Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 204 - Two Hundred And Four: Insecurity

Chapter 204 - Two Hundred And Four: Insecurity

Maya's point of view

I was sad after Niklaus' left. Heck, I didn't want him to leave me, I wanted him glued to my side, twenty-four hours, seven days a week, was I asking too much? Holy shit, why was I becoming too clingy? Yes, this must be it, pregnancy hormones! I heard pregnant women get too emotional for no reason at all?

Gosh, was I going to be that way too? Oh my God, this was horrible. What if I got too demanding and Niklaus leaves me to my fate? Oh my God, there were a lot of things I didn't know about pregnancy!

I heard that pregnant women craved odd and unnecessary food. What if mine is so weird that I yearn for freshly baked bread from across the world? Would Niklaus do that for me?

The worst of all, what if I sniff my way to a neighbor's place and beg for their food which seems more pleasing than my freshly cooked ones. This is so crazy.

Moreover, I was going to get fat. What if I get so fat that Niklaus leaves me for Tina or a better-looking woman? He was once a player, so it was possible. The horrors Maya, what in the name of God is wrong with you?

"I swear to God Maya, I'll puncture your eyes if you don't stop fidgeting," Fiona, one of the company's makeup artists warned.

Right now, she was applying mascara on my eyes and I was so lost in thought that I didn't realize I was unconsciously disrupting her work.

"I'm sorry," I apologized

"She was normal during shooting, don't know what's suddenly up with her" Said Lisa who was sitting beside me and was being attended to by another makeup artist.

Thankfully, I had aced through my first shooting today and the emotional mayhem had begun right after that. Perhaps, it was because there was nothing to occupy my idle mind.

"I've told you, Maya, if it's because of the interview? Don't worry about a thing, I'll guide you through it," Lisa smiled warmly at me.

Unlike my expectation, I found out that Lisa was actually a good person except the fact she was painfully direct and a pompous ass.? With her type of fame, it was no wonder she turned out that way.

"Thank you," I flashed back a smile.

If they knew what was going on with my life, their mouth would hang open from shock. Yeah, it was not that encouraging. I barely just landed a role that's supposed to bring me to the limelight and here I am pregnant with a child.

The movie was supposed to be shot for three months, which meant that my bump would become obvious and people would begin to speculate and gossip if I wasn't married by then.

Marriage? Yes, I would love to be married to Niklaus but I just never expected this outcome. I was planning on making a name for myself before settling down but fate has made its own plans for me which I can't change.

"How do you manage your career and your family?" I blurted out.

Fiona was stunned by my question, it came out of nowhere - I didn't even know when it slipped out of my mouth.

Fiona was a mother of two and pregnant with another, so I couldn't help but want to ask an experienced mother since I would be one, soon.

"That's surprising, why do you ask?" Fiona questioned with narrowed eyes.

My pulse quickened, was she suspecting I was pregnant? Wrong choice, I should have asked Cecil. Who was I kidding? Cecil hardly had time to look after her son.

"Umm," I cleared my throat awkwardly while readjusting in my seat," I have been observing you for a while now and am pretty amazed how you handle your job and family at the same time, not everyone can achieve that," Inwardly, I prayed my excuse was convincing.

"Thank you for the compliment," Fiona appreciated me," But all I can say is that it wouldn't be easy but the success depends on both of you"

"Both of us?" I blinked in confusion.

"My husband and I, but in your case, your future husband and you,"

"Oh," I nodded my head like an attentive student in a class.

"Understanding matters a lot in marriage, Maya. My husband knows the kind of job I do and what comes with it, so he does his best to support me while I make out time and try not to take advantage of him helping out.

Both of you should work like the wheels on a bicycle; the cyclist needs two not one wheel to keep it moving. So the success of my marriage and work also, is not my effort only, your man needs some credit too," she finished with a wink.

I swallowed, that kind of odd look? Does she know I'm ..? How did she..? You know what, I'm done asking before I run crazy.

"You should wear this," Fiona brought a nude-colored stiletto for me to wear.

"I hate heels," I told her," They make me sick,"

"Heels are a celebrity's best friend, you'd get used to it and it's not even that much," she dropped it on the floor for me to fit my foot in.

I was wearing a short black elegant pencil skirt with graphic details which brought out my hips-? which sadly, I didn't have much but the clothes fit so much that the little of it was emphasized. It was paired with a ruffled top and a purse of course. My straight hair was curled, it's waves resting on my chest while my lips were a shade of glossy pink.

Lisa was not bad looking either, she was also donning an ivory frill pencil skirt with a lacy top. We were going for a conservative look tonight and though the clothes looked simple, they were from renowned brands and cost a lot of money.

Fiona and her team left as soon as they were done, leaving Lisa and me alone.

"It's alright to be nervous, Maya, since it's your first time of being in a television interview which I've done times without number by the way, and I've featured in Lily's shows before and knows what she's like, so I've got your back, you're covered"

Lisa's excessive concern was beginning to bother me. I knew she meant good but my nervousness was a stroke to her big ego. But I was not nervous about the show, God knows I've never been afraid of camera's - aside from the time where they're shoving one to my face during a scandal- rather my baby's future.

Niklaus has promised to take responsibility for the baby but I still can't help but get nervous, what if he changes his mind? What if that old fox Adam tricks Niklaus into marrying Tina? My son would become an illegitimate child like me - if the Spencers don't take him away from me.

"What is it?" Asked Lisa who was taking selfies to post on her social media accounts. She had heard me groan out loud.

"Nothing, just a minor headache," I lied, rubbing my temple to make it look convincing

Suddenly, the door to our lounge was opened, and lo and behold, Eden walked in, to my bewilderment. I was not expecting him, not even in my wildest dream.

"Give us some privacy," he ordered Lisa who didn't complain and left right away, though I could feel her questioning gaze. But she wouldn't bother me, not after the threat from Isabella.

"How have you been doing?" He asked while pulling Lisa's seat closer to mine.

"I'm fine. You?"


As if a spell of silence was cast, no one talked after exchanging pleasantries. The atmosphere was so awkward that I looked everywhere but at him. Fine, this was childish, let's get this over with.

"About that..." Both of us said at the same time.

"You go first," I told him.

"I'm sorry about the way I spoke to you weeks ago," Eden apologized.

"No, it's nothing," I shook my hands, "You just said what was on your mind, I'm the one who should apologize for assaulting your innocent lips," I rendered my apology.

"You don't have to apologize, my lips aren't exactly innocent. Also, some desperate celebrities have done more than just seizing and kissing me," Eden explained.

"Okay," I breathed, tapping my fingers on my laps. So now we're good, now what? I couldn't see him anymore knowing Niklaus was the jealous type plus their bad blood.

Additionally, I wouldn't want the news of that kiss with him to get to Niklaus' ears, who knows what he would do? That man was a bull who refused to listen once angry.

"Have dinner with me after the shows over," Eden said.

Just what I was avoiding.

"I'm sorry-"

"It's the company's policy: All new artists have to share a meal with the president to strengthen bonds and working relationships," stated Eden.

"You're the president, you can break a few rules," I told him.

"It's been an unbreakable tradition, don't be the one to interrupt that streak, Maya," was his reply.

"Fine, after the show,"

"Alright," he acquiesced.

This would be a good opportunity to end any personal relationship with him. I was going to be a mother soon, it was time to draw the line.

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