Taking the Mafia to the Magic World

Chapter 693 Resource for a New Breakthrough

Chapter 693 Resource for a New Breakthrough?

After resting in the cave where they had stopped, Vicente's party resumed their journey towards the Hot Wasteland. Fortunately, their rest was undisturbed, allowing them to continue without significant issues.",

They soon entered the northwestern region of the Kingdom of Eternal Dawn. Here, Layla was eager to pursue her quest for the pentagram.

As they ventured into this area characterized by high temperatures, strong winds, and frequent storms, the group navigated through a valley with sparse vegetation, indicative of the region's aridity. Throughout the landscape, black rocks dotted the area, with active volcanoes intermittently spewing flames and black smoke into the sky.

The temperature was intensely high, emanating from the depths of the Polaris Realm. Despite the harsh conditions, various powerful creatures thrived. Fire lizards were commonly seen near the volcanoes, and birds with flaming feathers soared above, adapted well to the chaos of the Hot Wasteland.

The area was rich in mana, with a powerful presence of various elements associated with the harsh climatic conditions of the territory, such as wind and fire. However, from what Torne had already told Vicente, the high temperatures in this area had caused countless deaths over the years. If they pursued this region, eventually they would find places rich in negative mana, which was useful for Onyx and the ghost itself.

It was a much more interesting place to look for opportunities other than pentagrams, which made it more interesting to the group than the previous places they passed.

As they entered the area, the party began their hunt, not only of beasts with characteristics similar to Layla's but also to look for resources and opportunities that might exist for them.

Amid their journey, they unsurprisingly encountered magicians hunting for pentagrams or opportunities, which were normal for the area, given the myriad of destinies hidden there.

Despite the dangers, the Hot Wasteland was a place of great interest to brave adventurers!

The party ignored the people they encountered along the way; most of them were mere Mages, and there were no Paragon in magicians the area.

That wasn't the case with the magical creatures. They were 5th-stage creatures on the Hot Wasteland!

Before encountering one that was compatible with Layla's powers, the group found something else in their path.


After two hours of navigating, the party had yet to find anything of interest for Layla. However, they stumbled upon something that caught Torne's attention.

The group obviously didn't know it would be interesting to a ghost they didn't even know was in Vicente's body.

Vicente informed his companions they could gain something valuable for Onyx if they go after such a place.

Ahead of the group lay a hollow shrouded in thick, black fog, radiating a palpable aura of death.

The ominous atmosphere particularly affected the Light Path magicians in the party, their senses alert to the daunting possibilities that awaited them in the area ahead.

Opportunities for Dark Path magicians were practically poison and extreme danger to Light Path magicians!

"Are you sure about that, Vicente?" Rory asked, eyeing the menacing landscape. "This place looks ominous. There might be a high-level negative creature lurking at the end of the canyon."

Despite the thick fog obscuring the view, making it impossible to discern the canyon's presence, Vicente's connection to the Earth element allowed him to feel the terrain. He had detected a steep drop ahead and cautioned his group about the potential danger.

Noticing the concern on his friends' faces, Vicente replied with conviction, "Much greater dangers lie ahead. If Onyx doesn't become at least a Low-level Paragon, our challenges will only increase. Remember, we might even have to confront a Beginner Archmage to secure my fourth pentagram."

Lina, looking for reassurance, asked, "Are you confident that Onyx will advance upon entering this place?"

"Maybe not today. But I believe it will happen before Rory and Sarah hunt down their pentagrams." He replied, considering the resource he had received at the secret altar they had passed days ago.

Rory and Sarah would be the last of the group to hunt their pentagrams before it was time for Vicente to search for the magical cyan essence that matched his characteristics.

If his prediction came true, then Onyx could play a very important role in the hunt for pentagrams later on!

"Then be careful. As much as the area is positive for him, it could harm you," Layla commented to Vicente.

"Don't worry, I have a negative expulsion pill with me," Vicente reassured the group, showing them the pill he had prepared as a precaution. "I've been ready for the possibility that Onyx might consume something harmful, so accompanying him shouldn't pose a risk to me." Despite not needing the protection, Vicente used the pill to conceal this.

As Onyx's master, it was imperative for Vicente to accompany his crow into the area; such situations demanded the master's presence. Vicente's primary goal wasn't to bring Onyx to this place, but given the circumstances, he convinced his companions of the necessity of his entry.

Once they consented, Vicente proceeded with Onyx, while the rest of the group remained on guard, vigilant over both the negative area and the surrounding environment.

As much as this region had 5th stage beings, it would be difficult for a Light Path creature, even a 5th stage one, to get that close to a negative zone.

As long as no negative entity appeared there, it was likely the group would be safe while Vicente and Onyx were away.

The two of them made their way into the mist-covered area, Vicente riding on Onyx's back as the bird flew toward the base of the canyon.

For a few seconds, they traveled through the black fog, but soon they felt their eyes adjusting to the situation.

The negative elements in them worked, and gradually a black place appeared, with black soil, coal-black rocks, and many skeletons of various kinds of creatures lying at the bottom of the gorge.

A small puddle of condensed black liquid was in the deepest spot in the area. It looked like it had just formed, but in reality, it had been there for a long time.

'This is what I need, master. With this liquid, I'm sure I can become a Paragon!' Torne said, unable to hide his excitement.

He appeared outside Vicente's body, having already sensed that there was no one there but them.

"Do you need a lot of time? If it's going to take a while, maybe Onyx should begin his attempt to advance as well," Vicente suggested.

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