Tangled By Fate

Chapter 100 - TO SAVE HIM

Chapter 100 - TO SAVE HIM

Veronica used all her strength to force out her power. She didn't stop even when she sensed something breaking inside her heart. At the same time, the green gem on her collar shattered into hundreds of pieces. After that, an intense pure light came out of her paws.

The light was so intense that the dark desert night instantly turned into a day. It was as if the sun came out from the horizon and showered them with light.

Everyone in the desert tribe was astounded by this otherworldly phenomenon. They had never seen such an intense light like that. It even surpassed the light of the crystal magic ball.


When Arthur opened his eyes, the sun was just peeking out of the early morning clouds.

He felt no pain whatsoever. He wasn't hungry or thirsty. He wasn't even sleepy or tired. He was completely refreshed.

He looked at the familiar ceiling and recalled the series of events that happened before he lost consciousness.

He was having lunch when his foster mother teased him using Veronica. When she mentioned how much this cat looked similar to Veronica with its silver hair and sparkling emerald eyes, he thought about the cat's behavior and eating habits. Its characteristics and features were so similar to Veronica's.

'Could it be…?' The moment the thought flashed in his mind, he quickly finished his meal and stood up.

"Where are you going?" The leader of the desert tribe asked him.

"To find my little kitty," Arthur replied.

As he strolled in the desert he deeply thought, 'There is a high chance that Veronica is that cat. If it's some kind of magic spell then it makes sense that on that special night, how her body disappeared while only her clothes and jewelry were left behind.'

'Felix must have found out about that and so, he forced me to take her with me. I have to find out later why they hid it from me. There must be a reason. But first, I have to find her,' thinking that he sped up.

The sun was going down. It would be hard to look for her if it got dark in these sandy dunes. Thus, he wanted to find her before that. "Where did she go?" He mumbled.

At that time, he heard a roar that made him pause in his tracks. He muttered, "A cougar at this time of the day? It's not even dusk. It must have been hungry and went out early to hunt. And, it has found its prey. Nica…"

Before he finished his thoughts, his legs sprinted in the direction of the still booming roar. And finally, he found Veronica and to his shock, she was about to be gobbled up by a cougar.

His heart dropped. He didn't know what he was feeling at that time. The next thing he knew, he was running toward the cougar and Veronica.

Cougar saw another prey and attacked him instead.

They fought and he killed the cougar. From his injuries, he was losing too much blood. Yet, he carried the fainted kitten to the desert tribe.

When he saw the tribal people coming running toward him after seeing his bloody body, he gave them the kitty Veronica before collapsing there. And while he was being treated, he lost consciousness.

He covered his face with his left hand and slowly sat up. The quilt covering him slid from his body. His upper body was naked.

He looked down and was astonished when he saw that there wasn't a single scratch on his bare body. It was as though he never got injured in his life. There were supposed to be a couple of marks from old wounds but they were also gone.

He whispered thoughtfully, "How? Where will a healer come from? Could it be Nica…"

At that moment, someone entered his room. It was a beautiful young lady. She had a bowl of water in her hand. When she noticed that he got up, she was startled at first. The next second, she shouted and called for the wife of the leader of the desert tribe.

The leader of the desert tribe and his wife hastily entered the room.

"You have woken up," the elderly woman stated and sat beside Arthur. She held his hand and asked, "How are you feeling?"

"I'm perfectly fine. Where is Nica?" Arthur quickly inquired but then he realized that she was a cat at that time. "I mean… the cat…"

The couple exchanged glances and the woman said, "The cat… it wasn't a cat was it? It healed you. No animal can do that."

'So, it was her, wasn't it?' Arthur pondered and then sighed. 'I knew it was her or I wouldn't have been healed like this.' He didn't want to hide it from them.

He replied, "Yes, she is Veronica, the girl I brought to you before. She is under some kind of magic spell. I have yet to figure out what kind of spell it is."

The leader of the desert tribe cleared his throat and stated, "That won't be necessary. It looks like her magic spell has been lifted."

"Lifted already?" Arthur was surprised.

The young lady from before served him his meal. The smell of the food made his stomach cry out. He couldn't wait any longer and started to drink the hot soup.

While gulping down mouthful after mouthful, he inquired about Veronica, "How is she doing? Did the cougar injure her? I made sure it attacked me before it touched her."

"Then what are you worrying about? Finish your meal. You were sleeping for three days straight. You need to gather some energy," the leader of the desert tribe bickered.

Arthur's hand paused in the mid air. "Three days?" He couldn't believe this old man. He felt so healthy that he thought he just woke up after a good night's sleep.

"Three days. You were sleeping like a log. I tried to wake you up. Never thought there would be a day, you would sleep like a dead animal," the leader of the desert tribe scoffed.

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