The Alpha's Bride

Chapter 235 - The Shocking Truth (1)

~ the Red Moon Pack ~

Earlier that day…

Marcy was in the dining room of the Red Moon Pack, having breakfast with her father (aka Alpha Edward), her mother (aka Luna Layla), her brother (aka James), Beta Raymond (aka Nora's father), and Nora.

Other than the crisp clinking of the utensils, the dining room was silent. Luna Layla insisted that people shouldn't talk during a meal, because no one should talk with their mouth full of food.

Unless they had guests, their mealtimes were quiet occasions.

However, the absence of people's voices didn't mean that they didn't communicate through their mind-link.

Marcy could see that they would pause their movements occasionally or make faces, which was an obvious sign of an ongoing conversation.

It was normal for Alpha Edward and Beta Raymond to mind-link each other. Marcy guessed that they were discussing issues related to the pack, but this time even Nora exchanged a few meaningful glances with Alpha Edward. Since when was Nora important enough to talk like that with Marcy's father?

Marcy was happy that they kept her out of the pack's business, which meant that no one would talk to her.

Since rejecting George, Marcy's wolf was getting weaker by the day, and that caused her mind-link to falter sometimes. It was like making a phone call when one's phone has bad reception. Marcy believed that once Alpha Damon marks her, her wolf will stop sulking and things will get back on track. Actually, with an Alpha's venom in her system, she should get a power boost. That's just one of many perks she will get as Damon's Luna.

"Marcy? Marcy!?", Luna Layla called.

Marcy's head snapped in her mother's direction. "What?"

"Why are you not responding to the mind-link?"

Marcy didn't want to admit she has problems because that would mean she needed to reveal that she found her mate (and rejected him). "I was just thinking something. What is it?"

Luna Layla frowned impatiently. "I was asking if you want to join us. I'm going with Gabriella and Natalie for some shopping, a spa, and lunch. We should be back mid-afternoon."

Marcy was not eager to spend the day with her mother and her girlfriends. Pampering and shopping sounded nice, but those three will end up talking about the latest gossip, and everyone was still buzzing about the Luna announcement ceremony at the Lightclaw pack, which meant they will discuss topics that are unpleasant for Marcy.

Who cares about the future Luna of the Lightclaw pack? Kalina ignored Marcy more than once, and after numerous attempts to approach Kalina, Marcy got less than a minute of exchanging empty pleasantries. How frustrating!

And even worse was the topic of Alpha Damon and the woman he brought with him as a date.

"I would love to join you, mother.", Marcy lied with the best smile she could muster. "Unfortunately, at nine-thirty AM I have scheduled video conference with the chef who teaches baking, and today we will discuss multi-layered pastries." Marcy knew that her mother won't investigate because she never paid attention to what Marcy was doing outside parties. "If I miss this session, the next one will be in two weeks. His schedule is packed and I waited for my slot for more than a month."

With that, Luna Layla gave up on convincing Marcy to go with them.

After finishing her meal, Marcy went to her room, to find solace in reading online novels. Marcy was picking novels with storylines that start with the heroine being trapped and looking for a way out. Something like modern-day Repunzel.

Since Marcy arrived home from Europe, she realized that her father is set to use her in order to expand his influence, her mother is his silent accomplice, and after Alpha Damon's visit, Marcy knew that Nora is NOT her friend. With her brother being only fifteen years-old, and not interested in anything beyond training, Marcy was on her own. That meant that she needed to watch her own back.

She carefully picked a handful of Omegas and gave them benefits in exchange for information and small favors.

Anna (aka Talia's main ex-bully) became one of Marcy's informants, and thanks to Anna, Marcy knew when who was doing what in the packhouse.

Anna was happy to work for Marcy because Marcy convinced Luna Layla that Anna should be in charge of the second floor. That was definitely a promotion and Anna was ecstatic because other than an upgrade in status, she also got five Omegas to work for her, so Anna's duties consisted of telling others what to do and inspecting it when it was over.

It was shortly before 10 AM when a knock on the door got Marcy's attention and based on the knocking pattern, Marcy knew that Anna was on the other side.

"Come in!"

"Do you have something for me?", Marcy asked as soon as Anna closed the door behind her.

Marcy didn't like that Anna would always come to deliver information in person, even for the small insignificant things. Marcy had a guess that Anna wanted others to see her coming in and out of Marcy's room. It was proof that Anna is important.

More than once, Marcy wanted to set boundaries to what information Anna should deliver in person, but she feared that Anna will misinterpret it (or retaliate), and that might cause Marcy to miss on something important. No matter how annoying Anna's behavior was, she was Marcy's biggest resource and Marcy didn't want to risk offending her.

Anna stood in attention in front of Marcy and nodded resolutely before responding with, "You told me to keep an eye on Nora and to notify you if she is alone with Alpha Edward. They are alone. In the lounge on the second floor."

"Good job. Thank you, Anna.", Marcy said while scooting off her bed. Seeing that Anna was not moving, Marcy gestured toward the door. "You can leave. If you find anything else out of place, let me know."

Anna bowed a little and left the room.

Marcy frowned. Why was Anna dragging her feet? She was an Omega, a servant. Marcy hoped that Anna didn't think about them being friends or something.

Marcy snorted. What friends? Anna was doing this for benefits, and Marcy knew that if anyone gives Anna more benefits, the latter will switch sides without blinking. Actually, maybe Anna is working as a double agent and informing someone about Marcy's movements.

But there was nothing incriminating. Marcy was careful. Even if Anna discloses what she was doing for Marcy, there shouldn't be anything wrong with just wanting to know what's going on in the packhouse, right? Marcy can spin that into a story of how she is preparing to be an effective Luna of the Dark Howlers pack.

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Marcy confirmed that Anna was out of sight before making her way toward the lounge on the second floor through the empty hallways.

The Omegas who are assigned duties in the packhouse completed their work for the morning, so it was easy to move around without attracting curious eyes.

It's not that Marcy cared if anyone sees her going into the lounge, but she hoped to keep this low-key because only like that she will get a chance to figure out what is Nora up to.

Marcy knew that Nora was not her friend and that Nora was working for Marcy's parents with the main task to keep an eye on Marcy. That was not new.

Another thorn in Marcy's side was Nora's reputation as a she-wolf who was attracted to high-ranking werewolves. Just that wouldn't be a big deal because Marcy didn't care how Nora lives her life, but Marcy was painfully aware that Alpha Damon belonged to the queue of Nora's hookups. And it happened when Alpha Damon visited them to discuss his marriage with Marcy. Despicable!

On top of that, since Nora returned early from the party at the Lightclaw pack, leaving Marcy with Luna Layla behind, Marcy suspected that her father and Nora were plotting something even more sinister.

Marcy picked up subtle hints where Nora and Alpha Edward would exchange meaningful glances like they know something Marcy doesn't, but there was no way that Marcy would say anything about it without proof. Actually, even with proof, Marcy would probably stay silent but knowing what's coming would help her to prepare countermeasures.


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