The Achievement Junkie

Chapter 613 Daruuns Warm Wishes To All

Chapter 613 Daruun“s Warm Wishes To All

Daruun ignored the startlement on the faces of the legendary gods and continued, "My manner of recruitment is different than that of Skaryn and Halmut. Frankly, some of you here now would’ve likely never been chosen by me."

Each of the legendary gods listening in was somewhat taken aback by that statement, unsure how to take it.

"What matters to me is not necessarily power or cunningness or even potential. If I was after pure power, I would’ve helped Halmut without Skaryn’s plea. If I were after cunningness, I would’ve hand-picked Tralbok to my side with his unique abilities."

The God of Time strained to sigh through his numb lips as that verbal dagger cut him deeply.

"And if I sought potential, would I have chosen Jin or Tyres?" reasoned Daruun, giving everyone a hint of his character. "As for my origin, just know that I’m not from Kartonia, nor do I reside here. I merely visit and pop in from time to time."

Returning to the topic at hand and leaving the legendary gods in suspense, Daruun asked, "Wasn’t there something else you wanted to ask? I believe there are a few others with that thought on their minds as well."

Nodding slowly, Sillo took another deep breath and paused his curiosity about Daruun’s past. "If you came before Halmut and Skaryn and have more power than them, why do you let them run rampant here?"

"Well, I can be considered an outsider here. Though I’m not from Kartonia, the title given to me by Kartonians is quite apt," explained Daruun. "The God of Fate. A title fitting of a man that seems to understand the world at large and keeps the broadest of views throughout Kartonia’s history, yet refuses to directly meddle in the affairs and fate of Kartonia’s inhabitants. Fitting, right?"

Sillo nodded but Daruun added, "Ask your true question already."

Caught off guard, Sillo swallowed some saliva. He nervously glanced at Duorda, who was still lunging forward with his black, bony blade but frozen in the air.

"Go ahead. Master Daruun should be able to answer any questions you might have," stated the skeleton, surprising Sillo and the other legendary gods within earshot.

"Are you able to heal my sister properly?!"

Glad to see Sillo gathering to courage to ask that question, Daruun nodded. "Yes, I have the means to properly revive your sister and heal the pain that was forced onto her. Thank you for having the courage to ask your question while Halmut is listening in. Though Halmut is too afraid to speak up now, I understand how he might react upon hearing your question against his leadership.

"As for what you’re thinking right now, you don’t need to speak up. I was just curious if you had the courage to speak up despite your situation," added Daruun with a warm smile and a chuckle.

Sillo nodded, keeping his thoughts to himself from that moment forward.

"We’re already helping your sister." Duorda’s whispering voice tickled Sillo’s ears and left him a bit startled, "Trust me and my former master."

At the same time, Daruun looked around. "Are there any more questions before I depart?"

"How strong are you, exactly?!"

Grixor’s shout refocused everyone’s wandering thoughts, even the leisure gods’ who didn’t fully understand the depth of Daruun’s strength.

Smiling and shaking his head, Daruun replied, "Stronger than you and everyone here combined. But Halmut already knows that, so it’s no secret. Anything else?"

Silence fell over the legendary gods as they were racked with regret.

"Why are you telling us all about this Glacier Keep?" Perchet’s calm question filled everyone’s minds with new doubt and curiosity. "Why not keep this information for only those that have pledged to your cause?"

"Because Glacier Keep was built for all gods of Kartonia, not only for those that have openly sided with me," replied Daruun. "Are you saying you don’t wish for a place to train and grow stronger as a god?"

"No, the opposite actually," Perchet responded with the shake of his head. "Forgive me for questioning your intentions."

"There’s no need for forgiveness. If one never questioned the intentions of others, such a person would be forever doomed to be a pawn and a tool in the hands of others all their life." Looking across all gazing eyes again, Daruun sighed, "For the record, I hold no contempt for any of you. I only hold contempt for those that willingly try to undermine my plans or intentions, right Halmut?"

That simple statement spoke volumes to the crowd of gods. The legendary gods present would’ve fallen from the sky in shock had they not been propped up by Daruun’s strange abilities.

"Anyway, what I’m trying to say is that I hold none of you responsible for the actions that you’ve done unwillingly or for any actions that you’ve committed due to your lack of knowledge but wouldn’t have committed had you known better," reasoned Daruun. "I wish you all the best of luck, especially as you venture the depths to reach Glacier Keep and face the challenges that Glacier Keep offers you.

"Oh! And one more thing..." Daruun showed a toothy grin and started laughing loudly. "I look forward to seeing who claims the treasures of Glacier Keep. Whoever can enter that chamber will be astounded by their discovery and reward!"

As that final sentence echoed through the air and left everyone unsettled or anxious to see Glacier Keep for themselves, another flash of light filled the entire horizon.



Daruun’s reverberating, nonchalant clap was paired with Halmut’s furious orders via contact crystal.

By the time the light faded, all gods felt themselves regain control of their bodies. But they also discovered that half of the gods had already vanished amidst the bright light.

The leisure gods were left behind as the legendary gods utilized the light as a time of escape with their teleporting amulets linked to Olympic Chateau. The only forces left behind by the legendary gods were the dragons below that began to flee the moment they were able to move.

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