The Achievement Junkie

Chapter 588 Who Wants to See the Void?

Chapter 588 Who Wants to See the Void?

"Also, you don’t have to leave and take on that challenge if you don’t want to. You’re welcome to remain here and help manage Kartonia instead."

Guuro shouted, "Good! Then that’s what I’ll do. I’m willing to remain behind and manage things here. It is my specialty, after all."

"And he’s too chicken to search for a fight and grow stronger," Dragas laughed, delivering a verbal jab. At the same time, she grabbed Moranti’s hand from under the table. "I’d be willing to go in a group or with someone else but not alone."

"I’ll go. I want to meet my greatest ancestor..."


Smiling, Moranti nodded to Jack. "I’m sure I’ll meet him someday. And if possible, I’d like to work and train under him. Daruun said that Dominus is stronger than him, so I can’t imagine how powerful such a dragon would be..."

"Knowing you, you might meet him sooner than you expect," laughed Jack. Looking around the room, Jack added, "You don’t need to decide now. You can decide later or change your mind however you like. But for now, can those that are currently interested raised their hand?"

A rush of hands shot to the sky, many at high speeds. Jack took a moment to count them all but it was easier to count the hands of those uninterested. Guuro remained firm about staying behind, joined by Lorwynn and Choron. Everyone else showed an emphatic interest in journeying beyond Kartontia.

"Mind if I ask why you’re staying behind?" asked Jack, glancing at the two other uninterested parties.

Choron answered first, "I wouldn’t mind, but I’d prefer to consider that after Skaryn returns. Then--"

"Know that Skaryn will most definitely be journeying through the void. He may be joining me as one of Daruun’s personal aides, even," stated Jack, getting the Ninja God to smile.

"Then I’m all in!"

Lorwyn spoke next, "I have a similar request... I’d like to travel with my former master if that’s possible. Earlier, it sounded like you’ve begun to walk with him. Does that mean he’ll be joining us?"

"I’m not sure exactly when, but Lyrun and a couple of his companions will eventually be joining us," stated Jack.

Glad to hear that, Lorwynn sighed, "Then I’d like to rethink this after asking Lyrun to travel with me."

"Jack, since you’re becoming Daruun’s partner, won’t you need an aide as well?"

Somewhat expecting such a response, Jack chuckled, "I haven’t thought much about it, but I wouldn’t be opposed to the idea."

"Would you have me?" asked Hadurt.

"I thought you hated being bossed around?"

"I hate being a tool. But I’ve already grown accustomed to following orders, so long as I respect the person calling the shots. For you, I wouldn’t mind at all. I think I’d enjoy it, actually... Following you around and helping you face countless foes to grow stronger... That’s the kind of life I’d enjoy most!" exclaimed Hadurt, eager to get a yes.

"I’m fine with that," stated Jack, getting the foxy demon to howl with excitement.

"Don’t forget us!" shouted Rydel. "How can you ignore your greatest teammates?!"

"I just figured you’re coming either way." Jack shrugged and smiled back to his long-time party members. "My wives will be training with Daruun and I’m sure you’re welcome to join them. You can never have a shortage of small, elite teams to get any job done. Of course, you’ll be seeing me pretty often as well."

"And me? I thought you said you wouldn’t forget your parents?" joked Lunara.

"You and Lina may want to train with Daruun as well. Dad and I will be busy with a lot of things, some that I’m sure Dad wouldn’t want you facing," Jack reasoned. "Sorry, Mom..."

"I get it... But don’t forget about us!"

"Who knows, maybe Daruun can help you two have another child. Then--"

"REALLY?!" Lunara stood up and rushed to grab Jack by the shoulders. "He can do that?!"

Jack chuckled nervously, "For you and Sterfen, I’m sure he can make something happen."

"Jack, can I ask you something?" Kori cut in as Lunara backed away to imagine having another child and raising it herself. The Fox God glanced at his son and asked Jack, "Would you mind if Bowzer and I spend some time traveling together? I think--"

"I couldn’t agree more," stated Jack. "I think it’s best for both of you, but we’ll still keep in touch in case you need help with something."

"Thank you, Jack!" Kori threw his lone arm around Jack, catching the hero off guard with a tender embrace. "Don’t worry! We’ll be safe and we’ll make sure to return to Daruun and everyone after a while."

"Don’t mention it! I’m sure Bowzer is looking forward to it, right?"

"Yeah! I can finally travel with my dad! Thanks, Jack!" the younger fox god smiled and darted toward his long-time partner with his tongue flapping out of his mouth.

"No licking!" Jack stepped back and pushed Kori into Bowzer in defense. "You two can talk that over. I’ll mention this to Phoro and Dragov after this."

"And what about me?"

Jack looked to see Karronteel walking to the front of the room, but someone else answered first, "Son, you’ll be coming with us!"

"Son..." Karronteel turned around, startled to believe what he heard.

Most everyone put a pause on their excitement to glance at Moranti and then at Dragas. The Dryad Goddess then continued, "What’s wrong? Am I so repulsive that you refuse to have me as a mother?"

"N-no... I just--"

"Well..." Moranti chimed in with a nervous chuckle. "Dragas, we never--"

"What, am I wrong? I could’ve sworn that you would be elated to marry me... Maybe--"

"Dragas, it’s not that. It’s the situation... We haven’t clarified this or even talked about--"

"Was I wrong?" Dragas repeated. "You know what I’m after, and it’s not some fling. Even if I seem easy, that’s exclusive to you. Unless you’d rather not continue our--"

"Dragas, don’t be like that."

"But I--"

To shut her up and keep the others from getting any more involved in their personal matters, Moranti pressed his lips to hers until she gave up. He then added, "Karronteel, I am your father and she may become your mother. Would you like to journey with us and search for the man that our blood was created from?"

"That... Of course!"

While that small family was still figuring things out, most everyone either returned to their previous excitement or was chuckling in amazement at how Moranti got the boisterous seductress to quiet down. However, Jack stepped out of the room with a contact crystal in hand.

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