Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 180 - One Hundred And Eighty: Where Are The Kids?

Chapter 180 - One Hundred And Eighty: Where Are The Kids?

Maya's point of view

Cecil and Emily proved to be the best company ever, the two of them knew the best thing to say which got my ribs cracking.

Grandma joined in our conversation at first but Anabelle snatched her attention and I don't know what that little imp said to her but she decided to leave.

"You're going?" I asked, surprised. She didn't seem to be choppy or in a hurry, so that kid Anabelle could not have said something that upset her - I wonder what they discussed about, though.

"Yes, I'm an old woman and can't keep up with you young people" she excused herself as she got to her feet with the help of her walking cane.

"Alright, grandma. Give me seconds so I could escort you -" I told her straightening my clothes, trying to get on my feet.

"No, don't see me out, Maya. You have friends over " She declined my offer.

"What nonsense!" I said, "My friends would not object to me seeing my granny out "

"Of course" Cecil and Emily supported me.

"I said I'm alright beside, my maid has already informed me of her arrival plus I have the best company with me," Granny Octavia told me, referring to Anabelle who held her hand, smiling back at her.

What charm does this woman use? The old woman seems to have some kind of secret techniques she used to capture children's hearts. Previously was Isabella, now was Anabelle, tomorrow might be Pedro; who knows?

If it had been Isabella, I would have refused right away but Anabelle had a clean track of being a good kid, and also, she was humble and innocent. I mean, look at her, what kind of harm could that cute little kid inflict on someone?

"Alright" I rose to my feet and gave my Nana a long, warm hug which I concluded with a peck on her face,

"Thank you so much, granny".

Left for me alone, I wouldn't want granny to return to that residence all alone but I don't have the power yet to take her away.

I could move-in with her, but I knew Kim's mother and her offspring, both were lionesses waiting to pounce on their prey which was me.

Once I stepped foot, in the name of cohabitating with Nana in that property which was financed by Angela, I was sure the awaiting predators would trap and try to do everything to keep me from escaping their clasps.

Moreover, even if I found a separate place for granny to stay with me from now henceforth, I knew the woman's personality like the back of my hand.

She would still go back to Angela and Kimberly after one or two of their tearful performance, that was just how soft she was - a trait I inherited from her.

"Come back right away" I tousled Anabelle's hair.

"Yes, aunt Maya!" She replied energetically, booming that smile that could melt the heart of even the toughest warrior.

Gosh, I wish my future kid would be as cute as her. Isabella wasn't bad though but I can't imagine seeing that sly smirk on the face of my kid - having one Isabella was already driving me crazy.

As soon as Granny left, we girls continued our gossip but my eyes would wander to the door from time to time to check if she had returned.

Annabelle came back as fast as she could and from the looks of things, ran to my apartment since she was sweating.

"You're back"

"Yes," she heaved.

"Thanks for helping me out sweetheart. You can get a glass of chilled water from the refrigerator to calm yourself, alright?"

"Sure" she replied and left.

That was the last I heard from Anabelle but I didn't put many thoughts into it since she was probably hanging around with Pedro and Isabella.

"Congratulations, I heard you got a role in that movie - what was its name again?"? Cecil scratched the side of her head in thoughts.

"Finding Paradise" Emily answered before I could.

"Yeah, that's the movie. Netizens got their eye on that one which is sure to hit billions in the box office judging from the attention it's getting. You're quite lucky"

"Yeah, I'm lucky" I gave a smile that didn't reach my eyes because that reminded me of Eden and my epic failed proposal.

"Talk about you, I hear this season's collection is a blast"

Cecil was a popular fashion designer which was why she was quite busy and hardly had time for her son- she was quite in demand.

She was two years older than me, I was happy for her yet couldn't help but get envious of her great achievement sometimes.

Cecil sighed," Trust me, Maya, it gets so overwhelming occasionally you might even think of giving up. I'm actually thinking of going on a break after this season and get to spend time with my son.

"My work has kept me away from him for too long that's it's beginning to bother me. I need to get active in Pedro's life and guide his footsteps as he grows up. Besides, dumping him on Isabella and Amanda is beginning to gnaw at my conscience"

"Oww, spoken like a true mother. This makes me miss my late mom" Emily wiped away invisible tears from her eyes with a finger.

