The Alpha's Bride

Chapter 233 - A Jealous Woman

Author's note:

Thank you very much!


Talia's endless regret mixed with panic. How can it end like this? She won't allow it. Not without a fight.

She closed her eyes and relaxed while trying to feel which way is up, when a sudden force pulled her to the right, and it took her a moment to realize that someone was holding onto her wrist.

Talia's eyes snapped open, and she saw a familiar figure in the water.


Talia moved toward Damon frantically and clung onto him like a koala, making sure not to obstruct his arms and legs so that he can take them out of that watery hell.

She was counting her heartbeats and paying attention to the scarce amount of oxygen she had in her lungs. Surely, she won't drown easily. Even without her wolf, she is still a werewolf, for crying aloud!

Both Talia and Damon gasped for air when their heads emerged above water.

Talia observed that they were between a thick stream of water and a massive rock formation, and it took her a moment to realize they were behind the waterfall that created a noisy privacy curtain, shielding them from prying eyes and ears.

Damon reached to hold onto a nearby rock that was sticking out of the water. It was difficult to stay afloat in those turbulent waters.

"What got into you!? How can you be so reckless!?", Damon shouted at Talia through the noise. "Why did you jump!?"

Talia looked at Damon and smiled goofily. She is alive! And he is alive as well! Isn't life beautiful?

Damon was about to yell at Talia more, when he heard her say, "I love you, Damon Blake."

Talia spoke softly, but her voice reached him clearly over the clamor the waterfall created, maybe because she spoke to his soul.

Damon's handsome brows came together in a confused frown. How is he supposed to scold her now? Talia said that she loves him, and her emotions confirmed that. It was more than just love. It was trust and acceptance, and he knew that she forgave him. At least in her heart.

A big burden fell off his chest, and he leaned his forehead on hers.

They were floating in the water while relishing the happiness both of them felt and there was a moment when their eyes met and the whole world stopped.

Damon moved to kiss her lips and Talia tilted her head to avoid him.

Damon was exasperated. Now what?

Talia punched his shoulder weakly. "You big dum-dum. Aren't you the Alpha of the largest pack in North America? So many people are depending on you. How can you play with your life?"

Damon wanted to say how he wouldn't die from that fall, even if there was no water below, but he kept those words for himself because if Talia finds out about that, she might be upset at him again.

He understood that Talia was this clingy because she thought his life was in danger. He can roll with that.

"How can I think about the pack when you are rejecting me?", Damon spoke with all the sincerity in the world. "Nothing makes sense without you, kitten." This was the truth.

Talia looked at him incredulously. "First of all, I am not rejecting you. I was upset and needed time to sort out my thoughts. And second... did you need to jump like that? Don't you know how dangerous that was!?"

"If you knew it's dangerous, why did you jump?"

Talia's chin trembled. "Didn't you say that we should do everything together? How can we be together if I don't follow you?"

Damon smiled at her words. Instead of running away, his kitten decided to follow him. That was definitely a move in the right direction.

He inched closer to Talia, and he smiled when she didn't avoid his lips. He got a kiss! Talia was obviously holding back something, but she didn't push him away either.

After a few kisses full of longing, Damon asked, "What's on your mind?"

"A long time ago I learned not to expect anything good from people because I only get disappointed. I have no idea how or why, but I started relying on you. If you…", Talia couldn't finish.

Damon pulled Talia closer and held her tightly against his body. He could feel her emotions clashing. Her reasoning was backed up by years of abuse and neglect, and her emotions hung on a thin thread of hope that he won't hurt her.

They were both emotionally damaged, but their rough edges fit together perfectly.

"The mate bond is new for both of us, and I will lie if I tell you I know what's coming.", Damon said. "But I know that I won't disappoint you. You are my everything. I will always have your back."

Talia looked up at Damon and gave him an ugly smile while fighting against sobs that bubbled inside her chest. She was glad that the waterfall mist was everywhere, and it concealed tears that streamed down her face.

Happiness. Fear. Hope.

He was her everything also, and with every second under that waterfall, Talia's defensive walls crumbled to reveal her fragile heart that he could easily crush and destroy her completely.

She needed assurance that he won't do it.

She needed assurance that he will cherish what they have.

No more nasty videos and fondling other women.

"If I catch you with another woman, I will burn your packhouse to the ground with you in it."


Damon grinned. Talia was claiming him as hers.

"OUR packhouse, kitten.", he corrected her. "And we have a deal. If I ever touch any other woman, I will provide gasoline."

Damon moved to kiss her lips and he was delighted that there was no more reservation from her side.

It felt like forever since they kissed properly and Damon was pleasantly surprised at the intensity with which Talia started tugging on his shirt, to untuck it from his pants.

Feeling her arousal, Damon swiftly scanned the surroundings before moving them closer to the cliff, and he was quick to find the right spot between rocks where he can gain his footing and avoid the possibility of being swept away with currents.

Talia had no idea when Damon tore her panties, but she saw a streak of light green disappearing into the rowdy waters, never to be found again. Her skirt was already up and fluttering around her in the water and she felt his fingers gliding between her folds as he positioned his erection at her entrance.

Damon's heart soared as things fell into place. He was inside Talia as she embraced him with her arms and legs, and everything was back to how it should be… Damon and Talia were one.

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Damon and Talia were lazing on the soft grass that grew at the riverbank next to the waterfall, allowing the hot summer sun to dry their disheveled damp clothes that they didn't bother removing.

Damon was on his back and Talia's head was on his chest with her arm around his waist.

The lush deep green grass rose around them, creating a natural privacy shield and an illusion that they were the only ones in the world.

"Let's not do this again.", Talia said.

Damon cocked an eyebrow questionably. "Which part?"

"Arguing. Jumping into the waterfall.", Talia said guiltily. It was her fault because she couldn't control her wolf who sparked their fallout, and it's not that Talia didn't agree with her wolf, but if she focuses on the negative things, it will ruin everything good. And there was so much good to enjoy.

Damon agreed with Talia. He didn't want to argue either.

He kissed her forehead and thought about what caused this mess.

"I will delete all files that might upset you.", Damon said with finality.

Damon didn't need those files anymore, and he forgot about them, but then… he forgot about many things since he recognized Talia as his mate.

It was just like jumping into the waterfall, when he faced something daunting, all the noise disappeared, leaving only important things in focus. Like Talia.

"You don't need to delete them.", Talia said. She wanted all that gone, but she also knew he held that 'Evidence' in case one of those women comes after him again.

"I want to.", Damon said with all the seriousness in the world. "You are the only woman in my life, the only one in my heart, and you will be the only one on my hard drive. There will be no more games. I am about to get married and I don't want to risk upsetting my wife. I am grateful that she accepted me despite my dirty deeds, but that doesn't mean she will tolerate if random things remind her that her husband has a past full of mistakes." His lips lifted into a smile. "You see... my Mrs. Blake is a jealous woman."


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