Tangled By Fate


Chapter 260 - VERONICA'S FAVOR

"How am I the dragon's descendant? Where is the proof?"

At Veronica's question, Dastan gave her a weird look.

"You are the healer who revived a whole desert, didn't you? Isn't that proof enough? Moreover, if you weren't the blessed child, you wouldn't get any attention from the Saint."

He finished a slice of sandwich and glanced at her.

"Have you not met the dragon?"

His abrupt question started her. "Why do I have to meet the dragon? I didn't dream of any dragon or basilisk."

She didn't want to disclose that she had met the dead dragon. She didn't trust him yet.

She had no idea what people might do if she told them about meeting the dead dragon and drinking blood.

She had already told Arthur and she was glad that he didn't take advantage of it.

Dastan frowned at her answer. "Hmm? That's strange. As the leader of the healers, the Saint should have baptized you with dragon's blood.

"For a blessed child, it is a crucial ceremony. No one has the right to stop that."

Veronica's heart trembled. "What do you mean? Why would she do that?"

She pondered before adding, "Come to think of it, when I asked her about elves, she didn't answer me. She didn't let me find the elvish realm. She even conspired with the King of Utahill and captured me."

"Did she really do that?" Dastan was suspicious.

Veronica clenched her fists. "Yes, she did. I know she wasn't disguised as a Saint. She is the real Saint."

"That is quite shocking. Don't tell me she did all that to get a hold of the holy power?"

"Holy power? What's that?" She gave him a quizzical look.

"What else? The immense power that is given by the great dragon himself to protect humankind. You will only have that power after you are baptized. It's a sacred power."

Upon hearing his explanation, Veronica went into deep thought.

'Huh? I drank dragon blood, but nothing happened. I didn't get immense power or anything. Moreover, my back is still hurting. Even the elvish medicine couldn't heal my back.'

A sudden thought finally hit her. She gasped.

'Could it be Saint Ava drank the dragon blood and left her blood in that golden bowl? Then, the power of the dragon has been transferred to her.'

Veronica wanted to get mad and punish Saint Ava for her treachery. But then, she recalled that she wasn't ready to take the responsibility as the blessed child.

In that case, the one who suited better in her position was Saint Ava.

She let out a deep breath and stared at her food. She lost appetite.

Her changes of expression didn't miss Dastan's eyes. "You are acting comical. What's wrong?"

Veronica frowned. "It's nothing." She didn't want to share her thoughts.

Dastan realized she wouldn't tell him no matter what. He went back to the topic.

"Anyway, since it happened like this, you cannot trust the Saint of yours. She might be a good leader but if she is aiming for power, you will be in danger."

"What do you want me to do then?" Veronica glanced at him.

"Finish the task that you came for and then do whatever you want. Also, if you want to know more about a blessed child and her responsibility, you are welcome.

"We have a huge library containing thousands of years old knowledge. Even the human realm doesn't have that much knowledge. You are welcome to study here."

Veronica's eyes fixedly stared at his olive-green eyes. He looked rather handsome when the light touched his face. His pale face was practically glowing.

"Are you saying, you, elves, will welcome me with open arms without anything in return just because I'm the blessed child?"

"Most certainly," Dastan promised without hesitation.

Veronica squinted her eyes. "How will I make sure that you are not lying to me?"

Dastan let out a chuckle. "My, my, you sure changed a lot. Are you really that girl who trusted anyone without giving a second thought?"

Veronica's expression hardened. "People change! Now answer my question."

"Yes, we will help you unconditionally, however, you have to let the whole elvish realm know that you are the blessed child, including the King of Elves."

Veronica hesitated. She didn't want any attention. Furthermore, she lost all her faith in kings.

One wanted to marry her and another one wanted to imprison her against her will.

Who knew what the Elvish King would do?

'I don't want to take risks. But do I have any choice?' she pondered.

She thought for a long while before raising her head.

"I will do as you said, but I have a favor first. I need to know that I can trust you completely. Do this for me and I will know that I can trust you."

Dastan leaned against the bamboo chair. "Okay, what do you want?"

"There is a guy who has the same body features as yours. His hair was yellow blonde and his eyes were blue like sapphire. He wears the same silver ring with basilisk engraved on it.

"He was in Tybu five months ago and he was involved with children, young men, and women trafficking. His people slaughtered those innocent people when the imperial guards were close to finding their den.

"I want those killers to be brought to justice. They have committed a heinous crime and they have no right to live like common people. Those criminals need to be punished."

Dastan narrowed his eyes as he heard her. His right hand's index finger tapped on the table as he pondered.

Noticing that he had gone quiet, Veronica uttered, "I believe you know him since you guys have the same rings. No matter how familiar you are with them, they deserved to be punished. Don't tell me you can't?"

Dastan stood up from the chair. He looked somber.

"I heed your words. I'll look into it.. If what you said is true, I'll meet you as soon as possible. However, if what you said is false, then…"

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