The Alpha's Bride

Chapter 150 - Anthony And Kalina [Bonus ]

The hallway on the right provided access to the one-story high building, and Omega opened the door of the guest bedroom, letting Damon and Talia enter first before he got the suitcase inside. He wished them a pleasant stay and reminded them that the event will start at six o'clock and to contact any Omega if they need anything in the meantime, and then he left.

Talia looked around the room. Wood everywhere, just like in the hallway, but here the portion of the floor was covered with a massive dark red carpet.

A desk with a chair, a sofa, an armoire, a dresser, a four-poster queen-size bed, and a door on the right that was leading to the bathroom.

The cover on the bed had dark red flowery designs that matched decorative pillows on the sofa.

Brown and red tones dominated the room, making it appear smaller than it actually was, but still cozy.

Talia peered through the window to see a well-maintained lawn with topiary trees and patches of colorful blooms, and among them, Omegas were setting up tables and decorations.

Further in the back were massive rose bushes and evergreen trees, and Talia remembered that Damon told her how there are other buildings in that direction, but the view was obstructed.

Talia wondered if Stephanie was still here. She dismissed that thought as unnecessary. Even if Stephanie is in the Lightclaw pack, she wouldn't come to this party. Damon told Talia that only Alphas, their families, and high-ranking members of other packs will get to attend this event, and Stephanie doesn't fit into any of those categories.

Talia observed cheery expressions of Omegas outside, and the optimism reflected on her as well, making her feel tingly inside, eager for the party to start.

She remembered event preparations at the Red Moon pack. Omegas were tense and focused on finishing their tasks as soon as possible, and Omegas of the Lightclaw pack were relaxed. Based on that, Talia concluded that Alpha Magnus is a much better Alpha than Alpha Edward. Or maybe this was Luna's department.

Talia's enthusiasm about the party fell a little when she remembered Lisa. Of course, she never met Lisa, but Talia knew Stephanie and she heard that Lisa was like Damon's little sister, and Talia sympathized with the feeling of being abandoned. Lisa probably dreamed that this party will be set up for her, yet some other woman will get this special treatment; it's not just about the party, but about the man and the rest of her life also. It must be hard.

Talia praised her resolve not to make plans for the future.

It's not that she will be passive. Talia was determined to continue learning as much as she can, but she will impact things that are within her abilities and leave the rest to fate.

By not having expectations from others, she can't be disappointed, and whatever life throws at her, good or bad, she will deal with it as it happens.

"Come here, kitten…", Damon called, and Talia turned to see him lying on the bed with his arms outstretched toward her.

Talia smiled while looking at her handsome Devil. Yes, she will enjoy right now and right here, and not worry about tomorrow.

Talia flicked her shoes off and a second later, she sank into Damon's embrace.

"If anyone makes you uncomfortable, feel free to tell them off. Even if that other person is an Alpha.", Damon said, and she knew that he was referring to their previous encounter with Alpha Magnus.

'Easy for you to say', Talia thought. But she didn't want to bicker, so she responded with, "I will try."

She looked up at him. "I thought that you and Alpha Magnus are friends."

"On friendly terms, yes. Friends, no.", Damon responded. "He doesn't mean harm, but if you show weakness, he will take advantage of it. It's best to keep your guard up against everyone."

Talia thought how all that is complicated. She divides people into good ones and the ones that should be avoided. But it seems that the world of Alphas is more complex than that.

Now that they arrived here, the whole party seemed more real. Talia didn't think about it beyond spending time with Damon, but what if they can't be together?

"Will you go and talk to Tony?", Talia asked.

Damon tilted his head and nudged Talia's nose with his. "Not without you, kitten."

Talia looked into his icy-blue eyes that were gentle, and just like that, Talia's anxiousness disappeared.

No matter what awaits her tonight, Talia knew that it will be alright, as long as Damon is by her side.

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Talia and Damon walked toward the back of the garden, following a path that snaked between tall rose bushes and rows of evergreen trees, stopping next to the semi-circular seating made out of rocks and concrete and there was a firepit as well.

A couple sitting there was making-out and too engrossed in each other to notice Damon and Talia approaching.

The moment they stopped there, Talia realized that they reached their destination and those two are Anthony, the future Alpha of the Lightclaw pack, and his future Luna, Kalina, the star of tonight's party.

"If you are too busy, we can go back.", Damon said with amusement in his voice and the couple froze.

Talia noticed that the man's hands were under the woman's tank top, and Talia quickly looked down. What seemed to be just kissing was much racier now that she saw them from close range.

Talia was happy when Damon asked her to join him, but she still told him that he should go ahead without her.

"I have nothing to talk about with the future Alpha and I don't want to be a burden.", she said. "I will wait here for you to return. I still didn't have a chance to explore all options my cell phone has."

The truth was that Talia feared she will embarrass Damon, or that maybe there will be another weird hand-holding situation and she really wanted to avoid those.

"Then… I'm not going either.", Damon said casually.

"Eh? But you will offend Alpha Magnus. You told him you will go."

"I told you first that I won't leave your side. If I keep my word to that old fart, I will break my promise to you. Unless you join me, I will be forced to break one of the two, and considering that I'm living with you while I see him five times a year, the choice is obvious…", Damon responded, and Talia caved in.

She was prepared to stand next to Damon and smile, like a vase, but she had no idea that they will be interrupting this steamy situation.

Talia looked on the side, to see Damon's hand hanging over her shoulder loosely as his forearm pressed lightly on her shoulder.

Compared to how possessively he held her when they reached the packhouse and while they talked to Alpha Magnus, Damon's posture now was more relaxed and she concluded that the couple in front of them is not a threat, at least not to Damon.

Talia was curious if she was reading Damon's body language correctly and she was eager to confirm it.

Tony straightened his posture and made sure that Kalina's tank top is pulled down before turning to Damon and Talia.

"Alpha Damon…", he said while clearing his throat. "I assume my father bugged you enough until you gave in."

"He is an elder, Tony.", Damon responded. "I can give him an inch if it's no loss for me. It's called tactics." Damon glanced at the woman. "I assume this is Kalina?"

Tony and Kalina stood up and shook hands with Damon.

"Kalina, this is Alpha Damon, the Alpha of the Dark Howlers pack…"

Talia observed Tony who was tall and muscular. He had a shirt on, but it was obvious that his physique paled in comparison to Damon's. Tony was a handsome man, with a full head of brown hair and chocolate eyes, but what stood out the most was his smile which was not characteristic to any Alpha Talia met so far. Tony was just… happy.

The woman next to him had a matching smile. Kalina was slightly shorter compared to Tony, with a toned body and short dark brown pixie haircut, and Talia's eyes lit up at the sight of the woman's numerous tattoos.

Kalina was wearing a tank top that revealed her tattooed arms, and there were designs on Kalina's chest, and some ink was peering under her armpit also.

Tony was observing Talia with curiosity while talking to Damon. "How unusual of you to come with a date."

"Not unusual. It's the first time.", Damon corrected him. "Talia is special."

"Talia… Nice to meet you. Call me Tony.", Tony said while shaking Talia's hand and he glanced at Damon. "Will there be another Luna announcing ceremony soon?"

Talia gulped softly. Damon mentioned that there might be questions related to her becoming his Luna, but she thought that he was teasing her.

She turned to Damon, thankful that this question was directed at him.

Talia's breath hitched when Damon said with a shrug, "We didn't get a chance to talk about it."

Talia was not sure if she heard him right. Why did it sound like they are going to talk about it in the future?


Don't forget to see a photo of Anthony and Kalina in the comments section.

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