Tangled By Fate

Chapter 390


Darius noticed his huge body suddenly became light. His vision turned upside down before his back was slammed against the cold floor.

His whole body jerked from the shake. He groaned while closing his eyes.

The sudden appearance of the violent customer made other customers frightened. They screamed. Some cried out in fear. Many customers began to leave hurriedly.

Veronica, Zinnia, Felix were startled but they didn’t panic like others. They were still sitting on their chairs.

Veronica’s heart was thumping loudly in nervousness.

‘Who is this person?’ she wondered. ‘He looks so frail but to be able to toss Darius as if it was nothing.’

The violent customer was covered head to toe and his back was on them. That’s why they couldn’t see the person. However, from his body structure and strength, they could understand that it was a man.


‘I never thought someone could just grab Darius and throw him out like that. So thin but so strong. Who is he?’

Veronica was sure Zinnia and Felix had the same thought as hers. They had the same look on their faces.

Darius shook his head. His head was buzzing. His vision was blurry. He was seeing double.

“What was the big idea? You can’t just throw a person like that. That’s so impolite.”

“And flirting with someone else’s wife is polite?”

The cold, solemn voice was so familiar that four of them froze in shock.

Darius quickly rubbed his eyes. He looked at the man in disbelief.

Veronica, Felix and Zinnia stood up in surprise. They heard the stranger loud and clear. They recognized the voice without any delay.

Darius denied his claim while standing up, “Someone else’s wife? Whose wife? She wasn’t wearing any ring. You picked up the wrong person. On wait! That’s not it. Why are you pissed? It’s not like she is your wife!”

He wasn’t all wrong.

The lady definitely wasn’t wearing any kind of ring that could prove that she was a married woman.

The person’s sharp purple eyes glared at him. “Whose wife should I defend then?”

Darius stared at him, dumbstruck by the comment.

“What... what do you mean? There is no way you are married.”

Veronica, Felix and Zinnia thought the same.

The person stared at Darius for a couple of seconds before mumbling, “I don’t care what you think.”

Then, he strode forward, grabbed the woman’s hand and told her, “We are leaving.”

The lady hesitated, “But our date...”

“Let’s go somewhere else.” Saying that he took her out of the restaurant.

The lady took one last glance at Darius and bowed slightly. “Thank you for your time. I paid the bill for my fruit juice.”

The couple went out, leaving the four of them astonished.

“Wait, wait, wait... I don’t understand. Wife? Married? Who? When? Where? What is going on?!” Darius finally expressed his shock.

Felix finally came back to his senses. He looked at Zinnia.

“I know nothing about his past history. Moreover, I knew nothing about any of your past before I met you guys. It’s not like I’m not curious. It’s just you guys never shared and I respected your decision.”

Zinnia sat on her chair. “I know. I don’t know about others’ past either. Even though I have known Darius, Ironin, Arthur and Ovior for a long time, I still don’t know many things about them.

“We do share our current life stories but not the ones we had before we met each other. Arthur and Ovior grew up together and so they know everything about each other.

“As for Darius, Ironin and I, we met each other a long time later. We have been a group for twenty years or so. We should at least know that one of us has a family.

“I mean look at us. We are betting on our lives in every mission. If one of us had someone we cared about, Arthur would definitely get us off the hook. But to think...”

She couldn’t say anything anymore.

Everything happened so fast that they didn’t know how to react.

“I still find it unbelievable,” Veronica finally opened her mouth. “Out of anyone, to think Ironin was a married man when he spent all his days in the tower, it’s just astonishing.

Yes, the man who suddenly approached Darius and became violent and then took away the woman claiming that she was his wife was no other than Ironin.

The quiet guy who never expressed his emotion got mad because another man was flirting with his wife.

“What is even more shocking to me is that he married an aristocratic woman,” Felix commented.

“Just think about it,” he added. “Can anyone get married to a noble woman if the man is a commoner? It might be possible in our desert but not here.”

“Maybe they fell in love and fled,” Zinnia remarked. “Maybe he was her bodyguard. They fell in love, her family didn’t approve, so they ran away and then got married.”

“There is a logic in your story,” Veronica couldn’t agree more. “Maybe we can ask him if your theory matches with his life.”

“I think we should do that after he calms down,” she added. “I’m sure he was so angry with Darius that he wouldn’t want to talk to us.”

“That may be true but you guys sadden me with your thoughts. Ironin, fleeing with a woman? It doesn’t sound like him at all.” Felix wasn’t satisfied with Zinnia’s theory.

“Huh? Why not? It sounds so romantic to me,” Veronica replied in a dreamy tone.

Zinnia smirked. “See? You men are just too dull.”

“Huh.” Felix glanced over at Darius who was massaging the back of his neck. “Should we call Darius over? He must be shocked now.”

“Yeah, we should.” Zinnia waved her hand as she shouted, “Hey Darius, join us!”

Darius saw them. He couldn’t be surprised anymore after being shocked by Ironin’s sudden appearance.

He took long strides and came to them. “Guys, you are here. Then, you saw what happened right? A man looked exactly like Ironin and snatched my partner saying that’s his wife!”

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