The Alpha's Bride

Chapter 216 - Talk To Lisa [Bonus ]

In Lisa's room…

As soon as she returned from the kitchen, Lisa lathered her hands in a thick layer of moisturizer. All that water and dirt from dishes and cleaning the kitchen was ruining her perfect skin.

Once she settled down in her room, Lisa took her tablet and was checking online sources for the latest news related to Tony and Kalina. She knew that she shouldn't do that because it only increased her dejection, but it was like a deadly addiction she couldn't extricate herself from.

Since Lisa returned home, she is on her own. No one understands her. Those few who spoke to her said how she will get over it eventually and that she should move on, but Lisa didn't know where to start. Everything she knew was taken away from her and she was lost.

It didn't take long for Lisa to give in to her demons that whispered how she was suffering injustice, she was set up, everyone was mocking her, how nobodies like Kalina and Talia get Alphas to dote on them while Lisa was stuck in her room with only her misery for company.

Lisa gritted her teeth at the photo of Tony and Kalina who were gazing at each other lovingly, and there was a zoomed-in part of Kalina's neck that had reddish patterns, a clear indication that Tony's mark was forming on her skin.

For everyone, that mark signified that Kalina belongs to Tony, but for Lisa, that was a symbol of Tony being out of her reach... Lisa will not be the Luna of the Lightclaw pack. It's official.

Lisa knew that in two days Tony and Kalina will be in the packhouse.

Can Lisa stay in her room obediently and pretend not to exist when Tony and Kalina are enjoying their life? They will be one floor above her… only one floor.

Lisa's fury swelled. In the world of werewolves, staying on a higher floor signifies higher status, so even during this visit, the placement of their rooms will remind her that they are above her.

After a short knock, the door opened, and Lisa angrily whipped her head in that direction to see her mother.

"Why are you…?", Lisa's question directed at Stephanie was cut-off halfway when Lisa saw that Damon was one step behind Stephanie.

Damon wanted to talk to Lisa, and from his experience of dealing with hysteric women, Damon knew that he shouldn't be alone with Lisa. That would give her an opportunity to make up stuff. That's why he asked Stephanie to accompany him.

Lisa's room was on the first floor. It was a bedroom large enough for a twin-sized bed, a desk, a chair, and there was a sofa next to the wall. A sliding door was concealing a closet.

Rooms on the first floor didn't have their own bathrooms, but they shared one bathroom with three showers, three sinks, and three toilet stalls.

Those rooms were designated for Omegas who were maintaining the packhouse and staying there full-time, but since Damon took over as the Alpha, all those Omegas moved away, and Stephanie moved from the suite on the second floor she shared with her mate, to one of these bedrooms. With her husband gone, Stephanie didn't want to stay in a suite that was for the high-ranking members of the pack.

Seeing that Stephanie came to her room with Damon, Lisa quickly stood up to greet them. She guessed that it's important because Damon had never come to her room before.

"Please, sit.", Lisa said while gesturing toward the sofa.

Stephanie glanced at Damon who waved at her to go ahead.

"I will stand.", Damon said and stuffed his hands in the pockets of his pants.

Damon waited for Lisa to sit before saying, "I came here to address two things. The first one is about the guests that will be here in two days. Tony will come with Kalina. Are you prepared to face them, or do you have other arrangements?"

Lisa's brows furrowed. That morning, she went to the study to talk to Damon and see if that visit can be postponed (indefinitely), but Damon was not there, and then the next thing she heard was that there were rogues, and Talia was in the hospital and Damon was with her… and Lisa didn't get a chance to talk to Damon about this.

"So… they are coming?", Lisa asked without concealing her disappointment.

Damon glanced at Stephanie. "I thought you told her about this."

"I did.", Stephanie said quickly. "But Lisa didn't respond if she will be here or if she will be somewhere else during Tony's stay."

Damon nodded in understanding and turned to Lisa. "Well? If you want to leave, I will arrange a place for you. You need to tell me now because the time is running out. Do you want to stay somewhere else in the pack? We don't know how long they are staying, but it's safe to assume that it won't be less than one week. If you don't have friends where you can crash for such a long time, Maya can arrange for you one of the apartments that Omegas are using. Or do you want to go to your aunt's? Or… pick a place. I will book for you a room in a hotel. It will be fun."

"Fun.", Lisa repeated. "Outsiders are coming, and you are sending me away. How can that be fun?"

"No one is forcing you to leave, Lisa.", Damon said. "However, Tony is coming here on official business, as the next Alpha of the Lightclaw pack. If you stick around, we can assume that you will cross paths. Can you stay cool in his presence, and not make things awkward for Tony, Kalina, or anyone else?"

Lisa was dejected. She always got what she wanted, but now Damon spoke with finality, and it didn't seem it will work how she imagined.

Damon was welcoming Tony who discarded her, and even his newly-found mate (aka Kalina). And considering that Stephanie was forcing her to work in the kitchen, will she end up serving them food? Lisa was used to being served, and if she needs to serve her ex and his mate, that will be degrading!

But if she leaves, that will be admitting defeat.

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Lisa is a prideful she-wolf, and she was not willing to run with the tail between her legs but staying didn't seem like a good option either.

Why can't Damon just tell them not to come?

Where was that Damon who would buy her ice cream and chase away other kids so that Lisa can go on the swing?

It seems that the doting Damon was reserved for Talia only, and Lisa had difficulty accepting that.

"Can I tell you in the morning?", Lisa asked.

Damon shrugged. "Sure. You have until breakfast, or I will assume you don't need me to make arrangements for you. However, if you decide to stay, I will warn you not to make a scene, otherwise, there will be consequences. We can't put our personal grudges in front of the interest of the pack. As someone who is living in the packhouse, you need to think about our guests first and don't embarrass them or me. Do you understand?"

Lisa pressed her lips into a line and nodded.

"Good.", Damon said. "I came here for one more thing. What is your relationship with Talia?"

At this, both Lisa and Stephanie stiffened, and Damon didn't miss this. It's not that he doubted Caden's words, but seeing the reaction of mother and daughter confirmed that there is something going on… something he won't like.

"My relationship with Talia?", Lisa asked.

Damon cocked an eyebrow at Lisa. "This morning the two of you met in front of the study. Care to tell me about it?"

Lisa got defensive. "What did Talia tell you?"

"It doesn't matter what she said. I want to hear from you.", Damon said.

Lisa was not sure if this was a good thing or not. She saw with her own eyes how Damon was being lovey-dovey with Talia, but now he was here, asking for her opinion, so she assumed that he probably values whatever she had to say.

"I went to your study, to talk about Tony's visit, but you were not there. On my way out, I bumped into Talia. She offered me to convey the message, but then she started talking about how you are busy and that I shouldn't bother you with nonimportant things."

Lisa mixed in truth with some lies and she gauged Damon's expression, but he didn't move, so she became uneasy.

"Did I cross the line?", Lisa asked. "I know that Talia is your assistant, but she didn't seem to be very professional."

"Talia is assisting me. As for being professional, you should keep in mind that she started recently and is adjusting to her new role. In the near future, I will be giving her more responsibilities."

Seeing that Damon was not scolding her, Lisa decided to push things a bit further. "I am not sure if Talia can handle more. She is stumbling with simple things like being polite and showing respect."


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