The Alpha's Bride

Chapter 178 - Breakfast At The Lightclaw Pack [Bonus ]

Marcy observed three women at the table with Kalina, and she guessed based on their body language that they were about to leave.

She took that as her cue to act.

"I'm going to greet the future Luna of this pack.", Marcy told her mother in a low voice and started moving toward her destination.

Just as Marcy guessed, the three women stood up in slow motion and they were smiling and bobbing their heads and Marcy extended her steps so that someone else doesn't snatch her opening.

Marcy knew that her first impression was not positive, but Kalina was the new face in the Lightclaw pack and she definitely needs to create good connections as the future Luna, so Marcy was confident that Kalina won't do anything drastic and embarrass her.

Besides, Marcy didn't see Kalina as a best friend material. As two future Lunas, Kalina and Marcy will need to interact, but that will be politics and not friendship.

Right now, Marcy is the princess of the Red Moon pack, while Kalina is just Tony's mate, and considering the power of the Red Moon pack, Kalina will need to show respect. It's that simple.

With those thoughts, Marcy lifted her chin and strode confidently toward the table where Kalina was sitting with Tony.

Kalina was tired from fake pleasantries and her facial muscles were cramped in a smiling grimace.

If not for Tony sitting next to her through this socializing hell, Kalina would scream in mental agony half an hour ago.

'How much more of this torture?', Kalina wondered, and her eyes moved randomly to see Marcy walking that way.

It took Kalina a moment to connect from where Marcy looked familiar, as Talia's bully from the previous day. OK. Nora was doing most of the talking, but it was obvious that Nora and Marcy were together. Kalina wondered, where did the other one (aka Nora) go?

Kalina's insides tightened when she realized that Marcy was approaching her. Will she need to be polite to this woman also?

"Lia!", an excited shout came from the other side of the hall and Kalina spotted Mindy waving enthusiastically toward the main entrance.

Kalina's smile became genuine when she saw Talia and Damon entering the hall with Damon's arm around Talia's waist, holding her close to him possessively.

Talia's face lit up when she spotted Mindy and she glanced at Damon questionably to what Damon responded with a nod immediately and the duo moved toward the table where Mindy was sitting with Alpha Maddox.

Of course, Marcy also noticed this not-so-discreet appearance of Damon and Talia, and Marcy groaned internally at the thought that there will be another wave of talks about Alpha Damon and his date, and how Marcy's virtual hat was getting greener (if that's possible).

Marcy's neatly trimmed eyebrows came together in a frown when she realized that Kalina and Tony were on their feet, walking in the same direction as Talia and Damon.

"Excuse me!", Marcy called after Kalina. "I was hoping to get a chance to talk to you."

Kalina had difficulty peeling her eyes from the table where Mindy was sitting. Talia and Damon approached the table, and they were exchanging greetings with Mindy and Maddox, and then Damon pulled a chair for Talia to sit.

Kalina really wanted to go there, and she knew that Tony wanted that also.

Kalina took a moment to come up with a response for Mindy. "I apologize, but we need to take care of something important now. In one hour, I will be in the garden, available for anyone who wants to approach me. We can talk then…"

And with that, Kalina and Tony left without waiting for Marcy to respond.

Marcy's mood turned completely sour when she saw that Mindy, Talia, and Kalina hugged each other in greeting before they sat at the table, occupying all six available spots, and starting a lively chatter.

Damon, Maddox, and Tony went to get food, leaving three young women at the table.

It was obvious that Kalina, Talia, and Mindy were close as their interaction went beyond just exchanging pleasantries. Also, for the last hour, Kalina was sitting at the table, yet now she actually moved to another table in order to socialize.

Marcy gritted her teeth. How was that 'something important'!

Kalina just ditched her, in front of everyone!

Marcy spent a decade away from the Red Moon pack, so she didn't get a lot of princess treatment like some other Alpha daughters, but she still had her pride, and she was never this humiliated!

To add salt to an open wound, Marcy was left standing like an idiot only a few steps from what used to be Kalina's table.

Now what?

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Mindy glanced at Marcy and spoke to Kalina, "Are you sure your greeting session is over for the morning?"

Kalina let out a low groan, "If you ask me, it was over a long time ago, but others didn't get the memo." She narrowed her eyes at Mindy. "Lia has an excuse for not coming to our table because they just arrived, but I saw you coming here half an hour ago and ignoring me."

"You were obviously busy. If I went there to join you, I would be forced to listen to all those people sucking up to you. I chose to enjoy my breakfast. I like you, Lina, but not that much to spoil my meal."

Kalina was shocked by Mindy's response, but she didn't dislike it. "Brutally honest."

Mindy smirked. "If honesty is not to your liking, you are welcome to return to your previous table. I have no need to lie to you or anyone else."

"And that's why I came here.", Kalina said right away. She really didn't want to go back to that table.

Talia enjoyed this exchange between Mindy and Kalina. Both of them have spunk and some wild energy around them, and Talia found them refreshing.

"I am sorry you are leaving so soon." Kalina said to Mindy and glanced at Talia. "Both of you. Can you stay longer?"

They met only yesterday, but Kalina preferred chatting with Mindy and Talia over anyone else. Sure, there was Tony, but he had his things to take care of, leaving Kalina on her own with some random people.

Mindy rejected Kalina. "I have my schedule."

Kalina looked expectantly at Talia who shook her head with, "Sorry, Damon has a lot of work."

Kalina pursed her lips. "But you can stay, right? You can be my exclusive guest. Please?"

"No.", Damon grumbled from the side while approaching the table with two plates full of food. One for him and the other one for Talia.

An Omega was right behind Damon, carrying one orange juice for Talia and a coffee for Damon. Tony and Maddox were behind them with plates full of food in their hands.

Damon took a seat on his chair and scooted closer to Talia until their chairs touched.

He put his arm on the backrest of Talia's chair so that his hand rests on Talia's shoulder.

Damon didn't care a diddly-squat about hurting Kalina's feelings, but he could sense that Talia was not pleased with his response, so he spoke to Kalina.

"Don't try to separate me from Talia. Check with Tony when he will come to our pack for training. You are welcome to accompany him and then you can spend time with Talia." Damon noticed Talia's surprised expression, so he added. "Talia will be a wonderful host."

Talia liked this. A host. Kalina will come for a visit and Talia will be the host.

"Depending on when you visit Lia, maybe I make some space in my schedule, and the three of us can meet.", Mindy chimed in and continued with sparkles in her eyes, "Darkbourne has quite a number of places where we can hang out and there is a big human city nearby…"

Talia smiled brightly and said softly to Damon, "Thank you."

Damon could feel Talia's emotions and he was elated that Talia can be happy with so little. He knew that she didn't have friends so far and seeing her with Mindy and Kalina was much better than Talia mingling with a bunch of guys.

"So, when are we going to the Dark Howlers pack?", Kalina asked Tony excitedly.

Tony shrugged. "This will settle in a day or two and then we can see when Alpha Damon is available."

"Give me a call and we can come up with something.", Damon responded. "If you have someone close who is also interested, feel free to bring them along. Just tell us the numbers in advance so that Talia makes sure everyone is taken care of."

Tony nodded gratefully. He knew that Damon was talking about potential Beta and Gamma of the Lightclaw pack. Damon advised Tony to pick his helpers early and to establish good relationships before he becomes an Alpha at the head of the pack.

It took a moment for Talia to absorb Damon's words.

Damon wanted her to take care of the guests? That's a big deal!

Isn't that Stephanie's department? Will Stephanie be upset that she lost this important function?

But Damon said it in front of everyone, so it must be true.

Talia's heart fluttered from excitement.


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