Terminally-Ill Genius Dark Knight

Chapter 151

Chapter 151 : Returning from the Mission and an Uncomfortable Break [2]

After returning from the mission. I sat on my bed in Sidus’ hall and quietly thought to myself.

What is the biggest gain I got this time? Of course, there could be various answers to this question, but the truth is, I already knew the answer.

‘Sure enough, when it comes to Inner Lunatic’s best gain, it’s a unit’

Sure, gold coins and swordsmanship are great too. But the core of this game lies in cooperation. Recognizing that you can’t never do everything alone. It’s a game where you need to calculate the synergy between each unit, and clear it by helping each other’

That’s exactly the fun element of Inner Lunatic.

Therefore, I can say one of the best things I gained this time is the dog tribe guy sitting in front of me with a grumpy face.

A unit that possesses an absurd talent, with [Genius of Command] and [Master of Memorization] traits. Prim

“So, your name’s Prim? From now on, you’ll be my loyal servant. At a level where you’re not different from my hands and feet.”

However, there was a huge problem with this guy. For example… His personality was twisted, as if he’s going crazy.

Prim frowned at my serious tone and responded.

“No, I don’t want to.“


I clenched my fist in disbelief at the ridiculous response from the boy in front of me and ask him back

Where the hell did this rude brat come from…

Of course I never thought of that I knew well from the start that this bastard was like this when I brought him along. I sighed and focused on the few traits displayed in his status window.

As I skimmed through his overall status, the severity of his mental issues and his other unbearable traits became evident.


[Basic Information]

Name: Prim Gender: Male Age: 15 Race: Beastfolk Primary Element: Wind Achievements: –


Positive: [Genius of Command] / [Master of Memorization] / [Leadership] Neutral: [My Way] Negative: [Moody] / [Lacks Common Sense] / [Rough Speech] / [Hot-Tempered]


Physical Strength: 6 Mana: 3 Luck: 4 Willpower: 4 Charm: 10


Passive Skill: – Active Skill: –


I looked at the traits that form this bastard, which are close to disasters, and at Prim, who was still eagerly rolling his pupils even at this moment

‘[Lacks Common Sense], [Rough Speech], [Moody], [My Way], and [Hot-Tempered]… What kind of insane combination is this?’

I couldn’t help but sigh. A collection of the worst possible traits all gathered in one place.

‘To sum it up,’

Prim’s mental state is, simply put. He’s an absurd brat who’s lost all common sense, spouting whatever he wants based on his mood, throwing tantrums, and being hysterical. What kind of ridiculous combination of traits is this?

Since Paracelsus, It had been a long time that I felt my mind spinning like this. Sure, he wasn’t exactly sane either, but not this.

These bastards… I am speechless that they all just get on my nerves in this way.

“So, are you saying you’re going back on your word after decided to follow me?”

I suppressed my anger and asked him. Prim perked up his ears, showing the trait of a beastfolk, or rather dog tribe. He’s probably evaluating his worth in his own way. I can almost hear the gears turning in his head, so I’m sure of it.

Considering that I willingly made a proposal to him, he’s probably thinking that he has some value to me. He’s trying to get this from me. That’s why he’s acting all stubborn like that.

It’s so obvious. Too obvious.

“No, well, I’m not saying I’m going back on my word… but considering that Nox-nim went to the trouble of paying a hefty sum of gold to bring me here, doesn’t that mean I have some value? I’m just saying I deserve to be treated accordingly. That’s all.”

This brat… He’s very bold, isn’t he?

I felt the ruffian inside me waking up. If this were the kind and gentle Yoochan, maybe I’d forgive him, but the current me, there’s no way. Because I’m a ruffian, completely consumed by its concept.

Meanwhile, it seems he had no idea what I was thinking. His expression looked relaxed. From picking his ear, blowing it out, to the way he talks that makes people infuriated…

While testing people’s limits, in general, pushes people’s anger to the extreme. I know from the way how he takes this attitude as if it’s nothing..

