The Adventurous Gamer Ninja - Daichi Hekima

Chapter 301: The Crystal Style user

Chapter 301: The Crystal Style user

Clap… Clap… Clap…

Gruen gave three slow claps as she and her two subordinates appeared out of the shadows. She had an arrogant grin on her face as she looked at the two Jonin before finally setting her sights on Daichi. 'To heal their injuries so quickly and using chakra strings as a medium. This kid's medical ninjutsu might be even greater than Kabuto's.'

Anko couldn't help but groan as she looked at the other woman. "Really? The slow clap? Isn't that a bit cliche?"

Guren chuckled and she turned her attention to Anko. "True. Cliches are the foundation of every classic performance. But don't worry." The smile on her face vanished and Guren became serious. "I'm here to add a touch of originality to our little showdown."

Genma looked at the two silent figures that stood by Guren. 'They haven't said a word. Based on their behavior and this woman's arrogant smirk, she's probably the leader. Which means she might know where Orochimaru has taken Lady Tsunade.'

Rinji looked at Daichi and kept a calm face. They already came up with a plan.

'So this is Daichi Hekima. Hmm… If we engage in an all out fight here, he'll be able to heal those Jonins and that'll make things more difficult. It's best if we separate them. Guren can handle the brat. Her Crystal Style can easily restrain him… Once that's done, all we have to do is make an opening and escape.'

At that time Daichi was busy using his Observe skill on the three enemies.

[LV. 103] [Guren]

Age: 25

HP: 27432 CP: 78150

Affiliation: Orochimaru

[Guren was born in a small village outside the borders of the Land of Snow. After witnessing Orochimaru's power she became one of his loyal followers. She was born with the unique ability and higher than average chakra. Guren has the unique ninja art - Crystal Release. She can crystallize targets and even the moisture in the air, thus providing her with an infinite source of weapons. With the help of her unique ninjutsu she can significantly increase her strength and defense powers. Has high level taijutsu skills, chakra reserves and is capable of using one handed seals. She can even convert her life energy into additional chakra reserves. She is currently a ninja of the Sound village under the Sannin Orochimaru.

STR - 201

AGI - 190

INT - 85

The physical stats may be subjected to change if chakra or technique is applied.]

'Her chakra is even higher than some elite Jonins… Genma and Anko won't be able to take her on. And… I have a feeling she's going to come straight for me.'

[LV. 63] [Rinji]

Age: 20

HP: 8200 CP: 8120

Affiliation: Orochimaru

[Rinji met Orochimaru in his early teens and quickly became a follower. He has a laid back personality but has high intellect. He is ambitious and a strategist wishes to work closer with Orochimaru. He has spent many years acting as a spy and has infiltrated multiple small villages and even went as a spy in Orochimaru's prison to gather intelligence. He is a bat user and has the ability to manipulate bats via the Bat Controlling method. Rinji can command his bats to produce high frequency ultrasonic waves that affect the mind and equilibrium of the opponent. He also has sonar-like abilities that allows him to detect sounds from a large radius. He is currently a ninja of the Sound village under the Sannin Orochimaru.

STR - 169

AGI - 162

INT - 89

The physical stats may be subjected to change if chakra or technique is applied.]

'A spy huh. He'll have at least some intel on Orochimaru's operations. I need him alive.'

[LV. 77] [Gozu]

Age: 28

HP: 37021 CP: 41030

Affiliation: Orochimaru

[Gozu was captured and imprisoned by Orochimaru a few years ago. When he was dying from thirst and starvation, Guren saved his life by giving him some water which was enough to help him survive. He developed deep loyalty to Guren after this incident. He has a variety of battle skills but his main attributes are his brute strength and speed. He can use Earth Nature Transformation and can even turn his body into mud. Due to his body being altered by Orochimaru he has gained abilities similar to the Akimichi clan. He is currently a ninja of the Sound village under the Sannin Orochimaru.

