Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 155 - One Hundred And Fifty-five: The Evil Mother-in-law

Chapter 155 - One Hundred And Fifty-five: The Evil Mother-in-law

The third point of view

Anabelle and Isabella's injuries weren't serious, so after a series of check-ups, the kids were sent home - with enough security.

The anxiety in the surgical waiting room almost drove them crazy. Eden and Niklaus weren't talking to each other but they had the same agenda in mind; confirming Maya was okay.

Pacing up and down the room, Niklaus released a string of curses when a number he identified to be Tina's called.

"What do you want? " He spat, not bothering to hide the displeasure in his voice.

"I heard what happened"

"So what? You called to gloat "

"Is that what you think of me ?"

"Can't blame me, your reputation precedes you"

"I'm coming over "

" I swear to God Christina, if you're here to cause trouble I'll make sure -"

She hung up the call on him.

Niklaus took a slow, deep breath to calm himself down, this wasn't the right place or time to be angry.

This was his fault, he led them to Maya; if he hadn't come to her place last night, she'd been safe.

"I came as quick as I could"

Emily ran into the room with a heavy breath. Chest heaving and sweat all over the face was a sign she raced to this place.

"Where is she?"

"She's still in surgery" Eden answered.

"What happened?"

"She was attacked, that's what happened," Niklaus said to her harshly.

Her mouth quirked, Emily knew better when Niklaus was in a bad mood, so she quickly moved away from the fuming king kong and approached the tender looking chihuahua, Eden.

"Why is he like that?" She whispered to Eden, taking a seat beside him.

"He's in his period"

Emily gave him a dirty look," I'm serious here. I get that Maya means at least a fraction to him and he's worried, but the look on his face is murderous, not anticipatory "

"Who knows? Ask him?" Eden shrugged his shoulder.

Emily knew he was lying, these brothers of hers tend to keep secrets from her.

From childhood, she had sensed her family was doing something illegal else why would the males be trained as if their life depended on it while the female pampered and kept away from all of it.

One time, she had found a gun in her father's study. Sure, once licensed you could carry a gun but discovering a whole armory of it? That was something else but she kept mum; her father would never do anything to put them in danger.

"Why don't you seem affected," Emily asked out of curiosity.

"What do you mean?" Eden glanced up from his cellphone.

"I mean you're nonchalant, heck- look at Niklaus" she pointed to the man pacing up and down at regular intervals.

"He's so worried- watching him makes me dizzy - but the point is the anxiety, fear, and stress is written over his face. But you? You're too relaxed"

"Because I have faith in Maya"

" Huh?"

"The girl's as tough as crap" he added," And don't compare me to your brother- the guilt is eating him alive," Eden said.

"What guilt?" She queried him but once again, he pretended he didn't hear her question with his eyes glued to his phone.

"How's she, doctor? "

Their head snapped to the smiling face of the doctor Niklaus was currently monopolizing.

"The surgery was a successful one though we moved her to the recovery room to monitor her progress, you should be able to see her in no time, "The doctor explained.

" Alright, thank you "

The doctor left just as Niklaus released a breath he has been holding in for a while now.

His phone rang, it was Tina.

"I'm here, where are you?"

"Wait wherever you are " Niklaus ordered and left to pick her up.

" I'm guessing that's the witch," Emily predicted.

"It's quite obvious, she's the only person capable of producing deep wrinkles on your brother's face "

Emily chuckled, she felt pity for her brother who was tied deeply under their father's clutches.

"I swear to God if my brother marries that woman, I'm changing my surname "

"Then you should go on with your plan now cause your brother won't be getting Maya"

Emily whipped around," What do you mean?"

"I like Maya" Eden confessed

Emily swallowed," You seriously can't be thinking of competing with Niklaus for Maya's heart?"She asked in disbelief.

"There's no need for competing, your brother is fighting a losing battle. I let him have Kay, but this time? I'm not giving up " He declared fiercely.

"But - "

He interrupted her" And here comes my evil mother-in-law and her daughter "

Their eyes settled on the figure who stepped into the waiting room.