‘I admit it. This guy is a natural-born piece of trash.’

I stood up from my seat where I had been sitting with my legs crossed.

“You do have some value, but there’s one thing you’re overlooking.”

“What do you mean by that?”

“I don’t keep servants who don’t follow me. If I don’t need you, I’ll just ‘dispose’ of you. Even if you think about it, isn’t it like that?”

“Haha. I’m not sure what you mean.”

The guy was still smirking, as if not understanding my personality. He probably thinks I wouldn’t get rid of him after paying so much to bring him here.

‘What a fool. If I had actually spent money, maybe. But I already got back all the money I used to buy you. Rather, I even made a profit.’

But he doesn’t know this. The sneer on his face. is obviously mocking me.

So, though it was sudden, I decided to show proof to him that my words weren’t just for show.


The white blade slid smoothly out of its sheath.


That’s exactly how his expression tinged.

The blade, now darkening, was aimed directly at Prim.

Sweating nervously, Prim stammered.

“Um… Nox-nim? Don’t you need me? I’m confused why you pull out your weapon like this”

“From now, I will tell you how they deal with disobedient servants in the Reinhaver family.”


He instinctively raised his arms to protect his head. Well, as a former slave, he’s probably been beaten a lot Whether it was getting hit on the head or kicked in the stomach.

Well, such a thing is extremely common in Inner Lunatic World

But was I the one who beat and cursed at him? No. Unfortunately for him, I’m not the one he should be angry with.

But me?

‘This brat disrespected me.’

That’s something I can’t forgive as the youngest son of the Reinhaver family. So, I decided to teach him a simple truth.

‘You don’t mess with someone stronger than you, no, at least don’t mess with me.’

The simplest truth that governs this world. My goal was to make him understand the law of the jungle properly.

Maybe, I could succeed in fixing Prim’s mentality, something I couldn’t achieve even in the game. The thought made my heart race.

‘I’m only doing this to see if I can erase a unit’s negative traits. It’s not like I’m venting for a trivial reason.’

Yeah, that’s right.

I raised my sword and swung it sharply at him. As the blade cut through the air, it stopped just before his nose. Prim, with his eyes still shut, screamed at me in panic.

“W-wait… You crazy bastard!! Where do you get off suddenly hitting someone with that…”

“So, you finally show your true colors. You just dared to speak rudely to your master, didn’t you?”

“…Uh. That’s, I think you must’ve imagined it”

Prim’s face stiffened as he spit out the last words. Looking at Prim, who now had his ears drooped, I sheathed my sword and clenched my fist this time.

This would hurt, but it wouldn’t kill him. Praying that he’d smarten up under my care, I put all my strength into my punch.

Pow! Wham! Whack!

“Ow! Ahh! Wait, stop!”

And so, the only thing that echoed inside my room at Sidus’ hall for a while was his pained cries. It took him about two hours to finally swear incomplete loyalty to me.

‘Stubborn as hell. To hold out for so long…’

But all he got for that was more beatings.

I clicked my tongue, looking at the guy who was now a total wreck.

Zitri, who had been bringing tea was astonished and offered a short prayer for Prim.

“May he go to a better plac…”

“I’m not dead yet… not yet…!”

As Prim got up again with his arms wide open, I promptly punched him in the head again.

It took another 30 minutes for the knocked-out guy to wake up.


After a while …

Prim was now sitting properly, receiving a lesson from Zitri, who was wearing glasses. The lesson went something like this:

“When serving young master who looks like the sky, you must always use honorifics. Even if the young master does something unreasonable, like using tea that’s supposed to help you sleep so you can’t move. Never attack or doubt him. Understood?”

“… No, that’s a bit….”


Zitri continued her explanation while looking at me with a somewhat expression that mixed with resentment.

‘Am I just imagining that?’

Well, it was a pretty decent lesson. It roughly covers what to do when serving me, how to act around me in front of others, and what a servant’s duties are. There were almost a hundred items she explained.

