Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 166 - One Hundred And Sixty-six: Maya Would Regret Ever Knowing Her

Chapter 166 - One Hundred And Sixty-six: Maya Would Regret Ever Knowing Her

The third point of view :

"That stupid boy has been seeing some stakeholders behind her back?!" Madam Queen roared as soon as the information came to her.

She stood abruptly from the chaise lounge, phone pressed against her ear with a vivid look.

"Send their name to me, I need to pay them a special visit" she ordered and ended the call.

Her fist was clenched by her side from anger while the other clutched the smartphone tight. That bastard dares to take what doesn't belong to him?

This woman was no other than Tina's mother who was currently being disturbed by that devil's spawn her husband raised outside their marriage.

Had Queen known what she knew today, she wouldn't have allowed that boy to live till now. She wouldn't stay alive and watch that illegitimate seed take what doesn't belong to him.

She had worked for the growth of the company alongside her useless husband, her labor would not be in vain.

But Queen was bitter inside, all these wouldn't be happening if that thing called her husband had kept his prick in his pants.

What was insufficient about her? She was beautiful and though she had gone down in age - she was in her late forties - but hardly could wrinkles be seen around her face.

She maintained her body and shape with her resources; go to the best spa, hired a diet coach, and eat a healthy amount of food, working out like there was no tomorrow - doing planks, yoga - what has she not tried on? Yet that man still betrayed her.

"Men can never be trusted, never give your whole heart to any man" she always told her daughter, Tina," Love is nothing but old men's fable, child. Take what you want while you still have the opportunity"

Take her for example, she had given Mike her husband her heart yet he stepped on it like a piece of rag, sharing his heart instead with the lowlife that birthed that nuisance who was giving her a massive headache recently.

She sacrificed everything and made him who he was today! If it wasn't for her, he'd probably be nobody! But how did he pay her back? By degrading himself with that scum.

Fine, she would deal with that trivial son of hers and teach her a lesson to choose a war worth her capacity.

Just as Queen began to concoct her plan in her head, the entrance door was banged so hard she nearly jumped out of her skin.

Wondering who wanted to bring her house down, she was stunned when her precious pearl strode into the house fuming.

"Christina?" She watched her daughter climb up the stairs leading to her room.

Queen was puzzled, her young and only daughter was not in the mood and she had visited her in this condition.

Who knew what happened?

She was still thinking when the startling sounds of things crashing awakened her from her thought. The noise came from upstairs - to be precise, her daughter's room - which made her hurry up the stairs at once.

Opening the door to her daughter's room, her hands flew to her mouth from shock as she saw Tina throw whatever she could get her hands on to the ground.

"Christiana " She called, but she ignored her.

Tina instead grabbed the photo of her that was taken when she was two from the wall, smashing it to the ground and drawing a shriek from her mother's lips.

"What are you doing, Christina?!" Queen was now afraid of her, her outburst was no longer normal.

"I want to kill her !" Tina grabbed a little stool and hurled it towards the window.

"Christina!" She gasped in horror, watching the chair break the window and made its descent downstairs - hoping to God it didn't hit anyone.

"I want her to die! Let her just die!"

This time she ran to her daughter, engulfing her in a tight hug which stopped her from moving, throwing, or smashing more stuff.

Christina burst into tears on her Queen's shoulder, digging her sharp nails into her mother's arms till they drew blood yet Queen didn't seem to mind as she comforted her.

Queen had an idea of her daughter's anger management issues but she never thought it was to this extent.

It was obvious that Tina had taken her looks from her mother, the both could be mistaken for sisters instead of mother and daughter - thanks to Queen taking care of her skin. Same blonde hair, height, Tina would have been her mom's clone if she hasn't changed some of her features surgically.

"Is okay, my precious pearl" she wrapped her arms around her tighter before rubbing her back while the other smoothed her hair.

"He slapped me for her" Tina cried out which tugged at her heart painfully.

This her daughter hardly cried, she was a strong woman and could only express her emotion by letting off some steam. Since she cried this time, whatever grievance that was committed against her must have been unbearable.

"Niklaus hit me "

Queen's face scrunched up, that man again? What did her daughter see in that womanizer?

Sure, he had a powerful background but her daughter was a fine lady and still had time to find men two times better than him both in status and appearance - sincerely, she doubted Tina would find any in this city; the young man was the best so far.

