Terra Nova Online: Rise of The Strongest Player

Chapter 553: Vanish + Shadowbind

Chapter 553: Vanish + Shadowbind

Chapter 553: Vanish + Shadowbind

Leo invited the rankers around him to ambush him at once, however, the rankers knew better than to engage ‘TheBoss’ in close ranged combat and hence did not take the bait.

Continuing to attack from a safe distance instead, they tried to nibble down on Leo’s HP, however, little did they know that Leo was reaching the end of his patience.

Roughly 30 seconds after no-one rushed towards him, Leo decided that enough was enough and although his MP bar had not reached the desired 80% threshold yet, he seemingly lost the patience to care.

“Fuck this–” Leo said, sounding frustrated as he used [ Vanish ] and [ Shadowbind ] together.




Disappearing from in front of his opponents, Leo left the rankers scrambling for his location, all the while killing them with ease.

Instead of darting around their defenses and using stamina, Leo simply walked beside them, slashing their necks as he bound their bodies with [Shadowbind]

“I can’t move…..why can’t I move?”


“Oh he got me! I can’t move either”

The entire central room was soon covered with the screams and horrors of the rankers who were helpless against Leo’s skills, as once Leo actually began using his legendary ranked skills, nobody stood a chance against him.

[ Fire Blast ]

[ Earthen Spikes ]

[ Thunder Clap ]

Desperate, the rankers began blasting the entire area with spells, hoping to take out Leo, however, not one of their spells hit him.

Within 10 minutes, Leo managed to kill all 100 rankers within this wave, as by the time he reappeared, he once again stood atop a pile of corpses.

‘Not bad….’ he thought, looking at his stamina bar which had recovered now to 18%, while his mana bar was at 41%.

He could probably repeat this feat one more time, however, if he still had several waves to fight then Leo felt like he might not be able to make it to the end.


(Meanwhile on the global forums)

“Holy shit! Did you see that? They’re all dropping like flies, and nobody even knows where ‘TheBoss’ is!”

“It’s like they’re fighting a ghost! One second they’re fine, the next they’re frozen, then boom—gone! This is unreal!”

“Forget unreal, this is straight-up terrifying. They’re panicking now, blasting spells everywhere, and nothing’s hitting. How do you fight someone you can’t even see?”

“Bro, he’s just making them look like amateurs. Like, you can literally feel the fear through the screen. The rankers know they’re dead, and there’s nothing they can do about it!”

“Yeah, well, it’s only a matter of time before his luck runs out. He’s been burning through mana and stamina like crazy. He can’t keep this up forever.”

“Are you serious? This is TheBoss we’re talking about! He’s got more left in the tank than you think. You really think a few more waves are gonna stop him?”

“I don’t know, man. He’s been at it for hours now. His stamina’s tanking, and the rankers just keep coming. At some point, he’s gonna hit a wall.”

“Yeah? Well, until then, it’s straight-up murder out there. Look at them! No one can even get close to him, and half the room’s already dead!”

“I don’t care how long he’s been fighting. The fact that he’s still taking out rankers like this is insane. No one else could pull this off.”

“He’s not invincible! He’s gonna burn out soon, and when that happens, someone’s gonna take him down. Mark my words.”

“Take him down? Dude, they can’t even find him! He’s already taken down over 1250 opponents! Even if he falls here, no one’s forgetting this performance.”

“You guys are all talk. Watch—he’s gonna collapse, and all the fanboys will be crying when he loses.”

“Lose? Have you even been watching? He’s already won. He’s taken down thousands of rankers solo. The rest is just icing on the cake!”

Watching the banter on the forums, Luke couldn’t help but grin.

“That’s my brother… I know you can make it to the end, even when everyone counts you out, I know you won’t fall.” Luke said, as he continued watching the livestream and the reactions simultaneously.

Meanwhile, PinkLotus sat quietly, her eyes wide with amazement. “How is he still going?” she murmured to herself, her disbelief slowly turning into admiration.

“He’s trading between conserving stamina, mana and HP. He sacrifices one to regain the other two….. it’s ingenious” she muttered to herself, as watching Leo fight she realized that his genius was beyond that of most mortals.

A small smile crept across her face. “I’ve never seen anyone fight like this. It’s… inspiring. I didn’t think anyone could push this far. But he’s doing it, wave after wave.” she said clenching her fists, as she felt her respect for Leo deepen.

“Maybe… maybe he’s more than just a master fighter. Maybe there’s something about him that even I don’t understand.” she wondered, as once again she believed that maybe he could push to the end.

Jacob, meanwhile, watched with a soft grin tugging at the corner of his lips. His eyes never leaving the screen, as he could feel his blood boil as a father.

“Come on, kid… keep going. Don’t stop now. You’re almost there.”

His voice was barely above a whisper, but the pride in it was unmistakable. “This is your moment. You’re writing your own legend with every step.”

Jacob’s fingers twitched slightly as though urging his son on from miles away. “Don’t let them break you. Push through, even when your body wants to quit. You’ve got more in you than they’ll ever know.”

There was a glint in his eyes—one that held both fierce determination and the quiet pride of a father watching his son forge a path no one else could. “Just a little more, Leo. Show the world who you really are.”

Just a few minutes ago, everyone thought that ‘TheBoss’ was done for, however, as soon as he defeated yet another wave, the sentiment seemed to have shifted significantly once more.

It was like a rollercoaster where no-one knew how it was all going to end, however, if they did know something it was that they were all witnessing the fight of a lifetime.

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