Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 190 - One Hundred And Ninety: My Life Is At Stake

Chapter 190 - One Hundred And Ninety: My Life Is At Stake

Maya's point of view

After the somewhat sad news from Camille, my manager, my mood plunged faster than the force of gravity on a body.? I felt anxious, overwhelmed, weepy, and angry at the loss of what to do. It felt like everything I planned so far was drifting away right in front of me and I was helpless to stop it.

This wasn't how it was supposed to go, my revenge hasn't even begun yet and here it was failing. No! I had to think of something - right after this sleep. My brain was a hubbub of thoughts so I had to sleep to calm down. Yeah, sleep out this gloomy feeling.

And so, that's what I did. Sleep without giving a thought to Sakuzi's invitation, that man could go to hell as long as I care.

I can't tell how long I fell asleep but from my snoring, it was definitely a long one and would have slept further if I didn't have this urge to wake up.

Goosebumps climbed up my arms, I felt eyes on me and someone's breath hitting my face softly.

"Wakey, wakey, up on your feet, you've got a date with me, my princess"

The voice sounded dreamy and distant yet oddly familiar that my sleep muddled brain couldn't process where I had come across it.

I turned to the other side of my bed, I didn't want to wake up -? sleeping was so fun.

"Seriously princess, I could let you enjoy your beauty sleep but I haven't got all day"

Wait a minute, wasn't I dreaming? Why does that voice now feel so real and awfully familiar? My eyes snapped open, Sakuzi!

I woke up to a face looming over me, releasing an ear-splitting scream as a defense mechanism.

What the fuck was going on here? It was really that son of a biscuit! What was he doing here and how did he even get into my room? This has got to be the most disturbing occurrence ever.

I continued screaming so hard to the extent my throat hurt, backing into the wall with my sheet wrapped around my chest though I was with my clothes on.

"What are you doing here?!"? I panicked, my breath coming in short, sharp gasps. This creepy scene was going to haunt me for eternity.

He smiled, a spooky smile - in my definition, that couldn't be sincere and even if it was, it was freaking me out!

"I invited you to dinner and since you declined, I decided to take you to dinner myself," he said, quite enthusiastically.

How does that even make sense? He just barged into my house without an invitation to have dinner with me? Me of all people? Why me?

"How did you get past my door?"

He looked back at the door with a full scowl on his face," Princess, If you call that chap of wood a door, then I should advise you not to sleep with your eyes closed"

So in one word, he hacked my door. He invaded the only source of security keeping me from harm, this was borderline crazy.

"If this is some kind of emotional manipulation to kill me mentally, congratulations, it's working"

For a moment there, I thought I saw a look of disbelief as he said,

"Why would I kill - I mean, it's not yet time to kill you, I'll inform you when it's due"

Great, this man has lost it! I have a killer who gives his victim a death date on my tail, how worse could this get?

"Go and get dressed" he ordered

Oh, it just got worse.

"I'm not going anywhere with you," I told him stubbornly, backing further into the wall.

He snapped his fingers"Emerald" then looked towards me with a victorious grin," Would you dress up real quick or should he help you out?"

"You can't be serious, this is outrageous!"

"Try me"

"Fine" I agreed, having come up with a plan already in my head.

With a hasty grumble, I moved out of bed but secretly picked up my phone from the side, rushing into the toilet.

Once inside the safety of my bathroom cubicle, I whipped out my phone and called Niklaus, trying my best to calm my heart that was pounding against my chest.

My hand was shaking so terribly I had to support my phone with both hands.

"Come on, come on, pick up your phone" I pleaded in-between tears of frustration, that psycho would kill me today.

God knew how grateful I was when the line finally went through.

"Oh my God, Niklaus, I need your help- "

"Ugh!" Tina's annoyed groan came from the other side that I had to check the line again to confirm I had really called Niklaus.

"Seriously, can't a woman have a man here?" She complained.

Yeah, she had the right to be vexed at me, I wasn't supposed to communicate with her fiancé but I had no choice; desperate time calls for desperate measures.

"Christina, I know you have every right to hate my guts and every right not to trust me but right now, I need you to put Niklaus on the line, please"

"Dearest Maya" she laughed, the cause of her mirth unknown," If you think I'll be a fool and fall for this carefully crafted scheme of yours, then you're in for a loss"

The veins in my body boiled with anger, "Do you think I have time to waste my saliva playing chase with you?" I released a low growl, eyeing the door, "My life is at stake here"

"Oh," Tina was undoubtedly surprised by my confession but her next comment left me dumbfounded.

"That makes it all the better"


"Disappear from the surface of the earth and let's see if I can have peace of mind. I pray you to die for real this time "

Wow, I breathed, she did hate me to the extent of wishing me death

"Also, Niklaus and I just had mind-blowing bed-breaking sex which is why he's asleep and unable to pick up. I hope the next you call at an appropriate time - If you're still alive" she mocked me.

Tina blew me a loud kiss, "Have a nice voyage to Hades, Adios"

The line disconnected at once.

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