Regardless, her daughter has the right to some happiness.

Tina eventually calmed down and Queen got to hear the whole story from her which made her sigh in disbelief mixed with disappointment - her daughter had suffered so much.

Her daughter's story was no different than hers but Tina still had the opportunity to correct everything before it was too late.

Queen grabbed her daughter's hands affectionately, both were sitting on the chaise and facing one another.

"Break up with that man, leave him at once," she told her daughter.

The anticipated look on Tina's face twisted into a dejected one. She had been expecting her mother to help out, respect, and support her in fighting against that illegitimate witch called Maya.

"You can't be serious," Tina laughed, dryly.

"Of course, I'm dead serious here, my child" Queen explained desperately,

"That relationship is toxic for you, leave while you still can"

Tina pulled free her hands from her mother's clasp as if stung by a bee. She stood to her feet, walked in circles, then tousled her hair before bursting into hysterical laughter.

"Christina?" Her mother watched her this time, unsure of what to make out of this situation but she was sure of one thing as she said, "I think we need to see a therapist, your anger is getting out of control "

"I understand my anger perfectly!" Tina roared at her, "But what I don't understand is you not supporting me!"

"Of course, I have and would always side with you. If I don't back you up, who then would I assist? "

She gritted her teeth, "Then why are you asking me to give up on Niklaus?"

Queen stood up, walked over to her, and placed a hand on her shoulder, pressing it tenderly," Some battles are not worth dying for "

Tina had hoped this time that she had successfully changed her mother's mind until she heard her comment. She didn't care about others' opinions- not even her father's - all she wanted was her mother's.

But it seems the woman was beginning to go soft-hearted. She swatted her hand off her shoulder in an exasperated manner.

"Then I'll rather die knowing I won than living like a coward" she spat, her chest heaving with anger.

"I don't care about that bastard, it's you I'm worried about here" Queen pointed out.

"He hit me because of that lowlife and you expect me to give up?" Tina shook her head in disappointment," Mom, you always taught me to never give up on the things that matter to me" came her reminder.

Queen hit her on her arm, vexed.

"You stupid child, I told you to fight for the things you desire, not kill yourself over a man!"

"Then you got it right, he's my desire and I would not give up on him. I would not lose to that lowlife, Maya!"

" Christina!"

" Mother!"

"Get your head back in gear!"

"My head is alright, mother. Moreover, how are you any different than me?"

"Excuse me?"

"You're fighting against that woman too, remember?"

"Of course, I'm trying to take back what rightfully belongs to me - to us"

"Same thing here, mother. I'm taking back what that bitch stole from me"

"Christina, please stop" her mother pleaded desperately, "Unlike me, you still have time not to make the wrong choice as I did. I've made a lot of mistakes and I'm spending the rest of my life correcting it- that illegitimate fool would not reap where they didn't sow - so please, leave the war to me. Just find a decent man - anyone but that Niklaus - I won't quibble," she added, "Please"

There was a calm look in her eyes and Queen was so grateful that her words finally got to her daughter.

But that eyes abruptly hardened and settled on her with blazing intensity.

"I'm sorry mother, but I've gone too far to stop" she went on, "Moreover, you should know how much I hate illegitimate spawns. Goodbye and see you the next time I visit"

"Christina! Christina Devon, come back here this instant!" She called after her but the person in question sauntered away.

Queen broke into tears, everything was her fault. If she hadn't pampered her so much and ingrained into her mind the winning mentally, things would have been different.

Now, her daughter was hell-bent on winning a battle that was obviously not favoring her.

The moment Tina stepped out of the house, she called Kimberly at once. A look in her eyes and one could see the burning murderous intent there, her fury was flowing like molten mountain lava this time.


"I need Maya to suffer" she went straight to the point without wasting time.

"Probably another time, right now I don't have anything on - "

"It was not a request but an order" Tina's voice was cold - literally a minus 273.15 degrees celsius if measured.

"Fine, I'll do it "

"And do it fast, my patience is thinning by each growing seconds"

"Alright, your honor" Kim said sarcastically and ended the call.

Tina didn't care about her rudeness as far as she got the job done. At this juncture she didn't care whether Niklaus finds out or not, right now she already had a backer- Adam would stand by her.

A sardonic smirk tugged her lips to the side, Maya would regret ever knowing her.

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