This conversation felt incredibly cool like we were having a girl's hangout. So I picked on Emily, "Your turn, what's going on with your life after you abandoned Adam all alone in his mansion"

Emily rolled her eyes yet replied, "Just catching up on my lost highschool fun that was ruined with the presence of my father's bodyguards"

My eyes collided with Cecil's, a knowing smile on our lips, "Why do I feel like your definition of fun involves clubbing and a great sex life" Pedro's mom brought it up.

"Because it is" I supported Cecil's claim, "I mean, look at her. The once calm and reserved Emily is gone; she even dyed her hair" I gestured to the few trace of purple in her hair.

Emily laughed, "Ladies, I got my? freedom after so many years, it's worth doing so many crazy things for"

"So, who's the lucky guy?" Cecil inquired with excitement, "I have no time to date the cute guys so I'll be happy to hear yours"

"No way, I'm not giving this heart to some cute ass who would step on it like it was some cheap artifact afterward"

I frowned, "You're trying to say you have multiple partners?"

" Kind of "

"Emily, STD, and pregnancy are real. Not to mention the fact you're turning out to be like your brother"

"Point of correction" she waved that red-painted finger, "I make use of protection- I have a truckload of it - besides, why do the guys have to be the one to collect the jars of heart? I dislike that stereotype." Emily was pissed off.

"If Niklaus can go out and have a good time out there, why should I be stopped from doing the same?"

I scratched the back of my head awkwardly, while Cecil chewed on her lips, the once exciting conversation had plummeted faster than gravity having its effect on a body.

This has always been a touchy subject thanks to the fact that society has shackled women to certain standards we should live up to.

A man having multiple partners was news but not a shocker since it was a boost to his ego. But a promiscuous woman would sure make the headlines for weeks while drawing accusing stares and rebukes from the general public.

Well, what was Emily expecting anyway? It has already been designed that way from the beginning of time - we, the weaker vessel should remain unblemished.

"So there's no special one amongst all of them?" Cecil was still adamant about hearing this juicy tale.

"Well, there is one and Maya knows him well"

I blinked, pointing to my chest, " I know him?"

"Yes, you do. It's Judy"

My jaw dropped, you have got to be kidding me, "Judy, no way!" I yelled from the shock, "Does Adam know about this?"

"I don't have an idea and I don't care to know. It's my life to live, so he doesn't get to tell me who I sleep with and who I don't"

Alright, I'm going to back out of this one. From what I've seen and he has done to me so far, the Adam I know would never let his precious Emily get laid by a mere bodyguard- well, they're technically using each other, anyway.

Out of his children, Emily sure looks like the only one who hasn't seen the level of her father's cruelty. I bet it won't be long before Adam gets proactive.

But I won't say that out loud - I don't want to be the party pooper. Also, Emily looks like a kid who tasted candy for the first time and can't get enough of it.

The girl was clearly having the time of her life with this newfound freedom. So if I said something contrary to what Emily desires, I'll become an enemy who doesn't want her progress. So here I am, minding my own business- mouth zipped unless asked.

Cecil squealed, "How good is he in bed?"

"I'm so not curious about that but I'll be glad to hear that" I shamelessly joined in the dirty conversation.

Emily fanned her face, a flush on her cheeks as she recalled everything.

"On a five rating, I'll proudly give him five stars. You should see the way he thrust into me"

The girl got to her feet and demonstrated his pumping action in a sexual way that got Cecil and me screaming our lungs out like love-starved teenagers.

"Oh my God!"

"And he seems to have this endless stream of energy. The first time, we did it for about five times"

A blush crept up my cheeks when I recalled that weeks ago Niklaus and I had sex for the first time. I was so glad that the kids were not here to listen... wait a minute, talking about kids.

I looked around "Am I the only one that noticed the kids has not been spotted around for a while now?"

Emily and Cecil came back to their senses as they too searched around the living room.

"You're right"

"They don't seem to be here"

Why do I have a bad feeling about this?

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