Tangled By Fate



'Am I truly in love? It feels so unreal. But my heart… It's beating so fast. I feel nervous and happy at the same time when I think about him. I feel good when he touches my hand or hair. It must be love.'

When Catherine was pondering deeply, her friend gave her a push.

"What are you thinking so dreamily?" Veronica elbowed her.

"I was thinking when you will wipe that goofy smile off of your face! So annoying!" Catherine poked her ticklish place.

"Ahahaha!" Veronica jumped. She couldn't stop giggling.

Catherine stood up. Her face was completely flushed. "I'm going to my room. Take some rest today. Good night!"

"Good night! Have a romantic dream!" Veronica sang.

She saw Catherine scurrying away and couldn't help but laugh.

After her friend was out of sight, she finally stopped smiling.

'Hmm, I thought she liked Sebastian since she made a handkerchief for him. Oh well, that's her choice. I guess Arthur was right. It was love at first sight.'


The next day, Arthur teleported Veronica, Darius, Zinnia, and Ironin with him.

They went to the Alss mountain range's neutral area. Neutral area belonged neither to Utahill nor Synetia.

That's why they could use magic.

Darius shivered even though he was covered with warm clothes.

He stuttered, "M-maybe we should stay here if we are going to use magic to keep ourselves warm."

Veronica took a deep breath. The cold wind and the smell of snow entered her nostrils.

She felt so at home and a faint smile touched her lips.

Upon hearing Darius's comment, she suggested, "If you guys want, I can bring you to a cave. Unfortunately, it will be under Utahill. I don't think you guys can use magic there."

Arthur's answer was resolute. "We are going with you. We will stay with you as long as we can."

Darius was going to say 'yes'. His head dropped when he heard Arthur's reply.

'No one thinks of me. Sobs!'

Zinnia patted his back and then they started walking.

Veronica's movements were rather swift.

It had been so long since she last came here. She felt as if she returned to her childhood.

She walked faster, leaving Arthur, Darius, and Zinnia behind.

Ironin was quick with his feet. He was also lighter than the rest because he didn't wear too many heavy winter clothes.

His animal skin clothes kept him warm. He sped up to match up with Veronica's speed.

While walking, his eyes landed on her face and he paused.

He noticed how free-spirited and happy she looked while walking in the familiar place as if she owned this place.

He pondered, 'Since she is the blessed child, she does own this place. Everything in Utahill belongs to her. She is the real queen of this place. Does she even belong to our hot country?'

With a forlorn expression on his face, Darius hid his hands under his armpits.

'I'm going to be frozen. I'm going to freeze to death. No one can save me. All the beauties will be heartbroken. They will grow old waiting for me. Ahh…'

Zinnia chuckled. "Darius, are you lamenting in your heart?"

Darius turned to face her. "Huh? Why do you ask?"

She replied, "I can hear you groaning."

It wasn't that hard. They were walking against the wind.

Zinnia was right behind Darius. The wind carried the sounds left his lips.

"I'll try to be silent." Darius hugged himself.

Zinnia reminded her fellow member, "We are still lucky that Arthur can use his fire magic to keep us warm. Think what will happen when we cross Utahill's boundary."

"Don't remind me of that nightmare." Darius shuddered.

At that moment, Veronica paused in the trail. She looked forward.

"What is it?" Ironin asked.

He barely talked to her. The first time he talked, he was threatening her.

Afterward, he never chatted with her.

His sudden question surprised her.

She turned to face him with wonders in her eyes.

Staring at his cold expression, she composed herself.

She said, "From here, it's Utahill's boundary. It will be better if you warm yourself first before we cross the boundary."

"That's a good idea." Arthur made a huge fire that withstood the cold breeze.

Darius quickly strode forward with open arms as though he was going to embrace the fire.

"How far is the cave from here?" Zinnia inquired.

Veronica replied like a professional guide, "It'll take another two miles to the west. The snow on the road will be thicker than what we see here. It'll slow us down more than usual."

Zinnia mentioned, "Darius is the strongest and biggest among us. He will clear the path for us."

Darius flinched. "Hey, don't make me suffer more than I'm already suffering."

Veronica asked him, "Didn't you bring booze? It'll keep you warm."

"Of course, I did. Here," saying that Darius pulled open his warm shawl.

Other than Veronica, no one had a strong reaction. They were already used to it.

Only Veronica gaped at him.

Under the shawl, he was wearing a woolen garment that was filled with pockets.

Each pocket had a small bottle.

A bottle of alcohol.

His mind and body were prepared for this journey.

Veronica had nothing to say.

She realized there was no point in being merciful to him. He had everything under control.

"Darius can guide us. I'll be right behind to tell him where to go," she declared.

Zinnia lowered her head, not letting Darius see her laughing expression.

Darius helplessly looked at Arthur and then Ironin.

No one came to his aid.

He pursed his lips and said, "I'll remember this, you traitors!"

After warming up, they continued walking.

Just as planned, Darius was in front of everyone. Behind him was Veronica, then Ironin, Zinnia, and Arthur.

Arthur's fire died down the moment they stepped past Utahill's boundary.

He turned it off so that the royal family of Utahill wouldn't notice any magician trying to use their power in Utahill's territory.

Veronica was right.

The snow only got thicker the more they went to the west.

It was hard to move forward.

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