Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 164 - One Hundred And Sixty-Four: Love From Sakuzi

Chapter 164 - One Hundred And Sixty-Four: Love From Sakuzi

The third point of view

A word they say is enough for the wise, but perhaps some people were just so damn stupid.

Everyone was touched by Maya's words, even the stone-hearted Isabella couldn't help but feel guilty save Tina whose envy grew enormously.

The seed of hatred had already been sowed in her heart, so no matter what Maya did or said, it was all gibberish in her sight.

"I'm sorry but I disagree with you"

Everyone's head whipped around to the source of the opposition - Tina, ugh!.

"Excuse me?" Maya narrowed her eyes at her.

"Being rich is not a privilege but an effort. That money we spent to our fullest didn't just fall from the heavens, we worked extra harder than the average human and got to this position and status -? it's our sweat and blood not some gift from some supposed entity above.

Moreover, this world has been unfair and would never be fair. This is a jungle and only the survival of the fittest can fit in! He's furious because of what Isabella did to him? Then, let him go toil hard, make some money, become powerful, so people could tremble at the sight of -"

"Alright, time out " Niklaus grabbed her arm, ready to drag her out of the room.

"No, let me finish!" Tina flung her arms off his grip as she glared daggers at him.

"Is she the only one who has the right to talk here?" She focused angrily on Maya who calmly folded her arms across her chest and watched the dramatic scene.

"My words are nothing because you all treat it like air! What's so good about this damned wretched illegitimate daughter of a whore - !"

A hard slap accompanied her words.

The slap stung her cheek, and Tina gasped, a hand on her cheek out of shock rather than pain.

Everyone went still, they heard it; the cracking sound that slashed through the room - no one surmised Niklaus would do such a thing.

"Y-you hit me? " Tina choked, the tears wouldn't let her speak properly, "For her?" She asked in disbelief.

Niklaus stared down at his palm, he had never hit a woman, this was his first time and on Tina of all people?

But he couldn't help it, he was so angry and what terrified him the most was the fact he wouldn't mind doing it again if she hurt the feelings of Maya once more.

"I warned you," His voice was gruff, yet guilt hit him - she was still a woman and God! he despised turning out like his father.

"I hate you" Tina spat, then walked past him and intentionally shoved against him.

His eyes connected with Maya's

"Why are you staring at me that way?" She questioned his odd look, "You slapped your fiancee right in front of everyone, shouldn't you go after her?"

Niklaus gulped, he had searched Maya's face for any trace of approval or something - heck, he defended her, he deserved some praise? Applause? - but all he got was a mock disappointment.

Goodness, Niklaus! Maya was playing him.

He strode towards the door - not to comfort Tina but to go knock off some steam.

Even with them gone, the room was silent and awkward for a while until she broke the silence.

"Where were we?" Maya asked the kids.

Anabelle pointed to Isabella who slapped her finger away with a grimace.

"Isabella apologize"

"Anabelle too, she kicked him" Izzy dispersed the blame accordingly.

"I'm so sorry mister, I promise not to kick you in inappropriate places next time?" Anabelle was quick to apologize but Maya picked on her words.

"Are you trying to say you'd kick him in other places the next you have a confrontation? "

"Of course not" She shook her hands, "I would never kick you again, cross my heart" Anabelle swore.

"No, problem. I'll perish the thoughts of cutting those feet and using them to prepare dinner for now " Came Judy's response that made Maya scowl at him.

Tsk tsk, no wonder everyone - kids included - was so scared of him, the man had no clue how to gloss over his words.


The girl pressed her lips stubbornly, refusing to say a word.

"Before the count of three Isabella, don't make me repeat myself" Maya warned her, but the girl was determined.

Maya rubbed her chin thoughtfully, "Hmm, maybe I should tell Anabelle that you have a star-shaped mole on your - "

"No!" Isabella screamed, stunning both Judy and Anabelle.

Her reaction now made them curious about the secret that they would have turned the apology down and heard the juicy story instead, had it not been that Isabella was quick and sharp.

"I'm sorry" Isabella apologized right away.

"I didn't hear you " Judy cleaned his ear with a finger in a mocking gesture.

Isabella bit down on her lips and would have spat something sassy in return if she hadn't seen Maya's warning gaze.

"I'm sorry!" She screamed.

I hope that blasts your eardrums, Isabella wished.

