Xuan who has standing next to her, who else was there?

“How did you do that?” Chen Xiao Han said with a bit of pleasant surprise as she turned her head and asked.

“You had too many leaks. After I helped you repair these, you were fine. How was it? You’re satisfied now right? It’ll be enough for you to just obediently serve me during this time.” Lu Xuan was evidently triumphant. He didn’t know why, but he liked to show off in front of Chen Xiao Han. Maybe it was because she was always persistent against him.

Although she had been persisting against Lu Xuan a bit, Lu Xuan’s actions just now were too cool. Chen Xiao Han was forced to admit he truly was formidable.

She could only snort twice and say: “So you’re formidable. Serving is serving. My dad already told me to take care of you during this time anyway.”

“What’s that. Xiao Han, I’m thirsty, first go fetch me a cup of water.” Lu Xuan lazily said. This time he had enough leverage to make Chen Xiao Han do work.

Listening to Lu Xuan speak, Chen Xiao Han widened her eyes. She hadn’t thought that Lu Xuan would actually be so shameless. He really asked her to these bring tea, send water things.

“Lu Xuan, don’t go too far, ah!”

“Yo, we just finished the bet. Could it be that someone wants to go back on her word?”

“You! Are you willing to make a great beauty do chores?”

“Why wouldn’t I be willing? I’d enjoy it greatly. Also, where is this great beauty? I haven’t seen her!”

“Hmph, fine, I’ll go. Be careful around me though. The most poisonous thing is a woman’s heart. Watch out that I don’t poison you.” Chen Xiao Han stamped her foot in anger. She exited and really did go to find some water for Lu Xuan.

Watching Chen Xiao Han angrily exit, Lu Xuan couldn’t help but feel overjoyed inside. It seemed like his tastes were becoming more and more wicked as he enjoyed bullying her more and more.

Thinking of this, Lu Xuan shook his head. As he sighed about why he was becoming a bad kid, he looked at the resources that Chen Xiao Han hadn’t finished using on the desk. He spread out a blank scroll and began to think back on the astral rune’s rune.

Reviewing over the rune in his mind a few times, he reached out both hands and took out some ink from the bottle with the ink in it. It immediately began to form a rune in the air, quickly landing onto the scroll. He began to personally move and draw the astral rune.

Using Void Drawing Rune skill, Lu Xuan naturally didn’t need to use an enchantment brush. This way of directly drawing the rune in the air was not only more efficient, it also allowed for a more accurate grasp of the rune’s strength and concentration.

But Lu Xuan’s brilliant posture wasn’t consistent. He hadn’t drawn much of the rune when the entire rune collapsed. The drawing had failed.

To this, Lu Xuan was also quite helpless. Although he had the knowledge clearly in his head, and he could even help Chen Xiao Han fill in the gaps, but drawing it by himself wasn’t that easy. This was a practice makes perfect kind of matter. Without practice, even if his theory was better, it would still be useless.

Fortunately, he had long since prepared his heart. Neither quickly nor slowly, he opened another scroll and began his second round of drawing…

Not longer after, Chen Xiao Han opened the door and entered, carrying a large cup of water. He was worried that Lu Xuan would find some excuse to make her do more work for him, so she simply got enough for Lu Xuan to drink for an entire day.

Seeing Lu Xuan was currently focused on drawing a scroll, her curiosity rose. Silently, she walked over, wanting to see what Lu Xuan was drawing. However, she hadn’t even gotten close when the scroll flashed with light and then dimmed. Another drawing had failed.

Walking up to Lu Xuan’s side, Chen Xiao Han saw that on the ground to the side there were scattered over ten scrapped scrolls. She immediately couldn’t help but laugh loudly: “So it turns out you were also this way. In such a short time, you’ve actually failed over ten times. That’s so embarrassing.”

Facing Chen Xian Han’s merciless ridicule, Lu Xuan smiled embarrassedly, “What’s the rush. I only just started practicing. It shouldn’t take too much time before I can succeed once.”

Holding back a smile, Chen Xiao Han no longer bothered him, letting Lu Xuan quietly continue to practice. After ridiculing Lu Xuan once, her heart became a lot more comfortable. However, she also knew that Lu Xuan’s situation was very normal.

If someone could succeed on their first try, that would be simply non-human. It should be known that she had practiced this astral rune continually for two months, and it was only today with Lu Xuan’s help that she managed to succeed once.

No longer paying any attention to Chen Xiao Han on the side, Lu Xuan continued to focus on drawing. Truthfully, he could use yuan force to practice Void Drawing Rune, but right now he had enough resources to let him practice, and there would naturally be better results. He could consume this bit of resources. To the entire Enchantment Hall, it wasn’t worth mentioning.

(TN: Like what he did with the Wild Explosion Rune. He’s been ruined by riches smh.)

One blank scroll after another was scrapped as Lu Xuan’s proficiency towards the astral rune was quickly increasing. Chen Xiao Han had already silently arrived at Lu Xuan’s back, attentively watching him draw. Hallmaster had her come here to serve Lu Xuan and also to have her learn from Lu Xuan.

Watching runes come down one by one, the admiration in Chen Xiao Han’s eyes condensed further. She discovered the astral rune that Lu Xuan was drawing had a few changes to the current astral rune, but these places that had been changed, not one wasn’t a stroke of genius. The way the runes were used were simply not even things she had ever even thought of.

She couldn’t help but lift her head and look at the side of Lu Xuan’s face. That serious appearance made her heart move, causing her to associate this face with the normally mocking her face that he had. She had to admit that this state of Lu Xuan had quite a bit of attractiveness to her.

Sixteen years old was the age of the dawn of love. Facing a dignified, extraordinarily talented man the same age has her, it was naturally easy to produce a favorable impression.

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