The Alpha's Bride

Chapter 167 - The Event At The Lightclaw Pack (5) [Bonus ]

When Damon and Talia left the stage, Talia was floating.

The two of them danced for some time, Talia didn't pay attention to how many songs passed, but she clearly remembered Damon's firm hold, their bodies touching occasionally, and then he would twirl her before enveloping her in his solid embrace that came with her favorite scent of the forest and the dark chocolate, and… it was the best thing ever!

On several occasions, Damon moved close, so close that she could feel his breath on her lips, and Talia was sure that he will kiss her, but he only smiled a little, and his tease made butterflies in her stomach go crazy.

"Do you like dancing with me?", Damon asked as they walked to their table. He could feel Talia's joy, but he still wanted to hear it.

Talia nodded earnestly. "You are an amazing dancer."

Damon chuckled. Praise from Talia made him swell with pride. "Only because you are my partner, kitten."

Damon enjoyed Talia's slightly flushed expression and he took a mental note to set up the mood for dancing once they return home. It could be in the bedroom, with less clothes, and… he was getting aroused.

When Damon and Talia reached their table, they saw a scene of Mindy and Kalina standing up.

Mindy glanced at Talia. "We are going to the ladies' room. Do you want to join us?"

Talia thought for a moment. Her bladder told her that she could go. It was not urgent, but better now with a company than later on her own, because asking Damon to accompany her might be too much, and going alone could bring trouble.

Talia was aware that her evening was undisturbed thanks to the protection Damon's presence provided, but surely, as long as she doesn't wander to an isolated place, no one would dare to bully her. This is a high-profile event, and after the incident with Cassie and this dancing, everyone should know that she is with scary Alpha Damon even if they didn't see them sitting together at the table.

Talia glanced at Damon, silently asking for his opinion, and he leaned closer to say in a hushed voice, "Don't wander alone."

"I won't", Talia assured him and went after Kalina and Mindy into the packhouse.


Maddox clapped suddenly, to get Damon's and Tony's attention. "Now that the girls are gone, how about we go to the bar?"

Damon frowned in disapproval. Tables are where couples are sitting and people who want to eat and chat, while the bar area is for mingling.

Yes, normally Damon and Maddox would go to the bar because that was the perfect position to observe women who were looking for company, but why would Damon want to go there now?

"They will be back in a bit.", Damon grumbled.

Maddox made a face. Why can't Damon consider his position? Damon has a date, but what about Maddox?

Mindy is his sister, and if Maddox keeps on sitting with Mindy, the only entertainment he will find for the night will be one of the Omegas that are working at the event, and there is not much honor in bedding an Omega. They are so… submissive.

Maddox likes them submissive, but he prefers first to break them, so his desired woman is one with a Beta bloodline who has just the right amount of spunk. Yes, Maddox enjoys seeing those women bending to his will.

It's not that Maddox couldn't go to the bar on his own, but it's always better in a company. Damon and Maddox usually get drinks and comment on women until they make their picks.

"Girls can take a while because, for them, the restroom is much more than just doing the business. By the time they fix their hair and makeup, we can have two drinks, probably more.", Maddox said. Seeing that Damon was still not willing, Maddox changed tactics. "You can pick one of those fruity cocktails that girls like for Talia. She will appreciate that."

Damon's frown eased, and Maddox knew that he got him. Next, he turned to Tony. "How about you? Coming?"

Tony was delighted that Maddox included him.

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Talia, Kalina, and Mindy didn't expect to see a line.

The restroom next to the event hall had three stalls and three sinks, and there was a small sitting area.

More than a dozen women were waiting. Just as Maddox said, women didn't come just to relieve themselves but they were taking their time with fixing their hair, makeup, and wardrobe. Some of them were chatting, treating the restroom like a women-only lounge.

One woman was dabbing with a paper towel a dark red wine stain on her green gown. That won't come out like that, but she was trying to salvage her gown and the evening.

"When we are done, let's wait for each other outside…", Mindy suggested and Kalina and Talia agreed. It was crowded inside.

"How are you handling the pressure?", Mindy asked Kalina.

Kalina exhaled helplessly. "Since you asked me that question, it seems I'm not handling it well."

"Just pick your battles and you will do well.", Mindy said. "You can't win them all and don't fight more than one at the same time…"

Talia listened to Mindy advising Kalina and she understood that Kalina was not happy with her current situation.

It seems that just finding a mate doesn't guarantee happiness, even if that mate is a future Alpha.

Considering that Kalina and Tony were smitten with each other, and their smiles were genuine, Talia concluded that any issues Kalina was facing were coming from someone else. Tony's parents? Pack members? Social pressure?

Talia knew about social pressure because she was on pins and needles while hoping not to embarrass Damon. When Damon was next to her, she found safety, knowing that he will take care of everything, but now that she was away from him, Talia was nervous.

Two older ladies started chatting with Kalina, and Mindy used an opening to skip the line for the restroom. Other women also turned to Kalina, and Talia followed Mindy's example focusing on why they came to the ladies' room.

When she was done with her business, Talia washed her hands and reapplied lip gloss while wondering what to do next.

Kalina was still surrounded by the women, and Mindy was on the other side, chatting with one posh woman, something related to charities.

Talia concluded that this might take a while and she contemplated if she should go back to their table or wait outside, where they agreed previously.

Seeing that a few women looked at her curiously, Talia decided to move immediately.

Talia didn't want anyone to approach her and start a small chat and this restroom provided semi-privacy which made some women bolder than they would be normally. The last thing Talia wanted was to end up in a confrontation with a woman who covets the position of Damon's Luna, or Damon's hookup, or Damon's anything.

In Talia's opinion, the hallway was safer because it was open, and Damon told her that there are security cameras.

Talia waved at Mindy while going out and Mindy gave her a nod, acknowledging that she saw her. Talia understood that Mindy will join her as soon as she is done chatting.

In the hallway, Talia found a spot where she was not in the way, yet not hidden either, and she waited for Mindy and Kalina to come out.

People moved through the hallway and Talia did her best not to initiate eye contact. She was good in diminishing her presence, but right now she was standing in a fancy gown and even if she stopped breathing, she would be a beautiful striking statue.

In order to ignore people who were stealing glances at her while passing, Talia closed her eyes and imagined Damon… his intense gaze… his smile that makes her heart skip a beat… and she was lost in daydreaming.

"Well, look who is here…", a familiar female voice pulled Talia out of her daze, and she turned to see two women approaching her.

Marcy and Nora.

It was Nora who spoke and the way she looked at Talia was a giveaway that Nora wanted revenge for Talia slamming the door in her face earlier that afternoon.

But Talia was more concerned about Marcy who was looking at Talia with surprise, confusion, and then hostility.

Marcy was vexed. She finally went to meet Kalina, and she was pleased that she managed to avoid Damon, only to hear from one of the Omega servers that Kalina went to the restroom. That's why Marcy and Nora came here.

Marcy didn't expect to bump into Damon's date (aka Talia) here. She didn't recognize her as the Omega from the attic of the Red Moon pack, but she was painfully aware how that's the woman who was dancing with Damon for everyone to see. The woman who caused everyone to look at Marcy like she was wearing a green hat.

How can Marcy hold her head high, as the princess of the Red Moon pack, as the future Luna of the Dark Howlers pack, when her husband-to-be is being lovey-dovey with some other woman? The other woman who was right here… in front of her.

Marcy took a deep breath and told herself not to create a scene, but she was not sure if she will be able to control her emotions and Nora's hostility was tangible.


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