STR - 291

AGI - 275

INT - 60

The physical stats may be subjected to change if chakra or technique is applied.]

'Hmm… Abilities similar to what's shown in canon. Nothing extra. So that's good. His strength and special Earth jutsu can become a nuisance for Genma. But based on my analysis, Genma should win the fight.'

Daichi only took a couple of moments to go through their information and make a clear analysis.

At that time Genma took a step forward and looked at the three with a frown. "Those guys who attacked us earlier, I take it they were sent by you. What do you want?"

Guren looked at the Jonin and then her eyes shifted to Daichi. "Hand over that brat and I'll let you two live."

"That's not gonna happen." Anko replied as she gripped her kunai.

"You're not taking Daichi anywhere. In Fact, you're coming with us to the Leaf village." Genma spoke as he looked at the blue haired woman.

"Hahahaha…." Guren couldn't help but burst out in laughter as if she heard a big joke. "That's hilarious."

"What's so funny?" The special Jonin asked with a calm but cautious tone.

Guren slightly narrowed her eyes and sneered. "You're all so outmatched and you don't even know it… Still, why don't we ask the kid what he thinks."

The crystal style user looked at the Genin who was keeping his silence. "You can come with us and you can avoid an unnecessary beating. What do you say?"

Daichi stood with a calm expression as he looked at the three ninjas. After a few seconds of silence he answered with a question. "Where are Lady Tsunade and Shizune?"

Guren was slightly taken back by the child's attitude. 'I thought he'd be angrier knowing that his teacher was taken… Hmm… Maybe I can use that to my advantage.'

Guren smiled at the boy and decided to reply. "Lord Orochimaru has them. You can see them if you come with me. I can reunite you with your two teachers."

Genma and Anko were slightly tense. The Hokage guard glanced at Daichi. 'I know Daichi's not an idiot who'd fall for a trick like that but still… Considering the circumstances…'

Daichi, feeling the gaze of his two fellow Leaf ninjas, quickly spoke. "Don't worry Genma. I'm not dumb enough to believe them and make such a reckless decision."

Genma nodded and smiled. Guren on the other hand got slightly angry. "So be it. Have it your way. Gozu, Rinji. Get rid of those two Jonins. They're an eyesore."

"Yeah. I got it." Rinji spoke with a small smile.

"Yes Guren." Gozu was also ready to attack.

Seeing their enemy starting to move, Daichi quickly spoke to his two teammates. "Genma. Take the big guy. Based on what I see, he has strength and speed. And I can sense a strong earth chakra from him. You're better suited to fight him than Anko."

Daichi saw the bats hanging on the trees near Rinji and spoke. "Anko. That other guy can control bats. He has the weakest chakra out of the three."

"Yeah, I got it. But are you sure you can fight her?" Anko was worried that Daichi was too tired after the first two fights and then healing them.

"I'll be just fine. I can handle her." Daichi spoke with confidence and he could see that those words had angered Guren.

Genma, Anko, Gozu and Rinji disappeared from their spot and soon clashes of metal and flesh could be heard throughout the area. Soon it was just the Gamer ninja and the crystal style user left.

[You have sensed killing intent.]

"Handle me? You'll handle me? You fucking disrespectful brat." Guren gritted her teeth and made a hand-seal. Almost instantaneously the air all around Daichi crystallized and countless pink sharp crystal needles rained down on the Genin.

The sharp needles traveled towards their target at extremely high speed and with pinpoint accuracy.

Daichi, who was the target of the attack, kept a calm, cool face. The instant he sensed her chakra surge, his brain accelerated. Time slowed down for him as Hypercognition skill kicked in. His mind swiftly processing the number of sharp weapons, their angle, velocity, shape and size. He didn't even need to avert his gaze from Guren to confirm the number of weapons flying towards him.

Based on the information he got after he complied and processed the data he came to two conclusions.

