The Alpha's Bride

Chapter 226 - The Honeymoon Phase

When Caden and Maya arrived in the study, they found Damon and Talia sitting on the floor, with their arms around each other and their lips connected as they exchanged light kisses. The two of them were obviously in their lovey-dovey bubble and didn't notice two newcomers.

"Should we come later?"

Caden's question got Damon's and Talia's attention and Talia scrambled up on her feet.

Talia's face was on fire, and she quickly turned away from the door while pretending to smoothen out the non-existing creases on her shirt.

Damon wanted to tell them that they should come later, but he knew that no matter when Caden and Maya came, they would interrupt them.

"This is fine", Damon responded while standing up. "I want to double-check the training plans for Tony and his men, and Talia needs Maya."

"How about lunch in one of the fine restaurants Darkbourne has to offer?", Maya suggested. "With Steph being away, our options are to eat out or make something ourselves."

"I don't mind preparing sandwiches for everyone.", Talia volunteered. With her limited experience in the kitchen, Talia was not confident in cooking something on her own, but sandwiches shouldn't be a problem. When she saw Maya's sour look, Talia explained, "We are all busy with last-minute preparations before guests arrive. I will make food and save time for everyone."

Maya was looking forward to lunch in the restaurant with Caden. Damon and Talia would be a bonus company if they want to join. Considering that most of the time they eat in the packhouse, and for lunch they grab something quick, eating in a restaurant leisurely would be novel.

But Maya knew that Talia had a valid point, so she gave up on the restaurant idea. "How can I allow my future Luna to work in the kitchen and prepare food for me? I will help you. It will be done faster."

Talia blinked. It took her a moment to remember that Maya and Caden know about her and Damon being mates. "I didn't know that being Luna impacts what I can do. My hands are still capable of cutting bread and toasting it."

Damon chuckled and moved to give Talia a light kiss on the lips that were swollen from all the previous kissing.

"And that's why you will be an amazing Luna.", Damon said and kissed her again before moving away with, "Let's deal with pressing matters first. As soon as we finish, we can relax." Damon beckoned Caden to come to his desk.

Maya approached Talia who went down to their business by explaining that there will be three extra guests, one for the packhouse, and two for the common building where Omegas are staying.

Maya quickly reached out to Rose with mind-link, instructing her to get another bedroom ready as soon as possible, and then they focused on settling down two Omegas.

"It would be good if Ivy and Lily can be close to where Dawn and Zina are. And as far away as possible from Lisa." Talia didn't want to take any risks.

If Lisa recognizes Ivy and Lily, who knows what might happen?

Maya thought for a moment before responding. "I think we can do that. But there are several buildings for Omegas and I'm not sure where Dawn and Zina are staying. I should get my laptop to pull out the list of tenants per each building."

"That should be recorded somewhere, right?", Talia asked. "We can access from my laptop."

Maya leaned over Talia and on Talia's laptop navigated to some file shares. "I don't think you have permission to see those. Alpha Damon needs to give you access."

"Remind me to do that later.", Damon said from his desk. "I'm going with Caden to check the additions to the training grounds, and we will be back in half an hour, tops. Until then, you can use my computer."

"Are you sure that's fine?", Talia asked Damon. She was nervous about using his computer. What if she messes up something?

"Of course, it's fine.", Damon assured her. "Nothing is off-limits for you, kitten."

Talia's eyes widened in shock. Did he just call her, kitten, in front of Maya and Caden? Ah! He did!

Luckily, Maya and Caden didn't react. Being lovey-dovey in private was one thing, but in front of others, it was overwhelming, and Talia hoped that Damon won't initiate public displays of affection when guests are present.

Damon gave Talia a few quick kisses before walking out of the study with Caden.

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"Relax and enjoy this honeymoon phase, Talia.", Maya said with a big smile on her face when it was just the two of them in the study.

Honeymoon phase? "Are you saying this will be over?"

"I don't know how long this will last, but eventually, the honeymoon phase will pass."

Talia had to ask, "And what happens when it's over?"

Maya's lips lifted into a wicked smile. "Then it's the marriage phase. Baby-making. Considering that Damon is an Alpha, his urge to extend his bloodline will be in overdrive and you probably won't come out of bed until you confirm pregnancy."

Maya burst into a fit of laughter when she saw Talia's expression. It was comical.

Talia was hoping that Maya was joking. Did she insinuate that Damon's libido will increase? Can she handle more than what he is giving her now?

Talia pressed her legs together. Why was her body heating up? This would be bad timing to get aroused!

"Stop teasing me!", Talia snapped. "Let's deal with accommodations for guests and then we can make sandwiches. Damon said they will be back in half an hour, and that will pass in no time."

Maya and Talia settled in front of Damon's computer, and Maya navigated to the share where files about the housing situation are.

"Maya?", Talia called. "Do you think it's fine for Steph to move away?"

Maya's movements halted and she wondered how much Damon told Talia. Maya didn't want to blurt out unnecessary information, so she kept her answer generic. "Steph did what she thought was the best solution for the given situation. Lisa is difficult. Steph didn't want to risk things escalating if Lisa flares in front of our guests." Or if she goes after Talia again.

Talia's brows furrowed in concern. "I fear that Steph will hate me. She lived here for a long time and now…"

"Don't worry about it.", Maya interrupted Talia. "Steph was an Omega before she found her mate. Caden told me that after Steph got marked, the Beta gene didn't transfer on her which made Steph stronger than an Omega, but not strong enough to get a rank. Yes, she lived in the packhouse, but only in order to accompany her mate. After Damon's parents perished, together with Steph's mate, she stayed here to help Damon in managing the packhouse. Steph told me more than once that she looks forward to the moment when Damon finds his Luna and Steph can hand over packhouse duties."

"But Steph doesn't know that Damon and I are… mates.", Talia said this last word with difficulty. It was strange to say it aloud.

"She doesn't need to know you are mates.", Maya said with amusement in her voice. "It's enough to see that you are reliable and that Alpha Damon trusts you. Now, stop overthinking because eventually, Lisa will get over it, guests will leave, and if Steph wants, I'm sure she can return to the packhouse. This situation is not necessarily permanent. Let's look at the accommodations before we go and whip up some tasty sandwiches for our boys."

Talia knew that Maya was right, but she still felt guilty. How can she look Stephanie in the eyes? Damon and Maya made it sound like Stephanie and Lisa moved because Tony and Kalina are visiting, and it's not like that's false, but Talia also knew that another factor was the friction between her and Lisa.

Talia forced herself to focus on the files that Maya was opening. There were floorplans with information on the rooms, square footage, amenities, and who is occupying the space. It was very detailed and in no time they picked a two-bedroom apartment that was on one floor below Dawn's and Zina's apartments. Luckily, that was in a separate building from where Stephanie and Lisa are living.

Maya's eyes lost focus as she instructed someone to tidy up that apartment so that it's ready for the guests.

"You maintain this?", Talia asked to what Maya smiled smugly.

"For now.", Maya responded. "As a Luna, you will take over these. I will help you until you find your assistants."

Panic swelled within Talia. "Won't you assist me?" Somehow, Talia imagined that Maya will be by her side. Maya is smart, confident, and knowledgeable about everything, and if Talia needs to do any of Maya's duties, she will definitely mess up big time.

Maya was not sure how to answer this. "I will assist you, but I would like to shrink my duties so that I can focus more on Caden. We were thinking about starting a family, but there was never the right time for it because we are both very busy."


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