Tangled By Fate

Chapter 290 - REVEAL

Chapter 290 - REVEAL

'What is she talking about? Is she deliberately lying so that she can run away from me? I can't let that happen.' Arthur paused and then wondered, 'But, she looks angry. She doesn't look like she is lying. Then where is the problem? What made her think that I would do such a thing?'

Arthur tried to inquire, "When did that happen? In Utahill?"

"Oh, you remember? I went to Morina's Palace where we first met. The girls there mocked me saying I was already used by you. You don't want me anymore. No one would want a broken toy like me. And then, I saw with my very own eyes what you did…"

Veronica choked at this point. Her eyes were welled up once again. She turned her head, not wanting to show her face to him.

Arthur was tongue-tied. He couldn't respond to her accusation.

Veronica noticed it and self-mocked, "See Ver, look at your righteous husband who acts like he cannot live without his wife. But he left his wife at home and never returned because he was busy playing with women. The whole city knew how popular he was. And now he locks you up. He thinks you are his pet. You are pathetic, Ver, for falling for his kindness. I'm really so stupid."

"…That's not like it…"

Veronica snapped at him, "Stop your nonsense! Release me. Release me this instant, Arthur. I won't play nice with you if you don't. You have no idea what will happen." Furious, she threatened him with all she had left.

'I tried to play nice with him and get me released. But he doesn't listen no matter how nice I am. Why does everyone ignore me when I'm being nice? Do they want to see my angry cruel side that much? It's not that I want to be a bad person. Why do people keep making me do the things I don't want to? Why is it hard to make them listen to my wishes?'

Feeling devastated, she stomped on the floor. She wanted to tear off this place and break free from here. She didn't know why she was acting so aggressive. One thing for sure – she didn't like being locked up.

Once a wise author said – once you taste the test of freedom, you will never want to be tied down. Very few are willing to give up their freedom and be locked up. They are the submissive characters.

[A/N: The author is your one and only... Happy-go-lucky Author!!!! XD ]

Veronica had realized that she was anything but the submissive type. For love, she had done many things. She tried to be quiet and obedient, but it simply didn't work. After roaming around the world with a free spirit, she had no desire to be locked up in this place even if it was their bedroom.

Arthur realized that she was getting out of hand. He sighed and lifted another spell.

Veronica frowned, not sure whether he lifted the spell or did something else. She strode toward the door and opened it. Once she left the room, she let out a deep breath. Her heart was beating fast. She was scared.

She was afraid that he would lock her up forever like a caged bird. She then had to break free from there by any means necessary. After she could escape, she would never return. That would truly be the end of their relationship.

Maybe Arthur realized that too and that's why he didn't wish to take any risk. After losing her, he already knew how great importance she had in his heart and life. He wouldn't be able to live without her.

Arthur took a deep breath and stepped forward. He hesitated before hugging her from behind. "Nica, I never had any intention to hurt you. It's just… I'm scared that you will leave me behind. The world is so horrible and empty without you. I don't want to be a part of this world if you are not here."

For such a powerful man to talk about his heartbroken feelings – Veronica's heart ached for him. She wanted to turn around and hug him and comfort him. However, she held back thinking about that incident in Morina's Palace. She hardened her heart.

"If you are that afraid, you shouldn't have cheated on me," she stated. She clutched her dress tightly.

"It's not like that. I admit I was in that place, but I didn't cheat on you. I swear upon my name. Playing with women behind your back – I did no such things," Arthur denied her claim while holding her securely. "I was working on something. I stayed in a room and didn't go out even once. Darius can vouch for me. He was there with me."

Veronica furrowed her eyebrows. "You think I mistakenly saw you playing with women? You sure know how to joke."

"No, Nica No! Please believe me. I was working. I'm sorry I didn't tell you before. Morina's Palace is the largest underworld meeting place on the continent. All bad people meet there and exchange information. Darius and I stayed there to gather information. I wanted to help you to find the traffickers' whereabouts. Darius played with women to collect more information from them.

"I've read papers from papers to find all the news we need to find the culprits. So, I was stuck there. Not a woman entered my place when I was there. I hired the place in Darius's name. No one knew I was there. By the time we found out where the traffickers went after that murderous incident, we heard that you were gone. We immediately looked for you. It took us two weeks to find out about the secret traffickers to kidnap elves.

"We assumed that you would be there and so in two months we located your track, but it was too late. They all said you were dead. They said you jumped off the cliff. I found your trace and saw your blood. I went down the cliff and looked everywhere in the river. I didn't want to believe that you were dead, but there was no trace left. It was scary, Nica.. So scary."

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