'She's not trying to injure me. At best even if I don't move a few needles will just scratch me. She's using this attack as a scare tactic and Orochimaru wants me alive. I see… If that's the case there is a good chance he wants to use me as his next vessel… But still, I thought he wanted the Sharingan… Well, it doesn't matter now.'

Daichi stood still in his spot even as the crystals trapped him. About a dozen left several shallow wounds over his body but Daichi never took his eyes off the enemy or even let out a pained grunt.

Guren frowned and her previous anger dimmed. 'He just stood there doing nothing. Did he really not follow my attack or… No. This kid didn't even flinch. It was as if he knew they wouldn't cause any serious injuries…'

At that moment Daichi spoke. "Earlier, you asked me to come with you to avoid an unnecessary beating. My answer is no. Now I'm going to ask you a similar question. Surrender and tell me everything you know about Orochimaru and his operations and I won't cripple you."

The blue haired woman clenched her fist and gritted her teeth when she heard that. "You fucking brat. Who do you think you are, threatening me? You're a genius and your strength is almost on par with a Jonin. I'll give you that. But that's it. I've seen and killed plenty of strong geniuses like you. So don't get cocky."

Daichi looked at her and his mind was going through several scenarios. 'Even if I go with her, it won't guarantee that I'll be able to get to Tsunade sensei. Moreover if I'm caught, it'll only put the village in a more weakened position. So surrendering and infiltrating is out of the question. And this woman… Based on what I know, she's a true Orochimaru loyalist. I can't turn her into Orochimaru's enemy like Naruto did… No. Even if I could... I don't want to… I'm not him. I'm me.'

At that moment Daichi made a decision. He wasn't going to hold back and show mercy.

"So be it." Those words came out of Daichi's lips in a very low tone but Guren heard them. Before she could react to those words, several strong lightning currents burst out of Daichi's body.

The powerful lightning destroyed the crystal needles trapping Daichi and the Genin vanished from his spot the next instant.

Guren was an elite fighter. She tracked the boy but she didn't have the speed to evade Daichi's attack. The Leaf Genin appeared behind her and sent a powerful punch aimed at her right kidney.

The strong physical attack landed and sent her flying. As Guren was in the air, Daichi narrowed his eyes. When he struck her, he felt that she had strengthened her body with crystal.

'As expected. Her senses could keep up my speed but her body's not fast enough to dodge. So she reinforced her body with armor made of crystal and tanked my punch.'

Guren was momentarily stunned that a child could send her flying with just a punch. She twisted her body and immediately flipped in the air and looked at Daichi just in time to see him form several hand seals.

Daichi made the final seal and he looked at his opponent.

'Earth Style - Crushing Dragon.'

'I need to wear her down and capture her. She'll have valuable intelligence. I can't let her kill herself or escape.'

As Guren was about to touch the ground, the earth underneath her quickly reformed into the jaws of a giant dragon. The earth dragon rose up and was about to swallow Guren but she immediately made a few seals and held her palm out to the oncoming earth dragon.

The earth dragon Daichi created stopped just a few centimeters from Guren and quickly became crystallized. Daichi purposely used earth jutsu knowing she could turn it against him but he wanted to know how she did it.

The gamer ninja was keeping a close eye on his chakra and when Guren transformed his earth dragon Daichi felt his chakra in his ninjutsu being taken over.

'So that's it. It's not just about crystallizing matter but she's overriding my chakra with hers.'

Guren landed on the ground and looked at the Genin with a condescending smile. A giant pink crystal dragon was now by her side.

[You have sensed killing intent.]

"Your ninjutsu is useless against me. You should have just surrendered."

"Funny. I was about to say something similar." Daichi narrowed his eyes and got ready.


Author's Note:

If you like my story and want to read ahead, then check out my P.a.T.R.E.0.N page. I've uploaded up to 30 additional chapters there.

Patre /MonkWithAPen (No space)

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