The Achievement Junkie

Chapter 610 Opening the Sky

Chapter 610 Opening the Sky

While Mooldrat was already occupied, a lv. 81 Storm Dragon rushed toward Daliea without fear. She noticed it and tried to put up a defense but failed to respond in time. The dragon’s sharp tail shot out while covered in lightning, attempting an insta-kill.

But the tail was suddenly parried and Dailea was left speechless, as were the others around her.

The unknown swordsman casually swatted the tail aside and ran his rapier through the unsuspecting Storm Dragon’s skull. It all happened in an instant, leaving the others startled to know that the swordsman was free enough to come and help them.

As the Storm Dragon corpse fell to the ground, a voice played in the minds of Daliea, Maura, and Eliza, ’Sorry I took so long. I’ll take it from here.’

’Save some EXP for us too,’ teased Maura, smiling as the helmed swordsman dashed into a nearby Magma Dragon.

Eliza giggled and doubled down on the buffs she had placed on Maura, Daliea, and the other party members.

Daliea was silent but she showed a small grin. Not wanting to be outdone, she sought another opponent while staying close to the party.

The other party members were relieved to have the swordsman appear to take the brunt of the dragon horde, leaving some high-level dragons for Argyle, Kaldor, Hurmot, Dradich, and the others, also letting the weaker party members not get swarmed.

Rydel played his part well, sniping anything that dared rush them with pinpoint accuracy. The hunter would target the eyes and wings, either hindering their speed and ability to fly or creating blindspots for his companions to attack the beasts. This allowed Trax and Maynard to quickly find targets and race to see who could gather more kills.

To an extent, it somewhat felt like Jack’s wives were up against the men in a game to kill the most dragons.

Lina stayed close to the party but she proved just as deadly as the dragons. Her naturally mana supply was arguably the largest of all mortals, competing with Jack’s second body. Having Daruun’s bloodline mixed with that of a Nine-headed Glacial Hydra on top of having Jack’s pact made her a terrifyingly powerful being in her own right.

All of their beast companions were out in their full glory, proving capable and enjoying the bloodbath alongside their human companions.

The only person legitimately soloing the dragons was the mysterious swordsman. His rapier claimed life after life, claiming each victim’s final breath with a single strike. He ravaged his prey like he was on a mission, not caring about the corpses at all and only searching out stronger and stronger prey.


"Give us the corpse!" roared Torian. "Then I’ll kill you painlessly!"

"Can you kill me at all? I doubt that!" Moranti mocked.

The Thundering God was the one controlling the fight’s tempo now, leaving Grixor to charge heavy blows and attacks against the God of Space.

"Come on, Grixor! Give me more! I need more batting practice!"

As Grixor hurled hundreds of earthen spikes and rocks condensed from massive boulders, Moranti would send out large slashes of spatial energy. A few would squeak past the God of Space each time, but the number of misses went down each time.

But despite Moranti’s confident banter, he understood that he was at a disadvantage. With his speed and control over space, Moratni could protect Dragas and deal some damage but Torian was more slippery than ever after gaining two levels. And if Moranti paid Torian too much attention, then Grixor would overwhelm him or attack Dragas.

At the current pace, both sides were taking damage but Moranti’s would ultimately lose.

A beacon of hope then appeared on the horizon. Three figures came into view, lifting Moranti’s and Dragas’s spirits while forcing Torian and Grixor to frown deeply.

"Hurry! We need to..."

Moranti called for Lunara, Lorwynn, and Rikko but suddenly stopped talking. Two more figures had come into view, causing the gods to have opposite reactions.

Guuro had fallen from the clouds, bleeding from his nose, eyes, and ears. Choron fell seconds later, showing those same signs of death.

"Help Eedaj!" Dragas shouted. "He needs your help with Perchet!"

The three returning gods nodded and rushed into the clouds, leaving the 2-v-2 to continue without change.

"Dragas, go get them."


"They won’t touch you, right?" Moranti backed off and held his scythe at the side, eyeing his two opponents carefully. "Nows your chance to fight me 2-v-1. If you dare to chase her, I’ll slaughter you, your descendants, and even your ancestors."

Torian blinked and smiled. Grixor nodded and chuckled. For the two lv. 98 gods to have a shot at Moranti while he was alone, it was all they could wish for now that they out-leveled him.


Telepathically, Moranti shouted and rushed Grixor first, bringing Torian further from Dragas.


’If I die, just bring me back. You’re good at that, right?’ Moranti chuckled.

Dragas shook her head as she bolted toward the falling corpses of her fellow leisure gods. She was determined to get them back on their feet and return as quickly as possible.

"Is that all you can do?"

Jack’s laughter mocked the God of Time as the hero chased after Tralbok, "If all you can do is run, why not use your amulet and flee? It’ll keep you alive and save me some time."

Tralbok was red-eyed and glaring angrily at Jack. It was the first time that someone could keep up with him using his own specialty, time magic. Whenever Tralbok would alter time in his favor, Jack did the same and left the God of Time without an advantage. Adding Jack’s other powerful skills, Tralbok hastily gauged Jack as a threat he couldn’t handle. It now made sense to him how Jack repelled Halmut and duped Torian.

The God of Time took a deep breath and focused on the ridges and etchings of the amulet in his hands.

Suddenly, the clouds overhead parted immediately. Everyone gained a view of Perchet, who had Eedaj on the ropes as help arrived. But that was only the beginning as the clouds continued to part, spanning dozens of kilometers. The sunlight became overwhelming, leaving all beneath the sky blind for a moment.

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