Naturally, Prim’s expression didn’t look good. And naturally, I am enjoying it too

‘Serves you right. you bastard that like dog off its leash.’

By the way, I think Zitri is pretty amazing. I don’t even know what a servant is supposed to do.

I’ve heard nobles take their servants to the academy, but I wasn’t sure what tasks they were assigned. So, I’m learning a lot from what Zitri is saying. From what I heard, she’s been taking “The Dignity and Attitude of a Maid” class recently. She’s probably not wrong about anything she’s saying.

‘I trust Zitri’s words. In fact, she’s never been wrong so far.’

Sometimes, Zitri is exactly a unit I trust even more than myself

“Let’s end the lecture here. Seeing that his eyes are still alive, he’s bound to crawl back again”


Prim made a frightened expression as if he’d been caught.

Zitri sighed and reported,

“He’s not an easy one. As I thought, he’s definitely a servant worthy of being chosen by you, young master. His eyes are strangely similar…”

“Naturally, it’s not a compliment, is it?”


Zitri paused for a moment before speaking again.

“Ah, right! I have some news for you.”

“Trying to change the subject?”

Zitri feigned innocence and said. I decided to moderately go along with her jokes

“Young master other comrades have been approved to transfer to Eldain Academy. They went through an illegal route, and I’ve heard that Young Master Grain spent a considerable amount of gold coins for that”

The other units she mentioned were versatile characters including the likes of Erina, Rona, May, and Kushan Adrian. It’s dangerous to be far apart, and I couldn’t get help in emergencies. So it seems everything was taken care of well.

Also, it seems Grain really helped them to get their admission safely.

As expected, Dark Family is useful in a situation like this.

I don’t know if this is a compliment, anyway, that’s how it was

“The others will be arriving soon. You there, slave, get ready. We’re going to greet them”

“I’m not a slave! I have a name, Prim! If you call me by my name, I also …”

“Shut up. If you hadn’t tried to challenge me from the start, I would have adjusted it appropriately. But what did you do? didn’t you defy your master without knowing your place?”

“That, should I take a shower first? Since I’m part of Dog tribe, I kind of smell like a dog and human mixed in…”

“Be back in five minutes.”

I said it calmly. Prim’s tone had become much more obedient, but it’s clear that he’d soon start acting up again and making me angry. But I had to endure it, knowing he’d be useful later.

A little while later…

I tied him up because he tried to escape while pretending to take a shower and made him do a preparation. I made sure he was wearing an artifact that would hide that he’s a demi-human, so there was nothing to worry about. This place is still a society with strong aristocratic bias. People like Prim were still facing discrimination.

Anyway, soon after, Zitri and I were able to reunite with our comrades after a while.

Rona, Erina, Kushan, May…

All of them looked excited. It’s as if seeing country bumpkins who had just arrived in Seoul. It wasn’t exactly a good sight, so I quickly motioned for them to follow me.

“Let’s go and talk”

I said that to avoid drawing unnecessary attention

But then Rona was the first to gasp and exclaim,

“Uwaaaaaaa! Realllyyyy Hugeee…”

All eyes turned to me. Then I heard the murmuring sounds

“What the heck? Did we have people like that in our academy?”

“Seriously, they even let in dogs or cows nowadays”

“I say… But isn’t that Nox von Reinhaver?”

……Damn it How come Rona hasn’t a bit changed?

What absurd is, in the middle of that, as if numbed his legs, Prim started looking around nervously. Most likely, because of the student’s earlier comment about “letting dogs or cows in.”

‘Well, technically, he is a dog.’

Thinking that, I grabbed Rona by the ear.

I think we need to move quickly to another place to be free from these stares.


While Nox was reuniting with his old comrades.

High above Eldain Academy, a voluptuous woman, floating in the air, cloaked in a transparent magical barrier, was watching Nox.

“So that’s the one, huh? The disciple I’m supposed to train?”

“Yes! Crunch crunch! That’s right!”

A familiar woman’s voice came from beyond the magic stone hanging at her waist.

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