Emily's face scrunched up as she regarded Kim, "Did she come to seduce a potential mate or come to visit her injured sister? "

"I wonder, but I'm not complaining about the view though"

Emily glared at him.

"Wish me good luck, I'm about to speak with my mother-in-law " He requested of her while brushing invisible dust off the back of his pants.

"Whatever" She rolled her eyes.

You must be her mother?" Eden inquired, and judging from the look on her face he knew she recognized him - probably from the television, this was the first time they were meeting.

"Yes, I am"? she answered him.

"Now I see where she got her eyes" Eden tried his flattery skills but all he got in reply was a wry smile which signaled the end of their discussion since she ignored him - he was dealing with an ice queen.

"What are you doing here?" Boomed Niklaus' voice from behind with anger.

Eden chuckled mentally, the show was about to begin - he would sit this out.

"And what kind of question is that?" Angela thundered back, she wouldn't take that insult from him; she was old enough to be his mother.

"You have no right to be here"

"She's my daughter, so I have every right to be here"

"No," Niklaus disagreed with her, "You gave up your right the night you sighed those documents!"

"The documents you forced us to sign!" Angela clarified.

"Because none of you deserve to be her family"

"And you are ?" She snorted, "Now tell me what did you do for her? Marry her? Or use and dump her cause I'm sure as hell this woman beside you is your fiancee !"

A loud bang came from the lady at the front desk inside the surgical waiting area and she warned, "Please this is a hospital, you can take your disputes elsewhere, don't force me to call security"

Everyone quieted down but battled with their thoughts internally.

There was a prominent frown on Kim's face, she didn't like the unsettling feeling in her chest. This was the first time her mother was getting into a dispute over her other daughter? Was she reconsidering her attitude towards Maya? It made her restless.

Christina tried her best to hide her embarrassment but her mask cracked faster than she thought. Here she was with her man who was engrossed in defending another woman, it was a shame to her pride.

Angela was fuming, yes, she admitted she has not been a great motherly figure but she wasn't a monster, she had to make sure that girl was alright. Then, she would be comfortable enough to continue with her daily life.

Niklaus was feeling a bit of anger laced with guilt, everything that happened so far was his fault - he wouldn't deny that. But what right did those two devils have coming here, did they come to gloat at Maya or confirm if she was dead?

Emily was uncomfortable in her seat, the negative energy in here was so oppressing it was hard to breathe. Why couldn't they settle their matters diplomatically.

Eden was unconcerned, his only desire was confirming nothing was wrong with Maya. Niklaus and the rest could go to hell as long as he cared.

Thus, everyone was alone with their thoughts until they were finally ushered into Maya's room after a warning not to distress the patient who was still asleep.

Maya was moved into a VIP room thanks to the Spencers. She was dressed in the hospital clothes and lay on the bed with a pale complexion.

Her eyes were closed in sleep, there was a band-aid where she had hit her head and the beeping noise from the heart machine pierced the quiet room.

"How is she?" The doctor was questioned as soon as he stepped into the room to record her vitals.

"The blow she sustained fractured two of her ribs but she was lucky, none of them injured her lungs so there is no risk of punctured lungs"

Some people were relieved while a few weren't gladdened by the good news.

"Most broken ribs resolve within six weeks but due to the fact she received surgery in which we used plates and screws to stabilize the ribs, her recovery would be much faster and painless compared to others but ..."

"But what?" Eden inquired.

"When one has a rib fracture, the muscles used for breathing pull on the ribs causing breathing to be very painful, so you should be careful of the emotion you elicit from her. Coughing, laughing and sneezing can send her sharp pain, not to mention if she can't breathe deeply, she stands the risk of pneumonia "

" So what do you suggest?"

"At the moment, the girl needs adequate rest and your presence here might be a bit overwhelming and noisy. I suggest you leave and return tomorrow since it's late already, but a family member can sleepover and take care of her "

"I'll stay, " Angela offered, much to everyone's surprise.

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