She glowered at Maya and couldn't believe she would have revealed her secret if she hadn't apologized.

Isabella had a large star-shaped mole on her buttcheek and Maya found out about that during the chickenpox episode - she hated the scar on that awkward spot.

Imagine if Maya had told Anabelle; then Anabelle tells her friends in class; her friends in the class tell their friends in other classes; the second generation friends tell their other friends!

Soon the news would spread across the globe and everyone would know that Izzy Spencer has a mole on her butt.

Aaah! She couldn't imagine that nightmare!

"Thank your lucky stars this time," Judy said to Isabella who stared back with the same intensity.

He shook his head pathetically, he just hopes this girl changes before she becomes the next president when she grows up else, they may as well just reinstall Adam as the president, the girl was almost his clone- character-wise.

"Thank you, Maya" He bowed to the girl who had now earned his respect.

Judy knew Isabella didn't apologize wholeheartedly but Maya fought for him earlier and he was moved- Niklaus, doesn't know that he has lost a rare gem.

Both of them didn't know each other, just met a few times in the past when she was together with Niklaus and had shared pleasantries, nothing else.

Yet, she defended him.

What more could he ask for than to protect her with his life.

"Are they both a threat to your health? Do you need me to clear them away?" Judy offered.

Maya didn't know whether to laugh or cry, the way he spoke about the two daredevil teens made it seem as if he was talking about scrapes.

The kids took cover beside her bed which made her chuckle, "No, you don't need to worry about them, I can handle the children" She assured him.

"Alright, if you say so. I'll be outside if you need my help" he informed her and left.

"Oh Maya, you look so beautiful today. Did you use make-up? Take a look at your smooth pimple-free skin" Isabella began to fawn over Maya who was not deceived by her act.

Maya knew it was just an attempt to take her mind off their mysterious arrival which was foiled when she asked, "How did you two get here?"

The room went silent.

"Hopefully, I'm talking to humans, right?" She demanded an answer.

Anabelle pointed at Isabella as usual, "The blame's on her, I'm innocent. I was on my own and she came along"

Her excuse would have fooled others but she knew these kids more than their parents do, like the back of her palm.

She cocked a brow, "Really? So Izzy here threatened to pull out your hair if you don't come with her?"

"Umm," Anabelle nodded with a pout.

Liar, Maya thought but the little girl was a better actress than Isabella.

"Is that true?" She asked Isabella this time.

"Yes, it is" she added, "Why? You don't think I'm capable of doing it?"

Since Isabella was so willing to take the blame, they must have struck a deal then, these kids!

"Sure, go ahead and touch a strand on her head, see if I won't tell the world about the mole" She dared that arrogant kid.

"Is this how you treat me after risking everything just to see you?" Isabella raised a tantrum and wrapped herself around Maya.

Maya pushed her away playfully, "Pish, go away!" and knocked the girl on her head," Do you know you risked both of your lives by coming here?".

She flicked Anabelle on the forehead instead," What were you guys thinking?"

"I was thinking of how much I love you" Anabelle the sweet talker scored, as usual, melting Maya's boiling heart instantly.

Maya blew air noisily before ruffling their hair, the kids were so sweet but in an annoying way.

"By the way" Isabella started," I think Niklaus is damaged"

"Huh? Damaged?" Maya was flabbergasted.

"He's so weird lately, I think he's mistaken me as you; lovesickness must have gotten to his brain" Isabella described the situation with all manner of seriousness that Maya couldn't find a room to doubt her.

She was intrigued, "What did he do?"

Isabella answered, "He kissed my eyes and forehead every time he saw me; he attempted to feed me the last time we ate together; Niklaus now thinks I'm a cuddly bear because he hugged me a lot recently and lastly, he blew dry my hair for me. Who knows, next time he might read me a story and cuddle me to sleep?" She shrugged.

"Huh? How's that weird, my papa does that to me every time?" Anabelle was confused too.

Maya facepalmed mentally, of course only Isabella would think her father's change in attitude as creepy. Well, one wouldn't blame her because the sudden affectionate acts were foreign to her.

She was just about to answer the poor girl when her door was opened and a nurse walked in with a bouquet.

"Someone sent this to you"

Maya frowned, "Who is it?"

"It came with a card," the nurse pointed out.

Maya took the flowers from her and checked the card.

"Wishing you a speedy recovery, princess - love from Sakuzi "

The hell.

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