The Alpha's Bride

Chapter 152 - Mindy Is Here

"I thought that they got the wrong person, but then… how many Talias are in this world?", Mindy spoke enthusiastically while approaching Talia and Kalina. "I didn't expect that you will be here, Talia. What a pleasant surprise!"

"Hi, Mindy!", Talia greeted cheerfully. "Thank you for coming."

"Oh, no. Thank you!", Mindy exclaimed while pulling Talia into a hug. "They took me to one of the side houses, but the moment I accepted to come here, I got an upgrade and now I'm in the main house. You have strong connections, Miss MVP of the tournament, Miss Alpha Damon's assistant, Miss Alpha Damon's date.", Mindy said and giggled when she saw Talia's cheeks flushing.

Talia couldn't believe how well-informed Mindy was.

Mindy was right that the room upgrade was because of Talia. Actually, Tony instructed Omegas that if Mindy agrees to see Kalina, they should upgrade her room. After all, the most important guests are staying in the main house and if Mindy could become Kalina's friend, she will definitely become very important.

Talia introduced Mindy to Kalina, and Mindy asked, "You were talking about something when I arrived. What was that?"

Talia swallowed a mouthful of air. She didn't want to bring the point of mates, and she remembered one other thing that was mentioned, "I was telling Lina that my wolf is gone. I'm not really human, and not a werewolf either. I'm an odd one, not fitting anywhere."

Mindy gave Talia a complicated look. Mindy could see that Talia is on the skinny side, but her senses are not as sharp as her brother's. Maddox told Mindy that Talia was abused and that she is different, but there was no mentioning of Talia's wolf.

Mindy put her hand on Talia's shoulder. "Being different is a good thing. Look at me. Maybe we can start our own pack of oddballs who don't fit anywhere else."

"I don't think Alpha Damon will agree. Lia fit into his arms just fine.", Kalina added teasingly, and Talia's face exploded in blush.

"Lia?", Mindy asked and when Kalina gestured toward Talia, Mindy connected that Lia is Talia's nickname. She liked it. "Can I call you Lia also?"

Talia nodded sheepishly hoping that this will change the topic from her fitting into Damon's arms, but she realized that she hoped for naught because Mindy was eyeing her with a sly smirk.

"Alpha Damon hugged you..."

"And kissed.", Kalina chimed in.

Mindy's lips formed an 'O'. "I'm not sure if that's good progress or a slow one. When I saw you last time, you were only holding hands under the table."

Talia felt the ground spinning under her feet. What did Mindy say?

Their hand-holding was supposed to be sneaky!

Waah! It seems that everyone knows!

"They were holding hands under the table? How sweet!", Kalina cooed.

"Can the two of you bond over something that's not teasing me?", Talia asked Mindy and Kalina.

Mindy pinched Talia's cheeks. "But you are so easy to tease."

"I thought you are into charities and helping the ones in need. How is this helping?", Talia complained while rubbing her aching cheeks.

"You don't look needy.", Mindy said with a smirk.

"I need you to stop teasing me! That makes me needy."

Kalina looked at this banter between Talia and Mindy and she enjoyed it very much. At the same time, it reminded her of her sisters.

Kalina is the youngest among five sisters, and even though all five of them traveled across Europe from their early teens, they all gather at their parent's home during holidays and the atmosphere is very lively.

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Eventually, Mindy paid attention to Kalina. "So, you are the new Luna of the Lightclaw pack, Tony's mate. You met days ago, right? How come you are not marked?"

Kalina reached reflexively for the left side of her neck, where Tony's mark should be.

When two mates recognize each other, the bond clicks and they indulge in carnal pleasures. By morning, they have each other's marks (unless there are some obstacles).

"Tony wanted to introduce me to his family first, and then his father insisted on this ceremony. There are too many formalities and people here are not exactly… friendly.", Kalina responded with a sour expression.

Mindy frowned. "What about Tony?"

"Tony is great.", Kalina said with haste. "But he can't be with me all the time and…" Kalina let out a long breath. "I grew up in a loving family with not many rules. For the last eight years, I'm traveling and doing my own thing, and all this is suffocating. Honestly, I don't know if I can fit in here."

