System's POV

Chapter 40: Hammer For All Seasons [Part 2]

Chapter 40: Hammer For All Seasons [Part 2]

The sound of hammer hitting metal echoed across the Smithy as Gerald continuously pounded the metal atop his anvil.

At first, he didn't feel like he was suited for being a Blacksmith, but the more he trained, the more he realized that he was actually having fun with what he was doing.

The act of creation had ignited a flame inside his chest, which he wasn't aware of.

Although he had failed several times throughout the past month, he was starting to show progress. He was now able to successfully forge simple swords and broadswords, as well as long swords.

Thirteen was also surprised to see his father suddenly become so passionate about the craft that he was able to integrate the Martial Technique, Hammer For All Seasons, into his muscle memory.

Gerald was blessed with a strong body, which was a given since he had been practicing the Leventis Sword Art.

He was also hailed as a genius among the family members, so learning things was quite easy for him.

Perhaps the Blacksmithing Skill proved to be a challenge to him, which was why he suddenly became passionate about it.

He was the type who believed that hard work would pave the way to success, and right now, each piece of equipment that he finished counted as a small victory.

The sound of something sizzling reached Thirteen's ears as his father submerged the blade he was hammering a moment ago into the water.

When it had cooled down a bit, Gerald showed the finished product to his son, who was eyeing the Great Sword with a critical gaze.

"Still mediocre," Thirteen replied after he finished inspecting his father's newest creation. "It's a four out of ten. Pops, put some muscle into it. Otherwise, we won't be able to make a Mythical Great Sword for Gramps before Mikhail goes to Solterra. Maybe I should tell Mom to stop giving you vegetables to eat. You need more meat 'cause you lack strength."

A sigh escaped Gerald's lips because his son was as brutal as ever. However, he didn't mind one bit because he was slowly but surely getting the hang of Blacksmithing.

It had been half a year since he had picked the hammer, and due to his constant use of it, his muscles were now bulging like a professional bodybuilder.

He also felt an increase in strength, as well as an increase in the accuracy of his hammer strikes.

Thirteen even thought that maybe his Father needed to change his main weapon of choice from the sword to the hammer.

'Maybe I should have him learn a new Martial Technique called 'It's Hammering Time.' It's a pretty destructive Hammer Martial Arts that excelled in both offense and defense.

'The good thing about it is that it compliments the Heaven's Blade Fighting Technique, allowing Gerald to become proficient in both.'

While Thirteen was seriously considering imparting this skill to his father, the sound of the Smithy door opening caught his attention.

Lady Callista's wheelchair entered the Smithy, which made Thirteen scratch his head.

'I had forgotten that she was scheduled to visit today,' Thirteen thought. 'Her complexion is better, and she seemed to have finally solidified the foundation of her Martial Technique, Death's Embrace. After a year or two, she should finally be able to materialize simple weapons, empowered by the poison inside her body.'

Thirteen was very satisfied with his grandmother's progress. Once she regained her Rank as a Champion, he would have two Champions in his Inner Circle, alongside Hans.

"Well then, did you manage to make something worth looking at?" Lady Callista asked as Trisha pushed her wheelchair inside the Smithy.

"Nothing yet, Mother," Gerald replied. "But in a year, or two, I'll definitely surprise you."

A heartfelt chuckle escaped Gerald's lips because he believed that once he mastered the Hammer For All Seasons, he would be unstoppable.

Lady Callista also smiled because she understood that becoming a Blacksmith wasn't an easy profession. The Five Monarch Families and the Ten Prestigious Clans had their own team of Blacksmiths, who worked endlessly to arm their faction with the best weapons that could be made from the Monster Parts from Solterra.

It was a very lucrative Profession, but only a few excelled at it.

This made every Grandmaster Blacksmith or Champion Blacksmith a gem within their family. They were also given a high position in the family, gaining the respect of everyone in it.

One of Gerald's brothers was a Grandmaster Blacksmith, and he was given special attention by the family. They were hoping that once he stepped into the Champion Ranks, he would be able to forge Silver to Gold-Grade Ranked Equipment regularly.

Also, they hoped that he would get lucky and create a Mythical-Ranked Equipment, which would definitely increase his prestige.

Although no one had yet to succeed, some Blacksmiths had stated that they had almost crafted one themselves, but ultimately created Peak-Gold Grade Equipment instead.

Gerald didn't want to brag, but he knew that it was only a matter of time before he surpassed all the Blacksmiths in the world.

The day he crafted a piece of Mythical-Ranked Equipment was the day that the Leventis Family would get on their knees and beg for him to return.

However, Gerald had no intention of doing that.

He planned to make his own Branch of their Family and assign his son, Zion, as its Family Head after the latter had finished his coming of age ceremony, which was usually done when a teenager from a family turned eighteen years old.

While Lady Callista was talking to her son, Thirteen and Hans exchanged a knowing glance with each other.

The faint smile on the Butler's face was enough to tell him that he was very satisfied with his transaction with Thirteen despite the fact that the latter had asked for half of his savings.

The reason why Hans didn't mind this one bit was due to the fact that he didn't have anything else to use his savings for.

It was for the same reason that he could focus his attention on finding the cure for Lady Callista—money was simply not a problem for him.

Looking at the Butler, Thirteen was more determined than ever to bargain with the Laplace Demon and The One to add Hans to the list of people who could benefit from his abilities.

If he ever gained their approval, he would do everything in his power to help Hans increase his Rank, stepping into the Rank of a Throne.

In Solterra, Thrones were also referred to as Kings and Queens.

Because once someone became a Throne, they would have enough strength to establish a territory for themselves.

Of course, he also planned to make his Father and Mother Champions.

But for that to happen, his father must first succeed in crafting a Mythical-Ranked Equipment, which Thirteen would further empower with his Rune Arts, making it the strongest Rune Equipment within the Mythical Rank Category.

'We have less than two years left,' Thirteen thought. 'We have enough time to make it happen.'

Although Thirteen could help craft Rune Equipment, he was unable to use it due to the restrictions placed on his body.

The Skill Ban prevented him from activating the power of the runes, which was also part of the compromise that he had negotiated with Laplace Demon and The One.

Even so, Thirteen wasn't too worried about it.

He believed that he didn't have to think about such things until he was about to start his Third Wandering.

The First and Second were still doable even with the restrictions on his body.

It was only at the start of the Third Wandering that he would feel the gap in power between him and his peers, whose strength and power would've increased threefold, leaving him behind.


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