Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 157 - One Hundred And Fifty-seven: I Want To Invade Your Heart

Chapter 157 - One Hundred And Fifty-seven: I Want To Invade Your Heart

Maya's point of view

I finally got Eden to drop the lawsuit.

Don't get me wrong, I wanted Kim's mother to suffer but not in this way. The accusation this time was wrong: I fell and lost consciousness not because she pushed me.

With my health right now and Eden's support, I could easily win the case but I wouldn't be at rest.

My conscience would always remind me of the fact I accused someone falsely - God, I hated that I was such a big softie.

But then, Eden didn't do me the favour for free; he would drop the case if I allowed him to take care of me throughout my stay in the hospital.

Well, who was I to refuse such a huge favor? My mom- scratched that- Kim's mother wasn't returning - that was for sure -? I was all alone and his company wouldn't be bad since he's proven he harbors no evil intention towards me.

Right now, I was in my bed while Eden was peeling apples for me. A task he did with so much seriousness one might think he was caving a cultural artifact.

Thanks to him I got to learn about the events that led to the incident which my brain failed to recover. Each time I try to remember that incident, this fog confuses me.

I was just grateful the kids were fine, if anything had happened to them on my watch? I don't think I would be able to live with that amount of guilt.

"By the way, you won," Eden suddenly announced.

"Won what ?"

" The lead role "

My face lit up, my hands flew to my mouth out of surprise," I really got the female lead role?"

"Yes, Isaac got to announce the news after they decided yesterday" he added, "But don't rejoice yet "

I frowned, "What are you talking about?"

"You have the role but I rejected it, You'd get the supporting role instead"

"What ?! " I winced, totally forgetting the pains from stressing my chest.

"Are you crazy?" I whispered, regulating my breath.

"What did you do that for? Do you know how much time and energy I spent just to ensure I got that? Who gave you the right to take that away from me? I earned that with my sweat" came my spite through gritted teeth.

Eden rolled his eyes, "Are you going to listen to my explanation or not?"

I was angry, very angry, even though my injuries wouldn't let me express it the way I wanted. I worked hard but he took my reward away from me with no care? Fine, I'll calm - Let's just hope he has a valid reason for that.

"Niklaus might be the general overseer but I'm the president of this subsidiary for years and I know this industry more than him " he went on.

"That bullheaded cousin of mine caused a huge ruckus for that lead role: a lot of my famous artists targeted it but he threatened them off.

"Some of them couldn't take that disgrace lying down and you of all people should know how pompous stars are ?"

Of course, how wouldn't I know? Some stars are rude and arrogant because their success has gotten into their head.

"Though this incident brought you some sympathy from fans, you're still one of the upcoming stars with the highest number of anti-fans because of the scandal; it'd take a lot of time to wipe that foul impression completely.

"Which would be worse if you get that lead role. You were attacked by gangsters yesterday, tomorrow might be anti-fans"

I wiped my face with my palm, breaking down his words to my understanding capacity.

I had an association with Niklaus and Eden, so as a rookie actress who gets the lead role when there are hundreds of professional and known actresses who could play that role perfectly, it was sure going to attract attention.

Netizen would label me a slut who sleeps around for money and roles. The second role will draw talks too but the intensity would be lesser compared to the first.

Eden thought of it thoroughly.

"It's risky but you can still choose the lead role but the public might always perceive you as a controversial actress and you might need to project a villainess image in future projects and marketing" Eden explained.

"Fine, I'll go with the second role " I decided. I don't want to strive to be who I wasn't just to gain a role.

"But that still doesn't qualify you to decide for me, at least seek my consent first " I chided him.

" I just did "

" What ?"

"I haven't rejected the role yet, just tricked you into giving me your opinion"

Between both of the cousins, I didn't know which one was better: Niklaus who hardly seeks my permission before helping out, or Eden who tricks me into getting what he wants.

"Fine, just do whatever you want " I lay on my bed slowly and carefully.

Breathing was such a huge job to me but the doctor recommended taking deep breaths even if it hurts to keep off pneumonia.

I looked towards the door hoping for a certain person to walk in but nothing happened. I wanted to ask Eden if he visited but I couldn't, both of them disliked each other.

"Here, I am done with this" Eden placed the plate of sliced apples on the table.

"You should take those to get better" he advised after discovering I wasn't interested in the fruit.

"Where are you going? " I asked Eden.

He got to his feet, brushing invisible dust from the back and sides of his pants, "I need to leave "


"Uh-huh," He murmured, then glanced up with a grin at the corners of his lips, "Why? You miss me already?"

I snorted, "Miss, my butt. I just need you around for the errands, you know how demanding I can be sometimes "

Without warning, Eden propelled himself forward, supporting himself by pressing against the wall as he hovered over me.

"What are you doing?" I gulped, "You promised not to do anything to me" came my reminder as his breath ghost over my face.

"Why is it you?" He asked and I blinked in confusion.

What's he saying this time?

"What gibberish are you talking about? Get away please, you're invading my space "

" I want to invade your heart"

His blunt confession made my mouth remain agape for all least two minutes, my eyes widened.

I was stunned, was Eden confessing he liked me? No, this must be one of his tricks again.

"Gotcha!" Eden flicked me on the forehead as he got off me," You're too gullible"

I pouted, rubbing that spot. I was right, he was just fooling around with me. Thank God I didn't trust him one bit.

"Have a good time, I'll be back " He waved and left.

Whatever, what fun could I possibly have, alone and in pain at a hospital?

Sigh, I spent the next hour flipping through television channels and social media platforms on my phone, none of it eradicated the boringness but it gave me a good opportunity to evaluate my life.

Save for Spencer's dramas, nothing was interesting about my life. I just had two friends - Cecil and Emily - nothing else. Not even a dog or cat was my company in this lonely hospital room - huh?

I glanced up hoping whoever was at the door was either Emily or Cecil or even those two devils - anything was better than nothing.

But I blanched in shock when Adam walked into my room with his authoritative aura and impassive features that twisted into a smile once our eyes met.

That smile did nothing to calm me down instead it sent nerves flying, what have I done this time?

"You look quite shocked to see me," He said and I realized my jaw almost dropped to the ground.

"N-no" I cleared my throat," Is not every day that I get to receive someone of your magnitude" I replied politely.

"You should bear with me, I'm not fit enough to welcome you" I hinted he should make himself comfortable.

His eyes roved over my hospital gown interestedly, "Of course, I came to visit a patient, that's expected"

That was expected of course, but I didn't expect him to leave the couch at the end, instead took the seat beside my bed- God, this was so uncomfortable.

Grandma raised me to be a respectful person and I showed that -enemies or not - unless you decide to take liberties with me.

I respected Adam for the elder he is but I have never liked him from the very beginning.

My sixth sense plus Niklaus' upbringing history gave me an analysis of him; someone who would go to any length to achieve what he wants.

Even being alone with him right now sent the chills down my spine. Adam hits me as a dangerous man - probably more than Sakuzi - and I could not settle with him around me.

"How are you feeling?" He asked.

"Fine " I answered curtly.

"No need to waste time then, let's go down to the reason for my visit, shall we?"

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