The Alpha's Bride

Chapter 156 - Unexpected Visitor

Talia got out of the shower, and she realized that she had nothing to wear in the bathroom.

She was dazed from all the kissing and when Damon told her to get ready first, she just went with it robotically.

Now that she was clearheaded, Talia frowned at the thought that she had no idea what dress Damon packed for her to wear tonight. What if he forgot to pack something fancy?

Ah! She will need shoes and some makeup also. The only makeup she has is a lip gloss that Maya gave her. This will be a disaster!

Well, no point in dwelling on it now, she will work with what she has.

Talia took the bathrobe and put it on, tightening the belt around her firmly before stepping out.

Talia froze at the sight of Damon and two young women in the room. What the…?

When did he manage to pick up women? And two of them? Scandalous images of Maddox and a woman under him flashed in Talia's mind and she frowned while thinking that Alphas really don't have any issues finding women to serve them.

"These two will help you get ready.", Damon said while taking a large plastic garment bag, and only then Talia noticed that two women stood in attention while staring at their feet.

Both women were wearing black pencil skirts and white shirts. Omegas.

Talia released the breath she was holding. Why did she allow her imagination to run wild? Was she jealous?

Damon stopped next to Talia and pecked her lips. "I can't wait to see you in the dress.", he murmured.

Damon glanced at two Omegas and spoke sternly, "Serve her well. You have twenty minutes."

"Yes, Alpha Damon!", two women responded in unison.

Damon nodded in approval and gave one more kiss to Talia before walking into the bathroom.

"This way, Mrs. Blake…", one Omega said while gesturing toward the chair.

The room had a table with three chairs, tucked next to the wall with one figurine of a deer on it, so Talia didn't pay attention to it before. But now the table had on it a mirror and some makeup and brushes, and Talia understood that she will get a makeover.

Talia's eyes wandered over the table and then she glanced at women to see that both of them had dark brown hair pulled into a neat bun, and they had similar features. Talia wondered if they are sisters… Wait!

Did she hear that woman right?

"How did you call me?"

"Alpha Damon said to address you as Mrs. Blake.", she said.

Seeing that Talia froze, the other woman added while gesturing to the blow dryer in her hand, "Don't worry, Mrs. Blake, we know what we are doing. Alpha Damon said to treat you as his Luna…"

Talia's mind was spinning. What Mrs. Blake? What Luna? How much more misunderstandings will Damon cause? Was he getting a kick from her misfortune? But… was there any need to explain to these two? Forget it. Talia wouldn't know from where to start explaining.

"Can you call me Talia?"

"Yes, Ms. Talia!", they responded in unison.

"What are your names?"

Two Omegas exchanged glances before responding with, Lily and Ivy.

Talia didn't know that Lily and Ivy are working at the packhouse for years, taking care of guests and their needs, and this was the first time that anyone asked them about their names.

Talia sat on the chair and Lily immediately started drying her hair while Ivy applied moisturizer on Talia's face and worked her way down toward the neck and shoulders, pushing the bathrobe to open more with each stroke.

Talia closed her eyes and sank into the chair. It was not as good as the spa that morning, but she could get used to this pampering.

"Damon mentioned a dress…", Talia remembered.

"Yes, we brought it.", Lily answered while gesturing behind her.

Talia craned her neck to see a headless mannequin wearing a golden sleeveless floor-length dress that had a shiny sequined bodice and a light flowy skirt that looked like it was made out of several layers of see-through silk. Talia really wanted to touch it and confirm if it's as soft as it looks.

Talia's insides fluttered. She never wore anything so fancy.

This was definitely not from her closet.

"Did you say that you brought the dress with you?", Talia asked.

"Yes, Ms. Talia.", Lily responded. "It arrived earlier this afternoon and Luna Alicia told us to hold it until Alpha Damon calls for it. It arrived with shoes and matching jewelry."

"You are very lucky, Ms. Talia…", Ivy chimed in. "I've never seen an Alpha doting on his Luna this much…"

Talia smiled awkwardly but she didn't want to correct the misunderstanding. Maybe for tonight, she can be Damon's Luna.

Talia confirmed that Damon organized all this, and she was amazed at how he could think about the little details. It reminded her of how he prepared her an outfit for her first day of work as his assistant, and even though she said how it's not necessary, he continued doing that every day.

She never expected that a scary Alpha will be so attentive. From clothes to food and making her comfortable and safe, and above all that, Damon made her feel needed, important.

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Lily was flat-ironing Talia's hair and Ivy was applying foundation when a knock sounded from the door.

It took a moment for Talia to realize that she should answer, and she started scrambling to tighten the bathrobe around her.

"Ms. Talia, do you want me to get that?", Ivy offered, and Talia nodded gratefully.

Talia hoped that whoever it is, got the wrong door or maybe it's some delivery and Ivy will handle it.

"Can I help you?", Ivy asked after opening the door.

"I'm here to see Alpha Damon", a female voice drifted into the room and Talia pressed her lips into a line as her insides tightened. The woman sounded official. If she is from the Ligthclaw pack, Ivy should know her, right?

"Alpha Damon is busy.", Ivy responded. "Can I take a message?"

"Why are you here?", the female voice responded with a question, and Ivy turned to look at Talia helplessly.

Talia glanced at Lily to see that she already released her hair and Talia took a deep breath before standing up.

Talia's eyes widened at the sight of Nora who was looking into the room around Ivy who was blocking her sight.

Talia's mind worked a million thoughts a second.

Why is Red Moon Beta's daughter here? Is Marcy here also? Did she recognize her? No… Talia saw Nora many times and she knew who Nora is, but Nora never paid attention to Omegas.

Talia swallowed a mouthful of air when Nora looked at her with a frown.

It took Talia a moment to gather her wits and to remind herself that she is here with Damon. Not as someone he rescued, not as his assistant, but as his date and these two Omegas think of Talia as Damon's Luna. She should act like it.

Talia straightened her back and responded to the question that Nora asked Ivy. "Ivy and Lily are here to help me get ready for the party. Who are you and why are you looking for Damon?"

Nora stared at Talia in disbelief.

Nora wanted to see Damon, to remind him of Marcy's existence and of hers as well, and she knew that Damon brought a woman with him, but she didn't expect that the woman will act like she owns the place, and even have helpers to get ready.

Talia tilted her head while looking at Nora who was standing there stupidly.

The proud Miss Nora that Talia knew from her time at the Red Moon pack was nowhere to be found. This was just some random nobody who wanted to disturb her peace with Damon.

Talia felt anger bubbling inside her. Did Nora want to snatch Damon?

"Did you forget to speak?", Talia snapped at Nora. "You have five seconds to respond, or I will call security. How did you find this room?" Talia turned to Ivy. "Rooms of the VIP guests shouldn't be disclosed. Alpha Damon won't be pleased that a random person disturbed us. Can you find who leaked this information?"

Ivy nodded rapidly. "Yes, Ms. Talia. I will do my best." And then Ivy's eyes lost focus while she was mind-linking someone.

Talia turned her attention back on Nora. "Well? If you have something to say to Damon, I will be happy to convey your message once he is out of the shower, and if you wanted anything more than talking…" Talia narrowed her eyes while allowing her fury to wash over her. "Damon is taken."

Nora was not aware at what point she took a step back. She jolted when Talia slammed the door in her face.

Nora reached for her forehead and wiped it. Why was she sweaty? Why was she unable to speak? Nothing made sense, but she was alarmed by the fact that the woman with Damon is not just some random nobody. Did Omega call her Ms. Talia? What was with all that respect and special treatment? And did Talia call her a nobody? She is Beta's daughter! How is that a nobody!?


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