Tangled By Fate

Chapter 335 - SAVE ME!

Chapter 335 - SAVE ME!

"If I didn't believe in people so easily, this wouldn't happen. Everything is my fault," Veronica lamented.

Arthur stroked her head. "It's not your fault. You just didn't know people can be bad. If you want to blame someone, blame the people who raised you. They didn't teach you well.

"But now, you are working hard, aren't you? You became smarter. You know how to deal with people, whom to trust or not. I will help you out too."

"All right," Veronica nodded.

"About Felix…" Ironin started talking.

At that moment, someone shouted loudly. "Save me!!!" The horrifying shrill sent chills down to their spines. They looked up and saw Aria falling to the ground. She was right above where they were standing.

Ironin acted first. He swiftly backed away. Arthur then grabbed Veronica's waist and yanked her backward.

Veronica was still not sure what to do. She sensed something holding her and pulling her away. She shut her eyes and clutched Arthur's shirt.

Aria's eyes grew bigger. She thought someone would come to save her, but no one actually volunteered. Fear crept into her mind. Her head was blank. Nothing came to her mind. All she knew was that she was going to die if no one helped her.

Just when her body was about to crash on the floor, her body froze. She had a one-inch distance from the ground. She stayed there.

Her body was mobilized. A droplet of sweat rolled down from her temple to the ground. Her eyelashes quivered. She forgot to breathe.

Veronica looked at her body in terror. "Is… is she alive?"

"Probably, if she didn't die in a heart attack," Ironin commented. He stepped forward and lightly kicked Aria's body.

Aria's still body rolled, and she faced them. Her mouth was open. She turned her head toward Arthur and saw him hugging Veronica tightly.

"Why… why didn't you save me?" With a shaky voice, she complained to Arthur.

Arthur frowned. He coldly defended himself, "Who do you think prevented you from crashing on the floor? Do you think you are capable of wind magic?" He flicked his finger and Aria's body slammed on the ground.

"Ahh!" The falling didn't hurt her, but she was startled by his sudden action. She stood up and wiped her tears. "Arthur, I was scared. How could you do that?"

"He just saved your life. A 'thank you' would be nice," Veronica reminded her.

Aria used her handkerchief to wipe her forehead. "I'm sorry. I was so scared. I forgot to thank you. Arthur, I'm truly grateful. I don't want to imagine what would happen to me if I were crushed on the floor… Oh! My head… it's… spinning…"

She couldn't talk anymore. Her body swayed. In the blink of an eye, her body collapsed. This time too, she landed in Arthur's direction.

Arthur took another step back and pulled his wife along with him. As a result, Aria's body slammed on the floor.

"…Maybe she needs to be healed," Ironin mentioned.

Ignoring his words, Veronica spoke her mind, "I wonder how she fell from above. Is it normal to fall from there? She is a magician. She could have used her fire to balance herself."

"The tower would be destroyed if that happened," Arthur told her.

"It cannot be more important than a good magician's life. Moreover, how come the tower doesn't have magic resistance? You guys have the power to make the Magic Tower magic resistant, right?" Veronica glanced at her husband.

"…" Arthur stared at her for a while and then exchanged glances with Ironin.

Ironin shook his head. "I never thought of that."

"You are right. We can do that. Why did I never think about it?" Arthur was both surprised and impressed. "This way, we can save our important items. It takes time and money to repair the building every month. That will be saved too. I will mention it to Ovior. I'm sure he will like it."

"Let's do it later. We should take Aria to the resting room," Veronica reminded him. "After falling twice, her body must be aching."

"Sure," Arthur used his magic to teleport Aria to the resting room.

On the way, Ironin asked her in a low tone, "Why didn't you use your healing power."

"Because I don't want to," Veronica flatly responded.

"…" Arthur said nothing even when he heard that. 'It seems Nica and Aria have animosity toward each other. Is it because of me? Sign!' Frustrated, he brushed his hair with his fingers.

Meanwhile, in the resting room, Aria was rolling on the bed. She was so angry that her entire body was burning in rage.

'Twice! Twice!! I can't believe Arthur didn't hold me twice in a row. Why the hell did I jump over and not use my power to control my fall? Why did I take the pain?'

'Isn't it only because I wanted Arthur to catch me? If it was other times, he would definitely catch. He is always polite toward the women he had relationships with in the past. So why not now?'

'He changed. He definitely changed. Just two days ago, I wiped his legs and his dick over his pants. He was fine with it. I'd rather say he enjoyed it. But today, he just completely avoided me. Not only that, I heard other female magicians complaining about it too.'

'I guess it's true that Arthur is avoiding all the female magicians. Before, he wouldn't mind their flirting. Now, he doesn't like being touched by us. How can he change so quickly?'

Aria recalled the scene after she fell. She noticed how Arthur securely embraced his wife. She clenched her fists.

'This must be that bitch. She must be the one who threatened Arthur somehow. They fought right after I wiped his legs. That must be when she warned him or something. I don't know what other reason could be there.'

'Now one thing is clear. As long as she is there, Arthur will try to avoid me. I can't let that happen. I need to find a way to make Arthur look at me. I will make him throw away that stupid bitch by any means possible.'

She wasn't done cursing before Veronica and Arthur came to check up on her. Aria's face contorted seeing Veronica. She pretended to be weak.

"You came to see me. I'm grateful," she spoke in a low voice.

"You had a hard time. You must rest today," Veronica politely stated.

She couldn't help pondering, 'I can't even tell for sure whether she is deliberately doing this or not. Then again, who would be crazy enough to fall from that high just to get attention? She is a great magician. She has her pride. I think it was an accident. Later, maybe she will try to take advantage of her situation. I should be prepared for it.'

"…But I have work," Aria's voice was weak. Her face was pale. There was no way to tell whether she was acting, or if it was real.

"How can your work be more important than your health?" Veronica benevolently smiled at her. "I cannot allow you to wander around with your sick body."

She leaned forward and whispered in her ear, "I cannot let you become an inconvenience to others, can I?"

'!!!' Aria wanted to glare at her but controlled herself. She opened her mouth to say something when someone else barged into the room.

"I heard someone fell from a high place. I've called for a water magician," Catherine declared as soon as she entered the room.

"Why are you here?" Veronica asked. "What about your work?"

"I'm on my break. Don't worry." She placed a tray of food on the table. "I brought some sweets thinking the patient would be weak. I'm right. Here, miss, eat some sweets. You will feel better."

Aria delicately responded, "I… will… I wish… I could have a healer to take away my pain."

She wasn't done talking before a water magician came. "Miss Aria, I'll heal your wounds." He used water magic to remove her pain.

No matter how much she tried to act, Aria was still injured. Her complexion got better once her pain was gone. With the magician's help, she sat on the bed.

She glanced at Arthur and said, "Arthur, I have something to talk about."

"Your talk can wait. You should rest first," Arthur bluntly rejected.

Aria flinched. 'Don't get angry. You have to use this opportunity wisely.'

She took a deep breath and continued, "This is urgent. I went to look for you at your office, but you weren't there. I was looking for you when suddenly my head spun. The next thing I knew I was falling. I still feel scared when I think about it."

"Is that so? Then don't talk about it. We are not eager to know how you feel," Arthur told her.

"…What?" Confused, Aria blinked. 'There is no way he just said that.. I don't think I heard wrong.'

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