Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 151 - One Hundred And Fifty-one: Coming Of Gerald

Chapter 151 - One Hundred And Fifty-one: Coming Of Gerald

Maya's point of view

I ignored the pessimistic imp and parked the rest of my things, prepared to leave for my home. After last night's strenuous exercise with Niklaus, I needed my beauty sleep.

"I'm grateful for both of your support but it's time for me to take my leave, "I told them but both of their gazes met before returning to me; the expectant look on their faces made me uneasy.

"What ?"

Why were they staring at me like that?

"We were wondering if we could spend the rest of the day at your place?" Anabelle fluttered her brows enticingly and pouted.

"No way" I rejected the idea right away, no wonder she was being suddenly gentle.

"Why?" Anabelle whined.

"I'm not bringing trouble to my doorstep"

"But you said we're lovely angels"

"When both of you are on your best behavior"

"Fine, I promise to be a good girl" Anabelle promised with a swearing gesture.

I looked towards Isabella, she threw an exasperated shrug, "Are we leaving or not?"

With a deep sigh, I had no choice but to take these two devils home. It was obvious I was going to regret this but for some strange reason, my fate was deeply intertwined with them - the more I tried to escape, the deeper I encountered them.

"Taxi! " I flagged down one and ushered the kids into the cab while giving the driver the address of my place.

"Do you think you got the role?"? The ever-inquisitive Anabelle asked.

Sometimes I wished she was as smart as Isabella - her questions could get tiring at times. Well, I guess children her age should be like that - Isabella was definitely abnormal.

"I don't know yet but they would be in contact with me" I answered, then fixed my gaze on Isabella asking,

"You're quiet, what's the problem?"

"I'm trying to hold back my tongue, else someone says I'm rude," She said with a bored expression hinting I wasn't going to let her be if she made a rude remark.

"Then keep up the good work" I complimented her and laid back on the headrest with a sigh.

Hardly had I closed my eyes for a short rest, did our car skid to a halt, my heart almost jumped out of my chest at the unexpected braking.

"Are you okay?" I asked the kids who looked fine aside from their shocked expressions.

Our driver was panicking causing me to look out only to discover our car was overtaken by another who crossed our path - it was a lonely lane to crown it.

Figures emerged from the car and they didn't look friendly at all, my heart raced but I composed myself and screamed at the driver," Drive back now! Get the hell out of here !"

Though he was frightened, he obeyed nevertheless and moved back only to bump into another car which blocked us from behind -God, we're surrounded.

"Don't move out, remain seated - " I was still firing orders but the driver had already left the car with his hand in the air.

He was knocked down to the ground with a punch eliciting a scream from the frightened Anabelle who was sitting beside the other edge of the passenger seat.

Chaos ensued and it happened all too quickly.

I was trying to calm the screaming Anabelle and locking the driver seat from inside so they didn't get access but it was too late.

They were faster and grabbed Anabelle out of the car while I kicked the car door open, slamming it against the head of one of the men who was trying to get to my side of the car.

With quick reflexes, I swung a fist at the same man sending him to the ground while dodging another attack that came from behind.

I sidestepped his attack once more causing him to aim awry, grabbed a fistful of his strands from behind till some fell off and brought it down hard on the car roof and he collapsed.

A kick at my back knocked the breath out of me but there was no time to consider the pain.

Lying against the car with a breath heavy, I dropped down in time just as a punch landed on my previous position, his fist connecting with the car window; the momentum shattering the glass.

I rammed my knee into his gut causing him to bend over before finishing him with a vicious kick that made him rotate in the air before kissing the ground.

Whipping around with my hands clenched and a fierce gaze, I stopped short when I saw a knife being held against Anabelle and Isabella's throat.

"Let the kids go, it's me you want right?" I said to Gerard with my hands raised in the air as a form of surrender.

How could I not know him? After that night with Sakuzi, I was curious to know how much of a sacrifice Niklaus had made on my behalf- what value did the ledger hold for someone determined to kill me willingly exchange me for it.

I found out Gerald was the leader of some gang who specializes in luring women with cash loans and when they couldn't pay back, uses them for prostitution - they run a loan shark business that rips people off.

But that was just one of the many illegal businesses and crimes they committed. They must have given the Spencer group a tough time which led to them risking their lives just to get in possession of their ledger.

It was no secret that an enemy getting their hands on one's business transaction record was trouble. So Gerald had no choice than to steer clear of the Spencer's but now the ledger was in Sakuzi's grip, he was free to strike.

"Smart bitch " He cursed, licking his lips while his lewd eyes rested on my shoulder where my shirt was torn thanks to the intense fight earlier.

"You sure she's the girl?" Gerald asked one of his men.

"Quite sure. We kept vigilant and saw that son of a bitch enter and leave her apartment this morning"

Great, Niklaus unintentionally led me to them, I should have known.

I wasn't stupid, I could surmise what was going on in that mind of theirs. They were probably thinking I held a special place in Niklaus' heart and would kidnap me with the hope of using me against him.

Damn it! I could have fought my way out of here if these kids weren't being a liability to me right now. Isabella was calm but the same wasn't said for the other cousin who was crying with snots running down her nose.

So far I haven't seen any gun - no matter how quick and strong I was, I couldn't outrun a bullet - but that doesn't mean they didn't have one on them.

Gerald was a crazy man and wouldn't hesitate to end the kids life if I pushed his button, I had to tread carefully here.

"I would go willingly with you once you let them go "

"Whether I let the kids go or not, you're still coming with us, " He told me firmly.

I took a step forward but guns were automatically aimed at me - so much for hoping there were no guns around, things just got complicated.

"You're a good fighter, I don't trust you so get down on your knees" He commanded me and let go of Anabelle, pushing her to his nearest men to catch.

I glowered at him yet plonked down to the ground, their lives were more valuable than my pride.

Gerald approached me, gripped my chin too tightly, and tipped my head upward as he examined my looks.

"Not bad," he said, scrutinizing me the way a merchant would to goods before purchasing, "With your skills and looks, you would be a good asset to me "

"In your dreams," I told him through gritted teeth, then spat at his face with pure disgust.

His face darkened and scrunched up, before I could guess his intentions, that bastard punched me straight in the stomach.

My world swirled while a sharp cry of pain was drawn from my lips as I clutched my stomach and fell sideways to the ground. He didn't even let me catch my breath and pulled me up by the hair causing me to wince.

His breath hit my face, "You and I are going to have a lot of fun sweetie "

Shivers ran down my spine, the creepy twinkle in his eyes told me I was not going to like his idea of fun.

He shoved me roughly to the ground.

"Tie them up and toss them in the booths " Gerald was still giving his orders when gunshots from nowhere took them out one after the other.

The shooter was an expert since his shots were with precision and hit their targets at vital points.

There was a hot exchange of bullets and Isabella was smart enough to grab Anabelle and they hid behind a car for cover.

While holding their own in the shootout, Gerald ordered one of his men to take me away.

I pretended to be weaker than I already was and the moment he was within reach, sprang up like a cat and kicked his gun away.

He backhanded me with this force that made me see stars that I had to shake my head to rid the dizziness, but that allowed my assaulter the opportunity to hurl me over his shoulder.

I wanted to retaliate but I had reached my limit; my body was aching all over - I resigned myself to fate.

Suddenly I heard a bang and a grunt, the man buckled to his knees and I fell from his shoulder, hitting my head hard on the concrete ground and lost consciousness.

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