Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 169 - One Hundred And Sixty-nine: Motherly Affection

Chapter 169 - One Hundred And Sixty-nine: Motherly Affection

Maya's point of view

After the awkward episode between Niklaus and his girlfriend Tina, plus Judy's departure, the kids and I were left alone to bond at last.

I must say, it was quite comforting and fun having both of them around, though Isabella always found a way of taunting Anabelle.

At first, I found Isabella's bullying cruel and unfair but taking a good look at it, I found out it was Isabella's special way of showing her affection - yeah, you heard me.

Isabella had problems with conveying her emotions, so torturing people was her way of showing and drawing attention - I just had to make sure she doesn't go over the limit.

There was nothing we could do save gossiping and until we were exhausted did Anabelle take a glance at my fingers, suggesting they paint it.

"Count me out, that's so lame" Isabella, of course, rejected the idea right away.

Anabelle and I gave her a dirty look, "What's so lame about it ?" The little girl inquired out of curiosity.

"Sitting and watching paints get plastered on your nails, how boring can it get?" She clicked her tongue.

"Painting is an act, a reflection of our personality"

"Yeah, yeah, your inner personality is so striking" Isabella deadpanned, eliciting a glare from me.

"Fine then, since you think it is childish, let's see who's going to paint Maya's nails better - I take the right hand, you take the left" She challenged Isabella.

"Deal" the thrill-seeker acknowledged as usual.

"Whoah, whoah, what the hell is going on here?" I asked in confusion.

The kids started a competition before I could even comprehend what was going on.

"Whose nail are you both about to experiment on?"

Both cast their intense gaze on me, their stare was so intimidating. When did both of them begin to be in cahoots?

"I'm not trying to be a party pooper" I defended myself, "But you have no apparatus, so nail challenge? Off! "

I was so happy about the turn of events, my nails were one of my beloved body parts. I treasured it so much that I wouldn't allow it to be a tool for these devils to gamble on.

"Oh don't worry, leave that to me" Anabelle assured me with a smile that made me anxious.

Right before me, Anabelle made a call, requesting nail painting materials.

I went pale, these kids were not kidding.

An amused snort made me turn around only to spot Isabella's smug expression, she understood my hesitation - that I was doomed.

I suddenly wished at that moment that these kids were not some rich brat, rather normal children from average homes - but wishes weren't horses.

It didn't reach up to twenty minutes before Anabelle's request was delivered. Aish! This was so annoying.

They helped set up the supplies: professional tissues, q-tips, nail polish remover, nail clippers, nail file, cuticle stick, and numerous nail polishes in diverse shade.

I felt like crying when I saw those expensive items about to be wasted, my collection wasn't even half the number nor quality.

"Shall we begin?" Anabelle tested Isabella's readiness.

Take a good look at these kids, what about my readiness? My fingernails were about to be sacrificed for their contest - my precious nails* tears* that took years to be treated to this level -? yet no one's asking about my mental well-being; I was about to break down.

"I was born ready" Isabella replied, a fire of determination burning in her orbs.

"I'm not ready" I cried internally, these kids don't even have an idea of what to do, my poor nails *sob*sob*


The moment both kids started, I shut my eyes tight, unwilling to witness the destruction of my chelae. Though occasionally, I did steal sneak peeks at their handiworks.

I was impressed, the kids were something else - their fathers should be proud of them.

Isabella had a serious look on her face as she filed my nails with a glass file starting from the side to the middle and giving my nail a square finish.

To be honest, a look at Izzy with the way her lips were pressed together and eyes focused on the task, one would think she was working on an important project for the president of the country.

Anabelle on the other hand was relaxed and had an excited glint in her eyes with a smile tugging at her lips. She took off an excessive nail polish on a finger and was careful not to smudge it.

The difference was clear between both youngsters. Isabella was hell-bent on winning the prize without savoring the feeling of doing something productive, unlike Anabelle who clearly enjoyed what she was doing with the prize still in mind.

Above all, I was stunned.

All this while, I was worried about the safety of my nails for nothing - the kids were amazing.

For some reason, seeing them do this little yet heartwarming gesture brought tears to my eyes; I felt a sense of accomplishment.

Over the months, Anabelle had gone from being a rich brat who boasts about her make-up company to applying nail polish on my fingers while Isabella had turned from being a vengeful introvert to an extrovert who now helps humanity - with her pranks in-between.

They weren't my kids but I felt some motherly bonds towards them and it kinda hurt me that I'm going after Isabella's grandfather, Adam.



I was awakened out of my thoughts, glancing down at their handiworks as a lopsided grin graced my features.

Anabelle painted my nails shiny pink with little red crystals which she achieved by sprinkling glitters which became attached to the polish while wet, giving it a cool effect.

"It's beautiful " I admired it much to Anabelle's delight - even though it looks like Barbie in a pink world. But hey, who am I to criticize her efforts?

I lifted my other hand to my face to get a good glance at Isabella's artwork but what made me do a double-take was not the neat nor mysterious purple she used, but rather the golden-colored words she stylishly designed, "Tigress"

My heart missed a beat, that was the nickname Niklaus normally calls me when we were still together.

I glanced up but Isabella looked away that moment, whistling nonchalantly as if she had no clue of the storm she raised in my heart.

Anabelle was surprised at my shocked expression. But as humans would always be curious creatures, she took a look at it.

"Tigress?" She frowned at Isabella in a disapproving manner," Why is Maya a tigress? She ain't an animal!"

Isabella gave her a bored look, "You should go ask the inventor of that name or interrogate the bearer who loves it "

"Seriously? " I didn't know what to say, this girl always has a way of putting me in a tight spot.

"You're a tigress, Maya?" The ever-curious Anabelle glanced up at me for answers.

"No, it's just a stupid nickname " I answered curtly.

"But Isabella says you love it," she observed.

I sighed," I don't like it yet I have to live with it " I quickly added, " It's just like Isabella calling you 'bimbo'. Do you like it ?"

"Of course not" she answered briskly

"Yet you have to live with it "

"Only because she keeps calling me that, " Anabelle replied pointedly, eyes settled on Isabella.

"So that's it with me too "

Phew, sometimes I was lucky this girl wasn't as smart as that little devil else I would have run crazy. Having two Isabella? The thought alone gives me the creeps.

At that moment, a knock sounded on my door before it was opened, and in came Anabelle's people which made her face fall. They were to take her home which could only mean one thing, they found out Isabella's prank.

"Hey, go with them. I'll ask your father to bring you with him whenever he visits " I was quick to comfort Anabelle when I saw the reluctance on her part - she was ready to put up a fight.

She gave me a doubtful look, "Promise?"

"Promise" We sealed the deal with a pinky swear which made her boom with joy.

"Alright" she left my side and went to her people who had been watching our interactions with keen interest.

"Bye, Maya. Get well soon"

"Yeah, bye" I waved back and as soon as the door closed, I pounced on that little devil, tousling her hair playfully - a gesture she hates.

"Why do you like putting me in precarious situations?" I asked.

Isabella wriggled out of my grip with a pout while smoothing her disheveled hair, "What's the fun of life if you don't live dangerously?"

"That's for you, some people want a simple and stable life "

"Yeah, people like you" She sassed.

I didn't retort back, just shook my head sympathetically, Isabella was unredeemable.

"Thank you"? I appreciated her for the special nail painting. That girl was such a big softie yet she refuses to admit it.

"Yeah, whatever" came her signatory comment as she ushered herself over to my couch and lay down.

We laid in silence for a while until I questioned her, "You do know I'm not going to end up with him, right?"

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