The Abandoned Hunter

Chapter 97: The Shadow Elves - Part 2

Chapter 97: The Shadow Elves - Part 2



[The Shadow Elves have arrived]

[Difficulty Level has been increased from B to A]


"Damn... I've heard of Dark elves... now what the fuck is a shadow elf!!?", he asked that while being in constant pain due to the stab which he received earlier.


"Ya... don't answer me system, I'll find out by myself!", he looked towards them and found that they were roughly 80-100 in number.

While he was thinking, a shadow elf suddenly appeared behind his back out of no where and stabbed him again.

"Arghhh!!!", he immediately jumped to one side while being drenched by blood that was posing out from his abdomin regions.

"That's dangerous, I am unable to sense them and on top of that they are just appearing out of nowhere...", but no matter how much he thought, he wasn't able to figure out their exact location.

Every time he spaced out, they would attack him and graze him, stab him and try to slash him.

He barely even managed to dodge the fatal slash which was aimed at his neck.

"[Lightning Strike]", he aimed at one of the elves when he used the skill but the elf was able to dodge easily.

It seemed as if it was suddenly vanishing and hissing in the shadows of other objects.

"Damn... is this why you are called Shadow Elves?", he was keeping a watch on his surroundings even more keenly so that he could observe each and every moment they make.

But u fortunately his eyes were enough to keep up with the way they attacked.

No matter what he did, he was being damaged and a large amount of his HP had already been drained.

"I have only 3 more bottles of potion left... I can't possibly use it now cause I don't know what dangers I'll face next.", was what he thought and didn't use the potions.

"Okay Jay, let's calm down... think of a property which is common for a shadow... maybe you can use it to your advantage.", he was talking to himself and on this dire situation only his knowledge could have saved him right now.

"Shadows are firmed when something blocks the light... of there is no light then that means no shadow...", was what he initial thought but then he realised that it wouldn't work since complete night or darkness is a form a shadow itself.

"Hmm... the only way", he dodged another fatal attack barely just as he was thinking.

"The only way to completely eradicate a shadow is to flash light from all the directions!", he smirked while he said that.

"The gloves' fourth skill, [FLASH]"

As soon as he said that, the glove in his left hand started to radiate a lot of light which was more than enough to eradicate all of them but unfortunately his own body was blocking the light due to which his own shadow was formed.

"Good... now no elf can come near me.", was what he thought.

But he didn't want that. He wanted to kill them so that he could clear the quest as soon as possible.

"Now all I need to do is detect their location...", despite using the skill flash, there were still some areas like the cave where there was utter darkness and it was the perfect place to hide.

"Come on Jay, think of a way to slay all of them...", he was forcing himself and trying to find a way using which he would be able to eradicate all of them.

"Gravitation spell won't work on them since it looks like they are just like a paper sheet... they will escape somehow... let's take a look at the inventory."

He thought that there would be at least some useful spell in the inventory that would allow him to win this fight so he started to see all the weapons and items.

"Tsk, none of them are good enough to deal with the Shadow Elves.... if only.. if only I had a shadow beast or some shadow spell...", he was thinking about something that could Successfully kill the Shadow Elves.

"Why don't I..."




"Huh...? What...?", Jay slowly turned back with a surprised expression on his face only to find a Shadow Elf hidden in his own shadow.

Shadow Elves were somewhat like assassin types who would attack only once at most an escape and attack again. But since there was no other shadow nearby, the shadow elf wasn't able to run because of which it had to stab as that was the only option left for it.

"Damn, that's...", he couldn't even say anything because of the immense pain which he was suffering from right now.

It seemed as if all his internals were twisted and cut from inside too.

"Arrghhh!!!", he was extremely angry because he wasn't able to do anything.

He was in constant pain and due to that he literally wanted to destroy the entire area but that would be Of no use.

Instead the problem will increase since the area will become more rough have many more broken pieces due to which there will be even more shadows that before.

But when Jay saw one of the elves atta king from behind again, he felt frustrated. He extended his right hand towards him while trying to grab its neck but that seemed futile.

The moment he reached his hand forward, the shadow elf seemed to vanish and yet again became a shadow which was hiding in Jay's shadow itself.

"You!!!", Jay lost his composure due to which he forgot the cool down time of the Flash skill.

While he was showing his anger, the flash skill got disabled and a large number of shadow Elves appeared out of nowhere just behind him with a huge killing intent.

Jay finally understood that this was all a trap. The elves were actually trying to distract him and make him lose his patience by attacking him from behind again and again.

Everything seemed calculated and now all of them reappeared to finish Jay in one strike.

However unfortunately, there was something with Jay which wasn't calculated by them. It wasn't even known to Jay!

Jay turned back only to find many elves attacking him. It would have been a bad end for him if he were to be stabbed or slashed again when suddenly the mis calculated part showed its effect.

Suddenly all the elves vanished.

"Huh? I can swear that I didn't do anything... then what was that?"



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