The Achievement Junkie

Chapter 603 Duorda’s Offer to Sybin and Kori’s Revenge

Chapter 603 Duorda’s Offer to Sybin and Kori’s Revenge

"Are you okay?"

"What right do you have to ask me that?" questioned Sybin. She had holy, dark, and nature energies shielding her, as well as wind and fire energies forming fireballs.

"You’re energy is too erratic and unusual... Were you the one that Halmut revived using faux-ore?" asked Duorda, sensing the woman’s hesitation. When she flinched, he instantly understood the situation. "If you use too much energy, you’re going to die."

"Why should I--"

"I’m just being honest with you. Unlike your brother, you’re more calm and calculating. That might be due to your new understanding of death but it shows character. We’re only enemies by circumstance. If you were on our side, then I’d be able to fix your irregular energy flow."

Sybin opened her mouth but she failed to reply. A moment passed as Duorda casually and slowly stepped toward Sybin.

"Don’t listen to him! Just kill him!" shouted Sillo.

Brought back to the moment, Sybin created a flaming cyclone filled to the brim with fire and wind energy.

"I wouldn’t mind helping you out. I think Daruun would greatly appreciate having someone so skilled working with us."

"Daruun? What’s so great about him?" asked Sybin.

"So you don’t know?" Daruun sighed. "Daruun is far more powerful and important than you realize. I suppose Halmut and Skaryn never explained that, did they?"

"If you won’t tell me why I should listen to you, then we’re wasting time!"

Sybin threw the cyclone at the white skeleton, fully encompassing it in flames. She watched as the walking skeleton caught fire and began to burn away. But then the bones began to grow back.

"This is a great attack, but not enough to reduce me to ash. If you were a Hell-flame Fox, then you’d have a chance with enough practice. A Magma Dragon might get close, but they wouldn’t be able to stop my regeneration," admitted Duorda, still casually walking through the flames.

"I’m willing to help you. Would you want help or would you prefer death? That’s what will happen if you use up all that false energy you’ve been given. Doesn’t it feel foreign to you? Doesn’t it sting to wield?"

"Shut up!"

Increase the size of the flames and the force of the winds, Sybin hurled holy swords and dark sabers into the cyclone as well. All the attacks clashed against Duorda’s body, chipping away at it bit by bit. But the skeleton kept walking closer and closer, focusing his energy on self-healing in place of attacks.

"I’m willing to give your brother a chance as well," added Duorda, now only a few meters away. "You two will be better cherished by Daruun than by Halmut. He’s merely using you till you break, and your half-revival is proof of that."

"Half-revival..." Sybin mentioned, unable to get Duorda’s words out of her mind.

Just as the skeleton had guessed, Sybin would now feel pain whenever she wielded magic. It was very faint and easily ignored, at least until she wielded massive amounts of energy or went through a dragged out fight. The more energy she used without rest, the more painful it was. It felt like needles were constantly coming in and out of her pores with every spell, like the energy contained inside her wasn’t recognized as her own.

"You can whisper it..."

Sybin blinked. Swallowing some saliva, Sybin created a hurricane of flames around them both.

"Sybin!" Sillo screamed, terrified of losing his only family yet again.

But whenever he attempted to near Sybin, Sillo was held back by Duorda’s deathly half. No matter what Sillo tried Duorda would simply tank the blow and then steal some life from Sillo to heal himself. It was unlike any other opponent that Sillo had ever faced. And with the other half being trapped inside a flaming hurricane with Sybin, Sillo feared the worst yet again.

"Sorry, but I’m busy..."

"I’ve got my hands full."

Both Oosam and Perchet gave one-line replies to Tralbok, infuriating the God of Time.

"Just go yourself!" shouted Lyrun. "Let Grixor and I take things here. Now go!"

Agreeing with Lyrun and being inwardly happy to leave the fight with Moranti, Tralbok stormed off. He made sure to keep the amulet Halmut had gifted him tightly in his hands. Tralbok was waiting for Sterfen to make his move.

"Not so fast!"

"You’re my opponent!"

Moranti tried to square off with Tralbok but Grixor charged toward Dragas while Lyrun covered Tralbok in a green barrier. Their plan worked without a hitch as Moranti teleported back in defense of Dragas.

Free and clear, Tralbok zipped through the air without fear of his next opponents. Wind brushed against his body as preemptive wind blades were made with each hand.

Out of nowhere, Tralbok halted and rushed backward a few meters. A sudden explosion of black flame almost engulfed Tralbok entirely but the god evaded it with the help of time magic.

"Kori... This time, you’re not strong enough--"

"Defend yourself and die!" howled the Fox God, charging Tralbok with a swarm of black fireballs.

"I thought you were protecting your boy? He’s not strong enough to--"

"Karronteel and he make a devastating team, so I’ll let them have the small fry," stated Kori with black fire escaping the corners of his eyes. "I want you for myself... I still owe you for attempting to kill my son..."

"Can’t we just forget such accidents? I’m busy right now--"

"Then die! No need to defend yourself if you want to make this fast!"

"Then I’ll kill you first, you under-leveled mutt!"

Tralbok turned around to face Kori head-on. Though the fox’s flames were formidable, having a six-level advantage was enough to give Tralbok confidence.

A wind blade and a black fireball collided to create a turbulent explosion, proving that Tralbok could overcome the flames with caution. With proof to back up his confidence, Tralbok kept his eyes on the Hell-flame Fox and shrouded them in their own personal tornado.

Both the Fox God and the God of Time were out for blood.

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