Tales Of The World Devouring Serpent

Chapter 165: Fighting a Mutant Octopus

Chapter 165: Fighting a Mutant Octopus

Translator: Yamir Moon

Fang Yun swam to the area where the alien civilization relic is, then sank underwater at a breakneck speed.

Not long after, a light appeared in front of him.

”I wonder how many mutant creatures came out during my evolution.”

While sinking, Fang Yun thought about this.

On the other side of the space channel, there are a lot of ancient creatures and their mutant counterpart. Normal ancient creatures are okay, they don’t have much threat. The human’s military force can easily deal with them.

Their mutated counterpart might not be so easy to deal with though.

Their defense is outrageous and attack power is very high, that’s without mentioning their speed and special abilities. Humans won’t be able to deal with them as easily as normal ancient creatures.

In short, fishing boats, cruise ships, or other vessels that don’t have any attack weapon can only sink helplessly if they encounter these mutant creatures. As for the Kaijus… They’re another story.

As Fang Yun continued diving deeper, the surroundings started to brighten. He finally reached the alien civilization relic.

Suddenly, Fang Yun’s tongue captured a strange smell in this sea area. This smell is quite unusual but familiar.

”It smells a bit like an octopus.”

Fang Yun has eaten an octopus before, so he remembers the taste of this creature, but after carefully tasting this smell, he hesitated a bit.

”It’s a bit different from the octopus I ate before.”

When he was thinking about this. A huge monster appeared next to the alien civilization remain. With the illumination of the plankton on the pyramids, Fang Yun was able to clearly see its appearance.

It has an extremely large octopus head, probably more than 20 meters in diameter and extremely long tentacles, almost 100 meters long. Its tentacles were filled with suction cups and sharp teeth.

”A mutant octopus?”

Fang Yun stared at the monster opposite of him with a very dignified face.

He doesn’t really care about those mutant creatures. They are basically the enhanced version of their ordinary counterpart. Stronger strength, defense, speed, etc… However, they are not difficult to deal with.

What he really fears is those Kaiju monsters. Those monsters that can shoot acid and laser out of their mouth. They are also extremely huge, with the smallest being about 50 meters long, the big ones are all hundreds of meters long.

However, the moment he faced this octopus, Fang Yun hesitated, This guy is extremely huge, just its head alone is more than half of his body length. That’s without mentioning its nine extremely long tentacles.

He is also not sure if this octopus has any special ability.

“Target locked, Mutant Octopus, Cephalopods, Octapoda, can provide 200,000 bio-energy points.”

While Fang Yun was examining the octopus not far ahead, the system’s prompt sounded in his mind.

”200,000 points? So many?”

Fang Yun was astonished. His thoughts about escaping suddenly stopped.

He is really unsure right now, 200,000 bio-energy points are quite a lot. The Kaiju monster he saw in the space channel gave him a lot of pressure, so he now urgently wants to evolve.

But his next evolution requires 1.8 million bio-energy points, which wouldn’t be easy to gather.


Just as he was hesitating, the sudden undercurrent sound immediately woke him up.

The next moment, two tentacles approached Fang Yun at breakneck speed, wrapping around him tightly.

The huge octopus opposite to Fang Yun quickly swam towards him. It looks like this octopus regarded Fang Yun as his food.

”It looks like this fight is inevitable.”

Fang Yun flicked his tongue, his eyes sharpening. He felt that something was constantly scratching against his scales.

This mutant octopus is using the teeth in its suckers to bite on Fang Yun’s scales.

It looks like this octopus nine tentacles are filled with sharp teeth.

”It looks like its teeth aren’t able to break through my defense.”

Fang Yun felt that with the power of these teeth, it should be able to leave some scratches on his scales, but even then they would instantly be healed by “Quick Regeneration”.

Perhaps after the mutant octopus finally managed to leave a wound on him after struggling for a while, it would instantly be heald by his regeneration ability.

However, if this octopus had sharp teeth and stronger grip, then he would be able to leave injuries on him faster than his regeneration is able to heal.

Unfortunately, this mutant octopus is just a bit weaker.

After figuring out the approximate attack strength of this mutant octopus, Fang Yun immediately launched an attack on it. He flexibly turned his head and bit on the octopus tentacles.

However, after this bite, Fang Yun was shocked.

He didn’t feel the crunchiness of normal flesh, but a tight rubber-like feeling. The tentacles of the mutant octopus didn’t break after his first bite.

So he started shaking his head frantically, trying to break these tentacles with the help of centrifugal force.

Unexpectedly, the mutant octopus extended the rest of his tentacles and wrapped around Fang Yun, it also quickly approached Fang Yun and used his teeth to bite Fang Yun’s head.

The teeth below its skull are much bigger and sharper. The sound of it colliding with Fang Yun’s head resulted in a very noisy steel scratching sound.

Fang Yun swayed madly, his face looked very fierce. At his maximum speed, he swam towards the biggest sphinx and collided with it.


Fang Yun collided heavily with the sphinx, resulting in a loud bang. However, it wasn’t him who was injured, it was this octopus who was struck dizzy.

This guy acted as padding, absorbing most of the impact force.

After this heavy impact, Fang Yun felt that the octopus started to become wobbly. He felt that it has slightly loosened its tentacles.


However, he didn’t give the octopus the chance to rest and quickly collided with the sphinx another time.

This time the octopus monster couldn’t bear it. It released Fang Yun and quickly fled away.

”Hmph, you’re not escaping!”

Fang Yun didn’t plan to let go of this octopus. He struck his tail heavily on the ocean floor, then swam towards the fleeing octopus at an astonishing speed.

Suddenly, the mutant octopus not far head squirted a large amount of black ink, blocking Fang Yun’s way forward.

The surrounding light suddenly became dim, at the same time, a thick odor diffused, making the surrounding smell very confusing. The octopus didn’t waste this opportunity and ran even faster than before.

Fang Yun stopped in front of the black ink cloud. He quickly circled around the black ink could and reached the other side, but at this time, the octopus has already disappeared.

”Damn! that octopus ran away.”

Fang Yun felt that it was a pity, then turned around and looked at the hundreds of meters wide black ink could.

This black ink not only has the effect of disturbing the surrounding smell and blocking sight. Fang Yun even felt a bit dizzy after breathing in a bit of it.

”Sure enough, mutant creatures that have grown to this point already have some special skills.”

Fang Yun pondered for a while, then swam back towards the sphinx.

He isn’t going to give up on his plan. He will stay next to the sphinx and wait for the next creature to come out of the space channel;

After arriving there, Fang Yun laid down and waited quietly. Not long after, another creature came out from the space channel.

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