"You should know things about this pack. Can you give her some tips or insights?", Talia asked Mindy.

After a brief silence, Mindy asked, "Can I speak openly?"

"Please.", Kalina urged her.

"Tony was not a womanizer. Actually, how much I know, he dated only one woman. High school sweethearts. His relationship status changed when he met you, so it's very fresh, and she is from this pack. Some pack members thought of her as their future Luna, and maybe still do.", Mindy said with a meaningful look.

Kalina paused for a moment and then nodded in slow motion. "They see me as an impostor."

Kalina was irked. Why didn't Tony bring up this obstacle? But they met only four days ago and so many things happened since then, so she can't blame him for not talking about his ex-girlfriend. After all, Kalina didn't talk about her ex-boyfriends either.

"I'm not sure if the impostor is the right word, but yes.", Mindy said. "She had years to win them over, while you are new. Things will be better after this ceremony when Alpha Magnus introduces you to everyone officially."

Kalina was not sure how much effect this ceremony will have because if Tony's ex won people's hearts, that will be difficult to change.

Kalina wondered if she can do this. Just until a few days ago, she was a free spirit, Kalina… yet now she is the future Luna, and she needs to make a bunch of strangers like and respect her. What a bother.

But leaving all this meant leaving Tony and she couldn't do that just how she couldn't put Tony in a position to choose between her and everything else which includes his family, his pack, his duty, and everything else he knew so far.

Kalina glanced around, seeing only foliage around them, yet feeling that there are invisible eyes directed her way. "Do you know who Tony's ex is? Will she sabotage me or something?"

"Her name is Lisa." Mindy responded right away, "I don't know how far she will go, but she-wolves are jealous."

"She is not here now.", Talia chimed in. Damon told her that Stephanie persuaded Lisa to go home and they left already. "Lisa is from the Dark Howlers pack, and she came here after her father died. I believe that she is back home with her mother now, but I don't know for how long."

Kalina relaxed visibly. "Good. If she is not here tonight, I can relax. As for later, I will see."

"Don't relax so easily.", Mindy said and Kalina froze. "I don't want to rain on your parade, but…"

"It's already raining.", Kalina said stiffly. "Just tell me how it is."

"Alpha Magnus is known for strict rules, and that's not all bad. I mean, the fact that you are Tony's fated mate means that he will accept you no matter who you are, but this…", Mindy gestured at Kalina. "He will try to change. It's up to you how much you will allow him. Prepare for a war against a guy who is not used to others opposing him."

Kalina pursed her lips. "No matter how much he wants to meddle, that's only while he is Alpha. After he gives his position to Tony, Tony and I will set the rules."

"You are assuming that he will step down easily.", Mindy said, and when she saw that Kalina's face dropped she reached and patted her hand. "I'm sorry to be the bringer of bad news…"

"No.", Kalina interrupted Mindy. "I need to know the truth. What you said was not pleasing to hear, but now I understand why people around me behave the way they do." She glanced at Talia. "And now I understand why you said that I should talk to Mindy. Is there any other hidden dirt I should know about? Will everyone be staring at me tonight and hoping I trip and break my neck?"

Mindy bobbed her head. "If I think of something else, I will let you know. But don't be too tense because this flower here will take some of the heat tonight from you.", Mindy gestured to Talia.

"What do you mean?", Talia asked stiffly.

"This is the first time for Alpha Damon to bring a date with him.", Mindy said meaningfully. "Tony is not a womanizer which is unusual for an Alpha, but Damon is the one who not only fits the mold of a promiscuous Alpha, but he actually expanded that mold so that it accommodates all of his escapades. You should be aware that most of the females of the younger generation either slept with him or want to sleep with him, so you better hold onto him tightly or they will snatch him away."

Talia's face was frozen into an ugly frown. What did Mindy say?

There was so much information squeezed in those few seconds that Talia was not sure if she should be happy to be Damon's date, or repulsed that he is a man-whore, or cling to him so that another woman doesn't snatch him.


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